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do you like the idea of bird statues?

  • I really like this idea! good job, nintendo!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Either works for me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • can we go back to button saving? Please?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


one of many
Sep 27, 2011
Talking to the other zellinkdas
sorry if someone made a thread like this but...

Do you like the bird statue saving method in SS? A part about it in my opinion is being able to warp when you come to a region if you're dropping down from the sky. but i don't feel that it's all that when my brain is dead, and i just want to save and shut off for the rest of the day. what do you think? Do you like the idea of bird statues, or do you prefer to press start and save and quit?

PLEASE NOTE: in your reply please please please if you are going to include a spoiler, i and some others have yet to finish the game. please put SPOILER at the beginning of your post. thank you


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I prefer to be able to save anywhere anytime, but the bird statues didn't bother me. The statues are plentiful and well-spaced so it didn't make a big difference. It's not a bad idea by any means, but I think it makes more sense to be able to save and warp whenever you want. For warping it's not very convenient that you have to go somewhere in order to get to the place you want to go as opposed to just warping straight from wherever you are as in other games. It wasn't very annoying though because of how many statues there are. Intuitively it just makes more sense to be able to save or warp from anywhere because that would be equivalent to having statues literally everywhere. So it's limiting you for no reason.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I disliked it because it felt utterly stupid. Just put warp points that are activated upon interacting with them. Nintendo tried to put a reference to MM by putting a rather annoying save system, but they attempted to "polish" it by placing many save statues everywhere. For that reason, I suggest this:

  • Button Saving: Press the start button (or Gear or whatever), press Cancel, select Save and Continue or Save and Quit, bam you're done.
  • Warp Points if need be: I realize quickwarping is the thing of this century, and there's nothing wrong with that (after all, I loved Song of Soaring and the many warp songs of OoT, not to mention the IMO correctly placed warp points in TP). However, do not try to place a save system on top of that.

The save system in SS wasn't bad, but it felt stupid. Why place so many save spots when you can just leave warp spots and give us the option to save wherever we're at? At that point, all you have to do is load the file and you'll appear at the closest warp point, or if inapplicable because you haven't activated a warp point, start at the beginning of that area.


Dec 24, 2011
Eldin Volcano
I prefer the statues just because you never get warped to the beginning of a dungeon when you're like right before the boss and I just like save + warp point combinations in this game.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
the birds were regular enough so that you could quickly save no matter where you are. with some games that have save points, there are every now and then so, should you die or need to stop playing, you have to re-do a lot of stuff but with SS that wasn't the case


I hated it at first but got used to it. There are a lot of them around so it's not so bad. ...maybe I should stop playing when the kids are up. lol
Jan 1, 2012
Either is fine. As said previously, there are a lot of them so it's not a big deal. Heck, you usually have one right in front of a dungeon entrance, and then one as soon as you enter.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I like both of them, but I actually don't expect the save statues to carry over. The whole point of them being the save points was so we could save in specific spots in an area that wasn't connected to the other provinces. Making them the warp points was an accent to that, and that was a neat idea. However, again, I think it was just a one-time thing. Reason being it fit the overworld style of Skyward Sword, but I can't see that kind of overworld style coming back with the sky not being the means of getting from province to province. It just wouldn't fit right. I would like it if both styles of saving were in the next Zelda title, but I highly doubt the save points will return. (At least for now.)

The save system in SS wasn't bad, but it felt stupid. Why place so many save spots when you can just leave warp spots and give us the option to save wherever we're at? At that point, all you have to do is load the file and you'll appear at the closest warp point, or if inapplicable because you haven't activated a warp point, start at the beginning of that area.

While I wouldn't call it stupid, I agree with your general statement. Why leave out the traditional style entirely? I was kinda disappointed both the save points and the traditional save system weren't in the game, but I know one reason why Nintendo did what they did. SS was an extremely prototypical Zelda what with all the new ideas being introduced. They wanted to see if we liked it or not, and, for the most part, it's received positive feedback. Fans clearly want the old style to return, though. It was a bit annoying having to occasionally hunt down one of those statues just to save the game.
Feb 23, 2011
I subscribe to Vanitas' and JJ's points. But I'll add my two cents. One thing that I really disliked about the Save Statues was the fact that they saved location, but not such important things as recovery items (potions, fairies). It was a bit irksome when I died during a boss fight, only to awake to find out that my recovery items were gone, leaving me with no option but to warp return to Skyloft to purchase more. I recall instances when I've run out of arrows and such as well. This can become exceedingly annoying and tedious to some players, especially if they face multiple deaths. That said, I think it would have been nice if simple button-saving made a return, or perhaps a similar method could have been implemented into the Save Statues. Overall, this was not a huge deal for me (IMO), and I selected the neutral option on the poll. However, I guess it's fortunate to others that SS's save system is likely a temporary method put in place to fit its style, and will likely not be featured in future Zelda titles.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
One thing that I really disliked about the Save Statues was the fact that they saved location, but not such important things as recovery items (potions, fairies). It was a bit irksome when I died during a boss fight, only to awake to find out that my recovery items were gone, leaving me with no option but to warp return to Skyloft to purchase more.

The traditional save system wasn't any different with this. If you didn't save before a boss fight (or any fight, for that matter), you were started back at a set location with the amount of items you had when you died, including used fairies. Of course, there was a way around it by actually saving before or during a fight, but that's not my main point right now. My point is it's not just the statues that have done this to us.
Feb 23, 2011
The traditional save system wasn't any different with this. If you didn't save before a boss fight (or any fight, for that matter), you were started back at a set location with the amount of items you had when you died, including used fairies. Of course, there was a way around it by actually saving before or during a fight, but that's not my main point right now. My point is it's not just the statues that have done this to us.

Yeah, I think Nintendo should have looked into those previous save methods to find any flaws (such as the item thing), and then improve or omit them from Skyward Sword. (Maybe they did?) The fact that the old methods have worked in the past might not be [is probably not] enough to think it will work in SS, seeing as it has a different "style" which strays away from the traditional exploration. In other words, the Save Statues should have been seen as improvements, not the status quo or worse. I guess what's considered an improvement is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to the Zelda series.

Slightly off-topic: Thinking back, I recall a time when some fans complained about the Owl Statues in Majora's Mask. I thought they were great. But those fans would probably freak if they knew that the Japanese version of said game featured simple button-saving the likes of OoT. lol
Feb 23, 2011
I don't see how losing your items is a flaw for either saving system...
You've used the items before the gameover so when you then choose to carry on the game after it you don't have them because you've used them. A simply way to get around it is to save/find a bird statue just before you enter a boss fight. Then if you die, just reset the system and try again. I suppose they could make it so that when you re-spawn you are given all the items you had at your last save, but that would just be ridiculously easy to abuse.

I agree with those methods, and I've used those as well; not a big deal (to me.) :yes: However, I can also see why others might find fault in them (or become flustered.) I still think it stands that Skyward Sword could have improved on the save system a bit. I think it would have been great if you could start at the save point with all items and hearts intact as if you've never entered the boss. [noparse]:)[/noparse]


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The traditional save system wasn't any different with this. If you didn't save before a boss fight (or any fight, for that matter), you were started back at a set location with the amount of items you had when you died, including used fairies. Of course, there was a way around it by actually saving before or during a fight, but that's not my main point right now. My point is it's not just the statues that have done this to us.

Yeah, but at least with the traditional system you could save anytime you wanted without scurrying in search for a statue. The optional feature worked better for me in that aspect, but I've gotten used to the Save Statues as well. They are hardly an inconvenience when wanting to save because of how well-positioned they are while they aren't all cluttered together. It's still smooth, and it still feels like Zelda.

Additionally, it brings back memories of Majora's Mask...


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Yeah, but at least with the traditional system you could save anytime you wanted without scurrying in search for a statue. The optional feature worked better for me in that aspect, but I've gotten used to the Save Statues as well. They are hardly an inconvenience when wanting to save because of how well-positioned they are while they aren't all cluttered together. It's still smooth, and it still feels like Zelda.

Additionally, it brings back memories of Majora's Mask...

Continuing this train of thought, isn't it almost undeniable that a traditional save system is superior if it brings you back to the exact place that you were at when you were saving. Why isn't that possible and why hasn't a Zelda game done that? Clearly having to backtrack to where you were in OOT, WW, and TP wasn't ideal, and clearly being restricted to where you can save in SS isn't ideal (didn't say MM because you could save while resetting time so technically you could save whenever- most of the time it wasn't convenient to do so though). Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

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