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Rumour- One Zelda game on Switch per year

There's been a rumour doing the rounds recently that Nintendo would like release a Zelda game each year on the Switch.

This wouldn't be too difficult to do if we include 2D, 3D, spin offs and ports.

Nintendo want to ride the Switch for at least seven years and we're already almost done with year two.

If we only have five years left with one Zelda game a year we'd potentially have;

1. The Wind Waker HD
2. Twilight Princess HD
3. An original 2D Zelda game
4. An original 3D Zelda game
5. A Zelda spin off

And a potential sixth game possibly being Skyward Sword HD

Would a Zelda game a year be something you'd want?

Do you think this rumour has potential to be true?


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I'm a little indifferent.

I'd love tons of good Zelda content on the system frequently, but annual franchises tend to end up lackluster, like Assassin's Creed, but I think a spin off every now and again, or maybe alternating something like: Major 3D Title, Spin-off/remake, Major 2D title, Spin-off/remake, etc. could work? I hope to see another 2D Zelda game akin to ALBW, where it has some pretty good looking graphics, but still has the charm of 2D games, and I sort of see the 2D and 3D Zeldas almost as their own thing. When Nintendo moved all its focus to just the Switch, it sort of had me worried that 2D Zelda would be put on the backburner because I feel like home console games with that overhead focus without the Z-axis as a focus are a little harder to sell to the general public. Home console? I want a 3D game, I mean, it makes sense. 2D Zelda really hit its stride on handheld systems, and it's been going strong since the Gameboy era, and while the Switch can do it both ways, I dunno, I think you'd have to market a new Zelda of that style at a lower price. Paying 60 bucks for a game with the same size and scope as ALBW would feel like a steep price, but at the same time, I don't want Nintendo to think there's no interest in those games, so if they'd wanna market it at around the 40 dollar price range, then I think it'd work.

That was sort of its own tangent, but I think that'd be about the only way I'd be cool with Zelda becoming an annual thing. The series has a lot of range, and I'd want that range to be taken advantage of to its full potential, not just watered down versions of the same game each year.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I hope they don't bring TPHD and WWHD to the switch, they are the only reasons I still own a Wii U.
I'd like to see it go like this:

2. Major original 2D game
3. Majora's Mask/Ocarina of Time (either one) HD
4. Major original 3D game
5. Spin Off
Oct 31, 2018
Hyrule Castle
That'd be awesome, only if the games are good and a year is enough time for each. I 100% agree with Attila on the OoT/MM HD, now that, that would make my decade.

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
I would love for a zelda a year, I've been dreaming of that since forever. More ports though? GOD no! I've had enough of those. I crave something new. If Assassin's creed and CoD can release a new game every year, Zelda certainly can.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
A lot of people in this thread don't seem to realize there has been at least one Zelda game every year since 2013.

2013 - TWW HD/ALBW
2014 - HW
2015 - TFH
2016 - TP HD
2017 - BotW
2018 - HW DE

This is just continuing that trend, which I think is fine. Remakes and spin-offs will pad out the time between main releases.

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