If you don't write a fanfic about it, Shadsie, I will.
In my current "epic-style" fanfic about the colonization/re-colonization of Hyrule, I was thinking of making the upcoming "Gondo-chapter" be one where Gondo *tries* to do this... but fails at it because, unlike Scrapper, who was kept on Skyloft so that his parts really only needed a good lube-job for his revival, the sand, heat and rust damage to the "wild" robots down in the desert was too much. He still tries, though.
The more I think about it, the whole thing with the robots and the desert inserts a rather deep theme on mortality into the game. I'm not sure Nintendo *meant* to be philosophical, I think they just meant to make a fun game and thought the robots would be a fun gameplay aspect, but, man, when you read into it... I think people are doing something right when their stories display little bits of depth without them even trying at it.