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Saved Over My Bloody File!

May 11, 2011
I finished windwaker yesterday finally :D

However, after the ending had finished, it asked me if I wanted to save my game... so I did, and I saved over my current file. I did not realise that all my progress would be lost (all items gone and back to 3 hearts etc), and I'd have to start the whole game all over again on the 'second quest'.

I guess it doesn't matter that my file is gone because I have finished it, but I usually like to keep my progress saved... is there any way to get my file back?


Jan 24, 2011
probs russia
no. im reaaallly sorrry i dont know.
i have a LOT of experences with saveover files, and non of them end well.....


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
When you save over for the new game plus, it is pretty much the same as deleting your current file. Your old file is gone for good, there is no way to restore it.
However, it's not all bad, some items like the color pictobox carry over, the Nintendo gallery and you receive some bonuses like Hylian to English in some cutscenes, you also play the next journey entirely in your blue pajamas.


Jan 19, 2011
I'm afraid that there is no way to get it back... Unless, you could maybe hack your memory card, but I have no idea how to do that, and hacking is wrong!
May 11, 2011
Darn it :(
All my progress gone just like that.

Oh well, I suppose it could be worse - at least I can say I finished the game anyway. Every cloud.... lol


Infinite Dreamer
Nov 21, 2010
Storybrooke, Maine
Darn it :(
All my progress gone just like that.

Oh well, I suppose it could be worse - at least I can say I finished the game anyway. Every cloud.... lol

Don't worry about it too much~ ^^ At the very least, you finished the game when you lost the file....it's much more frustrating to lose the file when you're about 3/4 way through the game, because you have to start over just to get back to the point you were at (yes, this has happened to me...^^)

Anyway, just think to yourself that if you did it once, you can do it again. You will be able to experience all the fun again from the beginning~ :) Ontop of that, going through it a second time around actually allows you to be more thorough and improve your methods for for the way you choose to play the game. You'll probably discover many new things that escaped your attention previously.
Rather than a setback, think of this as an opportunity! :)

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