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Reasons This Game is Not a 10/10

Jun 22, 2011
1. Unskippable cutscenes
2. Dialogue that cannot be skipped through
3. Only one Sheikah Stone in the entire game, sucks if you're stuck on a puzzle and need to go all the way back to Skyloft
4. Motion controls need to be very precise, wonderful when they work but there have been quite a few moments where I end up striking in a diagonal direction instead of horizontal or vertical
5. Silent Realm is a missed opportunity, there isn't much of any threat here, but there should have been
6. No voice acting
7. Still starts you with 6 hearts after you die, even when many save points have a chair near them (sitting in a chair slowly replenishes hearts) so whats even the point of not just starting you at full health, is this hard to program or something
8. that FREAKING STUPID beeeping sound when you're low on hearts is still here

Granted, I'd still say this is a 9/10 and the best Zelda to date, but a 10/10 is taking the fanboyism too far. Zelda is more of a "dependably good" series.. none of the games are perfect in any way, but you know they'll never be bad, either. Lanayru Province in particular is some of the most clever stuff you'll ever find in a Zelda game.
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Jul 25, 2011
In the US
3. I would not have a problem with that.

4. I did not expect them to get it to work perfectly but to work enough to where they are not bad.

5. There was not a threat in the twilight world when you had to collect the tears of light.

6. It is Zelda I highly doubt they will ever have voice acting. If they do then I want Link to be silent or have a good voice actor.

8. That has always been in Zelda. It is suppose to get your attention when your health is low. Yes it is annoying but you do tune it out after awhile. The only time I know my health is low is when Link stops or he dies.

1 and 2 do not annoy me. It will get old to sit through them over and over but the ones in TP and OoT have yet to get old.

And I don't really understand 7.

Few things bother me and only two would bother me and that would be the motion controls and the silent realm. I highly doubt any game is perfect. I think there will always be something in a game that is annoying to people.
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Jun 22, 2011
How do unskippable cutscenes not bother you? If you're dying to a boss more than once or twice, you need to watch that cutscene again.. and again.. and again. It adds up to annoyance.


Sep 21, 2011
Under a freeway.
1. Unskippable cutscenes

7. Still starts you with 6 hearts after you die, even when many save points have a chair near them (sitting in a chair slowly replenishes hearts) so whats even the point of not just starting you at full health, is this hard to program or something
so what just dont use the chair to get hearts.DUH
Jul 25, 2011
In the US
How do unskippable cutscenes not bother you? If you're dying to a boss more than once or twice, you need to watch that cutscene again.. and again.. and again. It adds up to annoyance.

I guess I have watched TP's and OoT's so many times that it doesn't bother me. I have died from two of OoT's bosses and had to watch the cutscenes again and since I have played OoT a total of 7 times and played TP 4 times I got use to the cut scenes. That is why it doesn't really bother me that much. But I can see your point though having to watch them over and over after dying a lot. I might change my mind after playing it.

OoT and MM don't have skippable cutscenes.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
1. Unskippable cutscenes- why would you want to skip cutscenes, you might miss something important and lose part of the story in the process
2. Dialogue that cannot be skipped through- again stuff important to the story should not be able to be skipped
3. Only one Sheikah Stone in the entire game, sucks if you're stuck on a puzzle and need to go all the way back to Skyloft- beats getting up and going online to get help though.
4. Motion controls need to be very precise, wonderful when they work but there have been quite a few moments where I end up striking in a diagonal direction instead of horizontal or vertical- I can see how this could be annoying
5. Silent Realm is a missed opportunity, there isn't much of any threat here, but there should have been- I hoped for it to be a challenge so this point will also be one to consider when I write a review of the game.
6. No voice acting- this should have been implemented back when TP came out and is a point I would agree with. Nintendo's lack of voice acting has caused many to believe that that is part of what defines the games. Trust me the transition to voice acting will be made as Aounuma said, and when the transition is made there are those who will be dissapointed.
7. Still starts you with 6 hearts after you die, even when many save points have a chair near them (sitting in a chair slowly replenishes hearts) so whats even the point of not just starting you at full health, is this hard to program or something-This is annoying, as it means travelling to get hearts, taking away from the experience
8. that FREAKING STUPID beeeping sound when you're low on hearts is still here- well that is something that is in all zelda's and adds to the panicky feeling you get when you are dying.
Jul 25, 2011
In the US
I have a question. Why is voice acting important to have in any game including Zelda?

And when did he say there was going to be voice acting?

I don't care if there is voice acting as long as Link either stays quiet or has a good voice actor.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
1.) I'm pretty sure I've seen the option of pressing the "2" button to skip the cutscenes.

2.) So? Neither did OoT 3D. The point is so you don't miss anything.

3.) Your point? It's a trade-off. If you want help without using a walkthrough, you have to sacrifice time instead of trying to figure it out yourself. And it's better than nothing. Would you rather not have it in the game?

4.) You probably didn't calibrate it properly. Even if you did, after long stretches of play, it gets a little off-center. That's when you press down on the D-pad to recalibrate it. The instructions tell you this very clearly.

5.) The point of it is a puzzle challenge. It's about planning out where you want to go, not avoid the Guardians the entire time. That would be way too difficult and nearly impossible. It also depends on the player. Those who are better at this kind of thing will finish it with ease. Others, not so much.

6.) Seriously? That's no reason at all. At all. That's about as legit as complaining that Link never has lines.

7.) I don't see the problem in this. The chair is there for before you die, not after.

8.) ..........Ok, that's just a personal complaint and not a reason to lower the score of the game. It's there to alert you that your health is low. If you don't like it, get over it. Seriously.

Giving a game a 10/10 has nothing to do with fanboyism. It's about what positive aspects there are to make the game worthy of the rating. 10/10 doesn't mean perfect. If that's what you think, then you need to reconsider. No game is perfect. A 10/10 just means it's an amazing game with little flaws that can be easily overlooked, which is what Skyward Sword is.
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
1. Unskippable cutscenes- Well that's one thing Twilight Princess has over this game. I agree that this is stupid-if people want to watch the cutscenes that's fine, but why do the people that don't want to have to watch them? Especially since they added this feature in the previous console release; it's a pointless omission. To clarify why I skip cutscenes often; I usually only watch them on my first playthrough and on subsequent ones I skip most of them.

2. Dialogue that cannot be skipped through- Again I agree because it's kind of pointless to force this on the player. Although in this case it hasn't been done before in a Zelda game so I wasn't expecting them to let you skip it. So since I had no expectations this is not a let down like the unskippable cutscenes.

3. Only one Sheikah Stone in the entire game, sucks if you're stuck on a puzzle and need to go all the way back to Skyloft- Kind of odd for there to only be one but I plan on avoiding it anyway.

4. Motion controls need to be very precise, wonderful when they work but there have been quite a few moments where I end up striking in a diagonal direction instead of horizontal or vertical- I think this is a plus rather than a minus because it gives you greater control.

5. Silent Realm is a missed opportunity, there isn't much of any threat here, but there should have been- I have no opinion since I haven't played the game.

6. No voice acting- I'm against adding voice acting just because I like the status quo in that respect. Just my opinion but it doesn't really matter either way.

7. Still starts you with 6 hearts after you die, even when many save points have a chair near them (sitting in a chair slowly replenishes hearts) so whats even the point of not just starting you at full health, is this hard to program or something- Sounds kind of pointless, but it sounds like the chairs aren't right next to them so not incredibly stupid. Still starting with full health would be nice.

8. that FREAKING STUPID beeeping sound when you're low on hearts is still here- Maybe you should sit in the chair haha.

Also all of these with the possible exception of the motion controls are just minor annoyances IMO so they shouldn't detract from the overall quality of the game. Still they can severely detract from your own personal experience of the game if you keep focusing on them.

Edit: if JuicieJ's right about the skippable cutscenes, then I'm alright with all of these points.
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Feb 23, 2011
1. Unskippable cutscenes
2. Dialogue that cannot be skipped through
3. Only one Sheikah Stone in the entire game, sucks if you're stuck on a puzzle and need to go all the way back to Skyloft
4. Motion controls need to be very precise, wonderful when they work but there have been quite a few moments where I end up striking in a diagonal direction instead of horizontal or vertical
5. Silent Realm is a missed opportunity, there isn't much of any threat here, but there should have been
6. No voice acting
7. Still starts you with 6 hearts after you die, even when many save points have a chair near them (sitting in a chair slowly replenishes hearts) so whats even the point of not just starting you at full health, is this hard to program or something
8. that FREAKING STUPID beeeping sound when you're low on hearts is still here

Granted, I'd still say this is a 9/10 and the best Zelda to date, but a 10/10 is taking the fanboyism too far. Zelda is more of a "dependably good" series.. none of the games are perfect in any way, but you know they'll never be bad, either. Lanayru Province in particular is some of the most clever stuff you'll ever find in a Zelda game.

In my opinion...

To be honest, most things that you have listed here are personal complaints, and might also come across as biased to some people. Some others might also assume you are just a slightly misinformed fanboy (or more angrily "a noob").

The list of complaints you have provided is relatively minor and could easily be excused (or ignored), and is by no means a reason to lower the overall rating of Skyward Sword from a 10/10. The best and most agreeable reviews are carried out from an unbiased standpoint (I am not saying I think you're biased, but some others people might think so)... I am by no means bashing you or anything for your opinions; just saying.
Jun 22, 2011
There are a few cutscenes that can be skipped with 2, but bizarrely they are short ones and not usually the boss encounter ones.

Also, the idea of calling me biased is hilarious because it works the other way, as well.
Feb 23, 2011
There are a few cutscenes that can be skipped with 2, but bizarrely they are short ones and not usually the boss encounter ones.

Also, the idea of calling me biased is hilarious because it works the other way, as well.

Fair, but others might argue their reasons why you are biased versus your own; that could be problematic. Again, just to clarify, I myself do not think you are biased based on the list you provided. :yes:


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
Wow, this is the biggest bunch of nitpicks I've seen in my entire life.

1,2: You can't skip the cutscenes and dialog because it's story related. This has always been. Haven't you noticed in other games?
3: Wow, you're just lazy if you're complaining that you have to go there for help so you don't have to do the work yourself. You can either waste time going to Skyloft and get a hint or you can try to figure out the solution yourself. That's how it works.
4: Try recalibrating you're controller.
5: OK, so it wasn't hard for you, doesn't mean it's easy for everyone. Besides, you can't rate a game on it's difficulty or lack thereof, in certain parts.
6: A Zelda game with no voice acting?! NO WAY!!! (another thing that's not something you can rate a game on)
7: Well, you're REALLY lazy if you're complaining about this.
8: Well, that is by far, the worst reason to rate a game. Because of a sound warning you that you're low on health that happens to annoy you? Wow, that's kinda sad.

Sorry if I came off as rude. I'm not trying to sound like a fanboy and excuse me if I did. But anyway, thanks for the negative rep, I really needed that when I was already suffering.
And I really hope I don't get another one for this edit. :(
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
1) So? Skipping is hardly required at all, and some skipping is allowed in Hero Mode. Granted, it IS convenient to have around, but still not required. -
2) Again, skipping is convenient but not required. -
3) True. It does suck to have to travel ALL the way back to Skyloft. +
4) They don't need to be that precise, it just takes adjustment and you'll nail it :yes: -
5) The silent realm really was just another Tears of Light fort; not really challenging but there for the sake of it. I agree. +
6) Voice acting doesn't define Zelda, I'm sure you know that by now. -
7) That's the point of being killed; were you to be "resurrected" you wouldn't have full strength. -
8) All games have this in some way or another. Kingdom Hearts has that alarm sound. Pokemon has it. Resident Evil (at least 5 does) has the drained sound to denote you need resuscitation (assuming the B/Circle button flashing on screen wasn't enough). -

I really only agree with two of your points, but even then they aren't so big that the game wouldn't be a 10/10 assuming I am the reviewer.

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