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Real Courage [Complete]

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
After much time and plenty of fighting, Lila and Mori finally came to a door with a lock of similar size and intricacy as the one in the ice dungeon. She assembled the smaller keys she had collected and placed them in the locks, this time making sure to keep her toes out of harm's way. A blast of hot air, warmer than any other room in the dungeon, blew her hair and clothes back. Lila put her cloak to the side.

Lila crept forward on light feet. She worried the opening of the door had alerted him to her presence. A river of lava flowed into the room from the far end.

Lila quietly asked Mori, “Where are the gauntlets?"

"In the lava."

Lila sighed. "Of course. Which means we basically need Volvagia's help. Blast you, Ganondra!"

"Shh!" Mori hissed, but it was too late. The surface of the lava bubbled and boiled. A large red spike appeared, followed by two smaller ones, all three of which were connected by a ridge above a pair of eyes as big as Lila's torso. A massive snout came next, lava trailing over the sides. Soon the whole head had come free of the lava and rested level with the frozen Lila's eyes.

"You wish for my help?"

The dragon's voice was so deep it vibrated through the whole cavern and into Lila's bones. Even though Volvagia showed no aggression, she knew he was not pleased.

"I have just returned from an arduous errand for the Lady Ganondra, and you are disturbing my rest. What is it that a tiny thing like you could have the nerve to enter my dungeon to speak with me about?"

Mori nudged Lila between the shoulder blades. She was surprised he was still there, but also a little grateful.

"Lady–" Lila's voice came out pressed, so she cleared her throat and tried again. "Lady Ganondra sent me to retrieve a special pair of goblets–"

"Gauntlets," Mori interjected.

"Gauntlets," Lila corrected. "She said they were here."

The lava parted behind the dragon's head. This time a log of a tail appeared. The tip wound around to tap Lila on the chest. Then it stayed there, a pressure slowing Lila's breathing.

"She sent you?" Volvagia said slowly.

Lila licked her dry lips, searching for something to swallow, and nodded. "Yes... sir," she croaked.

The tail retreated, and Volvagia hummed. "She sent you..." he repeated.

"Um... yes, sir. She also sent me to get the Chainmail of Imperviousness from Gyorg."

Volvagia's eyes flickered. "Did she, now?"

"Yes, sir." The phrase seemed to help, or at least Lila hoped it did.

"Then you won't mind if I test my claws on you." The dragon showed them for effect.

Lila paled and stumbled back. "Wh-why?"

"If the chainmail is truly impervious, you won't feel a thing."

Lila's back met the wall. She hadn't realized she was moving because Volvagia was as close as ever. Now he was closer. He touched her chest again, this time with a razor-sharp claw.

"If I ate you, would the chainmail stick in my teeth?"

Lila managed to counter, "It might hurt your teeth. "

Volvagia chuckled. "If it is indeed impervious. I would like to test it out."

Lila ducked to the side. She had to scurry to avoid the fingers trying to grab her. As she rolled onto her feet, she pulled out her sword.

"I am hungry," said the dragon. "Let me eat you."

Lila continued to dodge the claws and tried to jab in return. "Lady Ganondra – sent – me. Don't – make her – angry."

Volvagia's tail wrapped around Lila's chest. She gave a startled scream and thrust her sword down. It bounced off his scales, and the jarring made her drop it. She bit the inside of her cheek.

"My own scales are a bit impervious." Volvagia brought Lila so that she was dangling right in front of his snout. "It sure does hurt my teeth when I bite myself." He dropped her to the ground. Though her legs shook, she quickly rolled away.

"Fine, you can have it." Volvagia kept one eye on her as he used his tail to retrieve something from under the lava. "I tire of this game." He released a treasure chest that looked like it was made from his scales. When it hit the ground, it clanked like…

"Are the gauntlets in there?" Lila asked.

Volvagia was already retreating into his lava bed. "Yes, yes. Just go. I wish to sleep."

Lila opened the chest to find a sack. She snatched up the bag and left before he had a chance to change his mind.

"One last thing," he said. "Tell Ganondra to leave me alone for a few decades."

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
"I can't believe we made it out so easily," Lila remarked when they were safely out of the caves. She breathed so much easier now that she was away from the stifling heat.

"If he was actually hungry," Mori pointed out, "he wouldn't have even talked to us. We would be in his stomach right now."

"Correction: I would be in his stomach. I don't recall you being there very long."

Lila took a shower back at her hotel room and then headed up to relax in the hot spring. She half expected to see Zale, but the spring was empty. At least she could be alone. Except for Mori.

Back at Lady Ganondra's castle, Lila knelt in front of her without Dalni.

"Ah, there you are, Lila," Lady Ganondra said when he noticed her. "I assume you were successful?"

"Yes, I have the gauntlets right here." Lila held up the bag.

"Excellent. Those will help you where you're going next."

"You still trust her to go alone?" Kotake asked. She had been eyeing Lila angrily the whole time.

"Oh, Kotake, you know she won't see the boy again," Koume chided.

Lila's face drained of blood. They knew about Zale. How could they know about Zale?

"I will handle it, ladies," Lady Ganondra said. Lila couldn't tell how he felt about the news, and that made her more worried than anything. "Lila, I'm sure you need some rest. Please leave us alone for a while."

Yeah, she was mad. She was going to hurt her. Lila left the room without saying a word. Maybe she could get one last decent meal before she dealt her punishment.

"Be sure to say nice things at my funeral," Lila said to Mori.

"She said you're going to another place," the keese replied. "She's not going to kill you. She might not even be angry with you."

"You were right. I should never have talked to Zale. Maybe I should run away."

"Lady Ganondra would find you."

Lila sighed. "I know. She has eyes everywhere, obviously."

Kotake and Koume were gone when Lady Ganondra called Lila. She walked slowly into the throne room, her head hanging low. Mori left her, as always.

"You met someone on your trip." It wasn't a question. "Prince Zale, of all people." Lady Ganondra paused. Lila cringed, waiting for her fist.

"What did you think of him?"

Lila looked up. She still couldn't tell how Lady Ganondra felt. She thought carefully about her answer. "He was smart... but cocky. Also, he let his guard down easily."

Lady Ganondra relaxed back in her chair. "Interesting. Is that all?" Her black eyes burned into Lila. Did she know what she couldn't believe herself?

"He... well, my Lady, he told me about bomb flowers. They helped me a lot."

Some understanding passed over Lady Ganondras face. "I see. Did he tell you anything else?"

Lila shrugged. "A few things, but nothing important. "

"Perhaps you could get him to tell you more things, more important things."

Lila couldn't believe what she was hearing. The chieftess wanted her to spy on Zale. It's what she told herself she was doing to begin with. The only problem was that she liked Zale too much. She didn't know if she could betray him.

Unfortunately, the only other option was saying "no" to Lady Ganondra.

"If I ever see him again," Lila said, "I will do as you ask."

"You will see him again, or you will face the consequences. "

Lila's throat closed in.

She nodded.

Lady Ganondra's demeanor changed to a more relaxed, settled one. "Excellent. Then you will first go to Castle Town to do some scouting. Familiarize yourself with all the back alleys and passages. Try to get into the castle without the guards noticing you. Get as far as you can, but do not risk getting caught. If anyone, especially the prince, sees you, the whole mission could be jeopardized. Understand? You are not to converse with Zale inside or near Castle Town."

"Yes, I understand," Lila said quietly.

"Good. There will be time for him later. After Castle Town, you will return here to the Gerudo Desert. You will use the gauntlets to remove a boulder hiding a secret chamber in the south. You'll know when you see it. Watch out for skeletons."

Lila didn't quite know what she meant, but she only asked, "Is that all?"

"Yes. You will find the Boots of Sturdiness in the desert. Now go."

Lila bowed. "Yes, ma’am."

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
The path to Castle Town was pretty much straight through Hyrule Field, and therefore uninteresting. The town was split into six sections. An outer wall hugged an inner wall about ten feet across. Guards stood in various spots within the gap and upon the walls, but they looked bored and lazy. There hadn't been any conflict in Hyrule for decades; most of the soldiers probably haven't been in real combat.

Inside the inner wall, the town was divided into four quadrants and the center of the city. Each area buzzed with people, but it wasn't as crowded as Kakariko Village, for which Lila was grateful. Castle Town was small enough, it didn't need a bunch of people pressed together.

As far as she could tell, all of the soldiers who should have been patrolling inside the town chose to congregate in the taverns. The sheer number of bars surprised Lila the most. While Kakariko had maybe two, Castle Town boasted two taverns in each quadrant. The town was not protected in the least. That was something Lady Ganondra would like to know.

Then again, she had sent Lila to Castle Town to orient herself, not give him details of its weaknesses. With that in mind, she began seeking out various pathways from each gate to the castle, which she had not yet seen. She wanted to discover other ways to the castle other than the main gates. The main entrance to the castle was foreboding with guards and openness. It was maybe the only well-defended location in all of Castle Town.

Mori was the one who found the sewers.

"Really? Sewers?" Lila complained. They stood – or flew – outside the entrance.

"Really. Secret tunnels," Mori replied with snark. "Your mission."

"Alright, alright. Sheesh."

Once underground, Lila was immediately accosted by a miniblin, its tiny spear jabbed into her kneecap.

"Ow!" she shouted and kicked at the offender. Several others swarmed to take its place. "Get away, fiends!"

"Meenp meenp!" they shouted back.

She pulled out her sword and swiped at the miniblins, but they stepped back from her blade as easily as though she was moving through a thick liquid. Frustrated, she growled, "Go away! Mori!"

"What can I do?"

"I don't know! Something!"

Mori flew down in front of the miniblins and flapped his wings hard. That was enough to scatter the miniblins, hopefully for good.

"Thanks. I don't know why that worked, but thanks."

"You're welcome, I guess."

The two continued through the sewers. Most of the muck flowed along the bottom, and ledges allowed for clean travel. ("Thank the Goddesses.") The miniblins poked around but didn't approach again. ("Annoying little demons.")

When Lila and Mori exited the sewers, they were in a prison.

"Is this the castle prison?"

"Must be. I don't know of any others in or near Castle Town."

"Nice. Now we know how to get in."

"But how do we get into the actual castle?"

"Um..." Lila pointed down the one way they could go. "That way, of course."

"It's probably guarded."

"Probably not. Why would they defend empty cells?"

"They probably know about the entrance to the sewers."

"Oh. Good point." Lila stopped walking. "Wait, what's this?"

Where she had stopped, there was a small opening that was hardly visible. Mori flew into the space, and his wingspan fit perfectly. Then he disappeared.

"Where'd you go?"

"Come in and find out."

Lila stepped into the opening. She couldn't see a thing and placed her hand on the wall. With her fingers trailing, she followed the sound of Mori's wings. Her foot hit something.

"It goes up," Mori supplied.

Lila took the stairs. They went up about two stories and then there was an arrow hall, still pitch black. At the end of it, she bumped into the wall. She would have panicked if she didn't hear Mori on her left.

"Hurry up!" he muttered.

"We've been over this," Lila replied, going up even more stairs, "I don't have lechonotation like you."


"Whatever! I'm blind here."

"Poor humans."

"Poor armless keese."


Lila chuckled. This stair wound in a spiral and seemed to go on over twice as long as the first one. When they finally reached the top, Lila's foot fell hard on the floor. "Ooh, that was a jolt."

"Shh, I can hear voices."


Lila walked forward slowly, trying to calm her breathing. She kept one hand on the wall and the other outstretched. Slowly she began hearing what Mori was talking about. She gasped.



The talking stopped. Lila's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe Zale was within hearing distance. Her heart pounded, making her ears ring. She wanted so badly to see him again, but she didn't know why.

A girl's voice said, "I didn't hear anything. Zale, keep telling me the story! How did the Hero save the Zora?"

"Well, Zelda, he had to get eaten by a giant fish."

The girl gasped and squealed. She giggled, and Lila could imagine her rocking back and forth in laughter. "You're teasing me!"

"Nope, it actually happened. The Hero was swallowed by Jabun."

"Lila, let's go."

Lila knew this story. She didn't care to hear it. She just couldn't stop listening to Zale. She closed her eyes and felt tears. Maybe if she made a loud noise, she would at least have an excuse to talk to Zale, to see him.

She shook her head slowly. Such thoughts were foreign to her. She didn't know why she was thinking this way.


She turned around and left.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
Lila knew how to see Zale.

She knew how to see and talk to Zale, but she couldn't. It wasn't safe, for him or herself. On the one hand, she had to speak with Zale because Lady Ganondra demanded it. On the other hand, she wanted to talk to Zale because she liked him. On the first hand, talking to Zale meant exposing his secrets. On the second hand, talking to Zale meant exposing hers.

For a brief moment, Lila wondered if that would be so bad.

"You're crying."

Lila blinked, then closed her eyes tight. She stopped in the middle of the staircase and sat. Not knowing what else to do, she pulled her knees to her chest.

Mori hovered in the air, feeling useless. Lila wasn't physically hurt. She wasn't hurt at all, as far as Mori could tell. She was confused in a way he didn't know how to help her.

"Mori, what do I do? What's wrong with me?"

He didn't answer because he didn't know what to say. Instead, he told her, "We need to go."

Lila bit her cheek. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She couldn't let... this... paralyze her. She was strong and chosen to take on these tasks.

"Let's go."

They continued on in silence. Neither of them said a word all the way until they were outside the sewer. Lila was too lost in thought, and Mori couldn't find a way to break the tension. Once the sounds of busy town life were all around, she couldn't brood any longer.

"So," Lila said with false cheer, "other than Gauntlets of Strength, is there anything I will need in the desert?"

"Water..." Mori answered cautiously.

"Ah, yes. The source of all life. Perhaps..." she chose the first store she saw, "Malo Mart will offer a refreshment."

"Malo Mart?"

"Absolutely. Come, dear keese. Let us buy ourselves some water."

Bewildered, Mori followed Lila as she walked – brisk but stiff – into a large store labeled "Malo Mart."

Like the city itself, Malo Mart wasn't as filled in as its Kakariko counterpart, but there were still quite a few patrons. Lila browsed through the shelves. There were arrows, but she didn't see any bows. She found bombs, but they were a lot more expensive. Then she looked behind the counter. That's where she found the good stuff... or where the good stuff should be.

"You only have slingshots?" Lila complained to the tall man behind the counter. He had a pointed chin, perpetually raised eyebrows, and a mouth that looked like he was sucking lemons.

"Did you not see the rest of our wares?"

"I mean, you don't have any bows?"

"Ah, yes, we are awaiting a shipment."

She crossed her arms, peeved that she would have to wait. "How soon?"

"Next week."

Lila slapped the counter. "Come on! I can't stay in Castle Town that long!"

The man's face became a little sourer. "I cannot get it any faster. Is there anything else you would like to buy?"

Lila sighed and looked through her purse. She had lots of money to burn. "Fine, I'll get a slingshot and... twenty Deku seeds. Plus a bottle of oil."

The man's eyes lit up as he added the total. "That will be two hundred rupees. If you buy just ten bombs, I'll give you a second bottle at half price."

"No way, your bombs are overpriced."

"Free! I'll give you the bottle free." He looked desperate.

Lila thought it over. Ten bombs cost half the price of a bottle, so it was a really good deal. "You have a deal."

"Thank you! That brings your total to two-hundred eighty rupees."

"Hey! You said the bottle was free!"

"Did I forget to tell you it's free with twenty bombs?"

Lila jiggled her purse. "Whatever. I don't need any of this stuff." She turned to leave.

"Don't go! Two-hundred forty. Your total is two hundred forty!"

"What does that price include?" she asked carefully.

"Everything." His shoulders slumped in defeat. "The slingshot, twenty Deku seeds, a bottle of oil, an empty bottle, and ten bombs."

"Perfect. Here are your two-hundred forty rupees," she said, satisfied. "Lower the price of your bombs, and you won't have this problem anymore. They're only ten for ten in Kakariko."

"I knew it," the shopkeeper mumbled.

"What was that?" Lila asked angrily.

"Sorry for your trouble?" His eyebrows went even higher.

"Uh-huh, sure. Just give me my stuff."

Reluctantly, he handed over Lila's purchases. She checked and double-checked to make sure everything was there.

"Remember, the bows will come in six days!"

"I doubt I'll be here," Lila said under her breath as she left. Outside Malo Mart, she complained to Mori, "Wow, what a swindler!"

"I'm surprised you even bought the Deku seeds. You can find those or any other ammo on the ground."

"I know, but it was convenient."

"To most people, so are the bombs."

"Who would need them in Castle Town?"



"They make way for new buildings."

Lila looked at him like he was crazy.

"It's true. Someone has to do it."

"You're so weird, Mori."

"Yet you still hang around me."

"Shut it. I'm going to the desert. Coming with?"

"Do you realize the sun is setting?"


"We ought to sleep for the night before going on an adventure."

Lila thought for a moment. "We'll sleep in the castle."

Mori wobbled up and down. "Are you crazy?"

She rolled her eyes. "Our castle, silly."


They left Castle Town by the entrance they used. Of all things to happen, Zale was waiting for them.

Lila moaned. "I thought he was in the castle," she whispered to Mori.

"You spent a lot of time in Malo Mart," Mori said.

"I guess." Lila sauntered forward. She called to Zale, "Are you stalking me?" She felt herself glaring. "What do you want?" Lila demanded, crossing her arms.

Zale held up his hands in a gesture of innocence. "I thought we might talk.”

"Yeah?" Lila said, coming a little closer. "About what? About the awful way you treated me in Kakariko Village?"

A frown replaced Zale's smile. "Did I do something wrong?"

Lila was right in his face. "You only made me look like a fool!"

Zale looked confused. "From my side, you seemed to be the one attacking me. If anything, you should be apologizing."

"Me? Apologize?"

"Well, I did pay for the food..."

"Ugh!" she shouted, storming off a way. "Why are you so difficult?"

"I could say the same of you." Zale shook his head. "But, I don't want to. I just want you to get past that, and we can start over. Think you can handle that?"

Keeping her back to him but not moving away, Lila chewed her lip in frustration. Was there really use in arguing? She found she didn't have much else to say. "Well, I guess so." She turned around, and his smile was huge. For a moment she saw his true feelings. That smile made all of her anger melt away. Only to be replaced with the ache of betrayal.

"Is something wrong?"

Lila took control of her emotions... or at least tried to. "No, nothing. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused."

"What trouble?" Zale said with a cheeky smile. "We're starting over, remember?"

It took a moment, but Lila finally smiled. "Oh, right. Well, if we're starting over, is there anything you need to tell me?"

Zale thought it over. "Hm... How about, I like to read?"

Lila laughed. It was an easy laugh she wasn't used to. "Nice. I like to fence."

"My favorite food is an egg salad sandwich."

"My favorite color is green."

"I travel a lot."

"So do I." Lila couldn't help herself anymore. She burst out laughing like a child. "This is..."

"Fun!" Zale finished, also laughing.

"Yeah." Her mirth faded as she realized she wasn't able to name the feeling. The last time she had fun was... "What's your family like?"

"My family?"

"If you don't mind me asking. Mine is horrible."

Zale sobered. "Is that why you travel?"

"Something like that."

When Lila didn't offer anymore, Zale said, "My family is a little weird, too. My dad was upset that I was a boy, and my mom—"

"He was upset about that?" Lila asked, amazed at the coincidence.

"Yeah. Women are traditionally more honored in my family. My dad went through the same hardship."

"I see. What about your mother?"

"She died before I was old enough to know her."

That made Lila wonder about the girl Zelda, but didn't think now was the time to bring her up. She said slowly instead, "We have a lot in common."

"How so?"

"I was expected to be a boy.”

Zale paused, seeming to take it in. "I see."

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I gotta go, anyway. I still have to travel for a while." The sun was behind the mountains already.

"Where are you going?" Zale asked.

"Ho – Gerudo Valley." Lila worried he heard her slip up. He looked a little suspicious. Maybe.

"Well, I'm sorry to have kept you so late. I guess... I'll see you around?"

A small, sad smile forced its way onto Lila's face. "Yeah, maybe."

Zale nodded. "It's decided. I'll see you again."

Lila was confused but... happy. "Okay."

"And, Lila."


"Have courage."

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
Lila stayed silent for a long time. She ran hard and fast, both to get home quickly and to avoid talking to Mori. She didn't quite understand what Zale had meant when he told her to have courage. Courage for what? Why did she need it? Why was he telling her she needed it? Why did the word give her so much warmth?

Once they reached Gerudo town, Lila went to the kitchen to get something to eat, then went straight to bed. Mori, however, wouldn't leave to let her get dressed.

"You told him a lot."

Lila faced away from him. She sighed, "Yeah. I couldn't help myself. But at least he told me a lot as well. Mori, do you know... was I kidnapped?"

Mori perched on the back of a chair at Lila's desk. "I don't know. Lady Ganondra tells me fewer secrets than she does you."

Lila had one other question, but she felt unable to ask. Mori might not even know the answer. She started with, "I think I was kidnapped. I can't imagine who would willingly give their child to Lady Ganondra."

"You're probably right about that as well."

"Where..." she sighed and looked down. "Where are my real parents?"

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that, either. I'm sorry, Lila." She thought he was done, but then he said, "I've never seen you so happy than when you were with Zale."

Neither of them spoke. Lila had no idea how to respond to that, and Mori seemed to be done talking finally. He watched her, her head down and eyes dark. He wondered what was going through her head.

When he got tired of waiting, he flew out with the last words, "Get some sleep."

Around noon, Lila woke up well-rested. She went to the dining hall for some lunch and then left for the next dungeon. The trip only took a little more than half an hour. She recognized the place because there was a giant boulder like an egg sitting on the ground. She could dimly make out the mountains on the other side of the valley.

"I hope the boots aren't under that."

"Actually, that's exactly it," Mori answered. She groaned, but he said, "That's what the Gauntlets of Strength are for."

Lila gave him a disbelieving look. "No way I can lift that."

"Dear, the gauntlets are magic."

She shook her head. "If you say so." She pulled on the gauntlets and walked up to the rock. She examined it doubtfully, then put her hands under it – which was easy. Just by using her fingers, she could make it wiggle enough to fit her hands. Then she lifted.

The boulder seemed to weigh nothing. She brought it right up above her head and saw a stairway. Then she dropped the rock off to the side.

"That was weird!" Lila said, not at all worried about her mount. "C'mon, let's go."

"You're not afraid someone will trap us inside?"

Lila took off the gauntlets and waved them in Mori's face. "Who could possibly do that?"

"Fair point."

The two went down the stairs. At the bottom was a sun-bleached door. "I wonder," Lila said, "how long that boulder has been here."

"Who knows."

"However long, this has been here longer."

"How do you know?"

She gestured to the door. "This has been aged by sunlight. I have a feeling there's no sunlight under a boulder."

"Well aren't you the smart one."

Lila ignored him and pushed the door open.

"Let's find us some footwear."

As the stairs continued down, the air became much colder, though not as cold as the ice castle. It was a relief after the blazing sun over the desert. Eventually, they came to another door. By then, Lila had to light her lantern.

"What do you think is on the other side?" Mori asked, remembering the trap in the ice castle.

"Let's find out," Lila replied while opening the door.

"What if it's another trap?"

She didn't even hesitate. "This isn't a trap. C'mon, scardey!" She didn't look back; she was too interested in the massive cavern in front of her. It appeared to be lit by sunlight, but she honestly couldn't tell if there was a ceiling. It seemed like magical sunlight.

The cavern spiraled downward like a mining facility. At the bottom, a lone building stood among old wood and other ruins. The place looked ancient.

Mori had finally entered. "What is this place?"

"Big," Lila replied. "Let's see what's down there." She took off running.


She didn't. "Are you scared?"

"No... This doesn't seem right."

"We'll be fine. Don't be so paranoid."

When she reached the building, something shuffled out. It was human in form, wearing destroyed armor, carrying a round, spiked shield, and wielding a broadsword. Whatever monster it was, it didn't move very fast so it would be easy to kill. Lila readied her sword.

"Let's duel," she challenged.

"Lila, wait! That's a—"

When the knight saw her, it screamed. Lila was instantly paralyzed. Her muscles all tensed and her ears rang. The knight continued to shamble toward her slowly, so slowly. If only she could move! The wait was agonizing. It was almost to her when she felt her body relax, though every part of her tingled. She lunged.

Her sword somehow hit the shield. She pulled back to strike again, but the scream came first. This time the knight would get to her before its paralyzing effects wore off. Her heart raced, and sweat gathered on her forehead.

The knight's sword hurt when it hit her undefended arm. The knight struck right below the sleeve of her chainmail. It was strong enough to push her back several feet, and she fell to the ground. The sword was rusty and blunt. If she didn't get it cleaned, the wound would get infected.

Though it was hard, she could move again. The knight was closing in, so she had to get up. She used her elbow to get herself on her feet and then bolted away from the knight. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Mori was also frozen.

Lila managed to get quite a way before the screamer let out another wail. Her next run, she hoped, would get her out of its range. Her bones felt jarred and rattled; her muscles rigid and sore; her nerves taut and frayed. She wanted to get away from the knight and never see another.

And then she was free. Lila hightailed it to the next tier of the cavern without hearing another screech. Looking back, the knight had turned around and headed to the shack. Mori also managed to get away and joined her. She was glad the helpless keese hadn't become a target.

Lila dropped to the ground, letting her sword and shield fall. She put her sword hand to the wound, trying to hold back all of the blood. Her arm felt useless. It was times like these she wished she had a companion with opposable thumbs.

"I tried to warn you," Mori said, winded. "That's a ReDead Knight. I guess now you know what's bad about it..."

"Yeah, thanks for the wisdom," Lila snapped. "I don't suppose you can stitch up wounds!"

Mori backed away. "I tried..." he repeated.

"Sorry," Lila managed.

She pulled out a bottle of water and poured it over her injury. It made a big bloody mess that didn't look much better, but it was something. She felt lightheaded as she picked up her sword and used it to cut some cloth from her tunic. With a shaking hand and her teeth, she tied it as tight as she could around her arm above the cut. The blood flow slowed a bit, but her vision blurred. "Mori, I think I'm in trouble."

There was no reply. Lila looked up. Her sight was rimmed with darkness as she glanced around.


Her keese friend was nowhere to be found. Lila blinked a few times and fell back. Her breathing was hard and ragged.

"Get back here..."

Everything around her faded until she couldn't think anymore.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
The first thing Lila did when she woke up was yawn. Before opening her eyes, she heard someone else breathing. The breathing was quiet and calm. Whoever it was was asleep.

Lila opened her eyes to see none other than Prince Zale. It seemed she couldn't get away from him. Still laying on the rocky ground, Lila watched his peaceful sleep. He was sitting against the rock wall, a backpack rolled behind his back. He looked like he hadn't meant to sleep that way.


Mori's voice startled her. She sighed and turned her head to see him.

"How do you feel?" he asked, landing next to her.

"My head hurts, and so does my arm, but mostly I'm okay."

Zale grunted and shifted. "Mori," he mumbled, "let her sleep."

"Do you mean let you sleep?"Lila joked.

"No, I'm keeping watch," he answered with closed eyes.

Lila whispered to Mori, "Thank you for finding him. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"Back off!" Zale roared, springing awake. When he saw only Lila and Mori, he blinked the sleep out of his eyes. "You're up."

"So are you," Lila said with a smile. "Thank you. I don't know what would've happened to me if I didn't get help."

Zale sighed in relief. "If Mori hadn't shown up when he did, I might not have found you. You were lucky. I'm glad you're okay."

Lila sat up with Zale's help. "How long has it been?"

"About a day," Mori answered.

"Drink this," Zale said, handing her a water skin. "But only a sip."

"Why only a sip?"

"In case you can't tolerate it yet. You vomited a few times last night."

"Oh. Oh, I'm hungry."

"Start with the water." Lila did as he suggested, then handed back the skin. Zale said, "Keep it. You need to take lots of sips until you're ready for food."

As Lila recovered, she struggled with wanting to move on but being too weak to. On top of the wound and sickness, sleeping on the ground made her body ache all over. Moving too much made something new hurt afresh.

"Do you want to come with us?" Lila asked a few hours later.

"You didn't want me when you fought Volvagia," Zale countered.

"I was mad back then. If you join us, I wouldn't mind the company."

"Is that a good idea?" Mori wondered.

"Sure it is," Lila replied. "Zale just saved my life, give him a little more credit." When Mori didn't say anything else, she wondered if he was thinking about Lady Ganondra.

Zale said, "Yeah, I'll come with you. What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for something. Actually, I don't know where to look exactly. Mori, any suggestions?"

"I sensed something near the Knight, but this place is so large I can't tell if it's what we need."

"What is it you're looking for?" Zale asked.

"You'd think it was silly."

"Try me."

"A pair of boots."

Zale had no answer for that. He looked befuddled.

With a laugh, she said, "I told you. Come on. Let's get going."

"Lila, you can't be serious," Zale said, reaching out to stop her. "There's no way you can fight a ReDead Knight in your condition."

She ignored him and started gathering their things. "Who says I have to fight it? We'll just go around—"

"You misunderstood," Mori interrupted. "TheReDead Knight is guarding whatever I sensed, so yeah, you do have to fight it."

Still, Lila packed her bags. "It'll be okay. I've gone through worse, you know it."

"No, Lila, you're staying away from that thing," Zale said. "I'll take care of it."

Finally, she stopped to look at him. "Like you can take on a fully armed, decrepit soldier."

"Yes, I can. Look inside my pack."

"What?" Lila laughed.

Zale crossed his arms. "Go ahead."

Lila shook her head but went to his pack anyway. It didn't take her much to find something wrapped in leather. She pulled it out and unwrapped it.

"A crossbow?" she said skeptically. "With your arms?"

"Looks can be deceiving." He put his hand out, so she passed over the crossbow. "Let's finish cleaning up, and I'll show you."

"Well that explains the shape of his bag," Mori commented.

Lila asked Mori, "Tell me you don't believe he can do it."

"He didn't believe you could beat Volvagia."

She felt her face get hot. "That... that's different."

"You keep telling yourself that."

Zale chuckled under his breath.

Once they were all set, Mori led the way to the knight's derelict home. They stopped where an old rock wall provided some coverage.

"How do you propose luring it out?" Lila asked as Zale readied his crossbow.

"Well, I could do it if you really—"

"Fine, I'll do it!" She pulled out her sword and rounded the rock.

"I meant Mori—"

"Just have my back."

Zale sighed. "Right behind you."

The sound of steel dragged across packed dirt alerted Lila to the knight's presence. She redirected all attention towards it, ready to jump out of the way of its scream.

"Lila, you're blocking my shot," Zale warned.

"I won't be soon," she muttered. The knight was close enough. Lila lunged before it could mount an attack.


Her sword hit the knight's shield arm but didn't go through all the way. Its arm went limp, but Lila's sword was stuck. The knight brought up its sword to attack. She dodged to the side and shouted, "Now!"

An arrow went clean through the knight's eye. It jerked back, giving Lila the added strength to free her sword, and then released its terrible wail.

With Lila frozen once again, Zale let loose another arrow. This one pierced the knight's throat. The scream diminished into an ugly gurgle, and the knight fell. Zale ran to Lila before the paralysis wore off.

"Are you okay?" he asked frantically, searching every inch of her. "Come on, snap out of it!"

Slowly she started to regain feeling. She tensed and relaxed what muscles she could to speed up the process.

"I'm all right," she said. "Don't act so worried." She took a step back and rotated her shoulder to get the blood flowing.

"But I am worried about you—"

"Don't, Zale," Lila warned. "I can handle myself." She walked to the mostly-standing house. "But thanks for having my back."

"You're welcome."

Zale and Mori followed her. Inside – if only three standing walls could be considered an inside – there were pieces of chairs, a table turned on its side, and a bar on the far end. Nearly everything was caked with dirt around it.

"I don't see anything worthwhile in here," said Lila.

Mori answered, "Check behind the bar."

When she looked, she found a chest that appeared older than the building. When she tried to open it, it wouldn't budge.

"Looks like the hinges and lock have rusted shut," Zale observed.

"That's easily solved." Lila thrust the hilt of her sword onto the offending metal until each broke off. Then she wedged her blade in the crack and pried it open. "Done."

"That doesn't look like a pair of boots." Zale pulled out a musty bag of the same color as the interior of the chest. He held it open for Lila.

"What the heck is this?" she asked.

"It's a boomerang," Mori and Zale said at the same time.

Lila raised an eyebrow at them. "And... what's a boomerang?"

"When you throw it, it comes back," Zale answered first.

Mori added, "You can use it to stun enemies."

"Like a ReDead Knight?" Lila asked.

"Yes," they said together again.

"Could've used this yesterday."

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
Every time Zale made himself useful, it took Lila by surprise. His crossbow was especially handy. Lila made a point to use her new boomerang whenever possible, but sometimes she charged in without paying attention. That's when Zale showed her up with his patience by staying back to snipe from behind. They ran into many more ReDeads and demonic miniblins

After a particularly foul-mouthed encounter with a hoard of miniblins, Zale asked, "Why do they get you so worked up?"

Mori answered, "Because they're more afraid of me than her." He and Zale laughed at Lila's furious expression.

"No! Just look at them! They viciously mock you as they run away with your money! Stop laughing!"

Zale wheezed, "I'm sorry, Lila. You're just so funny when you're angry."

"I'm not sorry," Mori chuckled.

Lila stormed off to fight the next monster.

Once the four keys were assembled, the trio entered the boss room. As usual, the circular room appeared empty. The ground was the same dirt and rocks as the rest of the dungeon, complete with remains of archaic structures. These structures, however, looked a lot more downtrodden than any of the others they had seen. Along part of the curved wall, the ornate design of a giant archway was etched nearly to the ceiling.

"Do either of you know what's in here," Lila asked.

"Nope," said Zale.

"Boots," Mori replied.

"Well that's just so helpful," Lila remarked, stepping further into the room. As she did, the entire place started to rumble. Bits of rock fell from the ceiling, and an opening slid out from the arch. The rumbling was so violent, no one could take a step until it was done. From the shadow of the arch, an enormous skeletal creature came forward.

Lila heard a sharp intake of breath. "That thing exists?" Zale wondered.

She pulled her sword from its sheath. Without looking back at him, she asked, "What is it?"

The skeleton had five segments, each of which looked quite menacing. The bottom seemed fine, except it was a boulder probably ten feet tall. Three black sections of the same size were stacked on top of the block. Claw-like bone stuck out at the corners, and in the center were red, button-like gems. Last was the head, appearing as tall as Lila and Zale combined. It was a helmeted skull with the same gems for eyes and more bony spikes.


Staring at the grinning head, Lila ran ahead, ready for action.

Zale shouted, "Wait!"

She rolled her eyes and turned around. "What is it this—"

For the umpteenth time, she felt her muscles snap to rigidity. She could see some amusement on Zale's face as he readied his bow. It seemed like he was being deliberately slow, but maybe that was because she couldn't see her assailant. Even so, his arrow hit the mark long before she was freed.

Another smaller rumbling was heard. With worry clear on his face, Zale rushed to Lila. She wondered what could possibly be happening, but she could only just barely start to feel the numbness wearing off.

The boulder hit before Zale got to her. Lila lost her breath as she was trampled under the fast-rolling rock. She lay dazed, not breathing.


After several seconds she finally took a breath. Zale slid to a stop next to her. She clutched at her head where the boulder hit, her vision sparkling.

"What... was that?"

She struggled to get up. In doing so, she saw another rock blast out from Skeldritch's base.


Lila rolled out of the way. At the same time, Zale looked back and then stumbled in the other direction. The rock missed them by inches.

Breathing slowly, Lila's aching body finally supported her weight. She had to keep her hands on her knees because her back was too sore to stand up right away. She glanced over to Zale to make sure he was okay. He was already running to her.

Lila hissed, "Don't worry about me. Figure out how we kill this thing."

"You can't fight in your condition," Zale insisted. "Let's get out of here and come back—"

"No!" She hid her pain by straightening her back, even though it hurt more. "We're doing this now."

The two saw another boulder just in time to step out of its way. Zale caught Lila when she swayed, but she pushed him off of her.

"I can handle this," she told him with a glare. "If you can't, leave me alone."

He studied her. "Fine. I have a theory."


"There are bomb flowers all around the edge of the room. Maybe that means you need to throw one into the hole that's shooting these rocks."

As he finished, they had to move out of the way of one.

"Okay," Lila said, "I'll try that. You... shoot at its eyes or something."

"I don't—"

"Just do it!" She hurried to the nearest bomb, hoping he wouldn't follow. It was bad enough having him save her life over and over again. She hated him coddling her now and that she practically needed him. She wasn't used to relying on others, and it was degrading.

At a row of three bomb flowers, Lila turned back to see Zale had at least done as she asked. Skeldritch wasn't paying any attention to her. Zale's arrow hit the monster in the eye, and it became enraged. Bright red beams shot out from its gems, converging right in front of Zale. He didn't have time to get out of its way.

"No!" Lila's heart jumped to her throat as he screamed and fell back. She knew the only way to save him was to follow their plan. She grabbed each of the bombs, stuffing two in her bag. The third she held as she charged at her enemy.

"Leave him alone! It's me you want!"

Skeldritch turned to her. Its gems no longer glowed, but the hatch for its rock attack opened. Perfect. She ran around the oncoming boulder and aimed. The bomb flew in just before the hatch closed.


The monster rattled as puffs of smoke came out of its base. The hatch fell open, so Lila wasted no time launching another bomb. This one blew the base apart; Skeldritch's body dropped down a segment.

Lila ran forward and attacked the first gem on a hunch. After a few seconds, it began to glow. She jumped out of the way, hoping she had done some damage.

When the laser attack ended, Zale suggested, "Aim for the head with your boomerang!"

Lila looked up and backed away. She was glad he was okay. Once she had a better view, she threw her new toy. It successfully hit Skeldritch on the side of the head. Its eyes crossed as though she had knocked it senseless.

"Now attack again!" Mori chimed in from... somewhere. No need to tell her twice. She charged with her sword aimed at the gem. This time it shattered, leaving a hole in its place. Lila dropped a bomb in and hurried away. The section burst just like the previous one.

Zale distracted Skeldritch, allowing Lila to collect more bombs. Now that they knew its pattern, the last two black segments went down quickly. All that remained was the angriest-looking skull Lila had ever seen. Unsure of the next step, she met up with Zale. Both were huffing and puffing from the battle.

"What do we do now?" Lila asked. Her eyes never left the enemy for a second.

"I'm wondering if there's a weak spot under its helmet. Maybe you can remove the eyes like the other gems."

They paused to get out of a laser attack from the eyes.

"Do you think there are holes behind them?" Lila asked.

"I'm almost certain of it. You might have to destroy both eyes."

Lila smirked. "No problem."

She had to wait for it to stop trying to crush them. Skeldritch used its jaw to jump around the room, landing with a loud thud each time.

Finally, it seemed to have worn itself out. Lila charged and slashed at its right eye. It shattered in seconds. Skeldritch opened its jaw in a huge scream, knocking Lila back by the sound alone. She covered her ears, worried they might burst. Once it finished, it charged at her with unknown speed, gnashing its teeth. She barely managed to scramble out of its way.

She watched it zoom past her and then turn around in a wide curve. Dust and gravel spewed in its wake. Lila hurried to stand so she was ready when it reached her. She took a deep breath to steady herself. In the distance, she could hear both of her companions screaming her name.

Skeldritch's head charged right into Lila's level sword tip. Though she tried to hold her ground, it knocked her right over again. At least she was successful. Now the monster was left with two gaping holes instead of glowing red eyes. Ignoring the ever-rising pain, Lila forced a bomb down each hole. She somersaulted away from the writhing monster.


She turned around to see the helmet fly across the room, just as Zale had predicted. In its wake, a much larger red gem rested in place of a brain. This was it. Lila was almost done.

Running around the skull, Lila positioned herself in front of the gem and started slashing. Each hit rang hollowly in her ears and reverberated through her sword up her arms. This gem took a lot longer, but she could see chips of it jump away after her hits. At some point, Zale joined her with his own sword.

A hole formed until it was big enough to fit a bomb. Lila emptied the rest of her bag into the hole and then pulled Zale away. They ran without looking back. Just before the bombs blew, Zale grabbed Lila from behind. They fell to the ground, Zale shielding her from the impact.

Shards of bone, glass, and iron rained down on them. Lila rolled the two of them out of the way when a large piece came down. She kept herself on top until Zale had to do the same thing. Finally, all was quiet.

Their eyes locked. Every breath was ragged and dry, but their bodies were warm against each other. Lila lightly held Zale's tense arms and caressed them absently. She glanced at his lips. He stroked her cheek. Then his nose touched hers…

"Are you okay?" Mori roared.

Zale shot right off of Lila. Startled, she hurried into a sitting position. Lila watched Mori; Mori glared at Zale; Zale eyed Lila carefully.

"I'm fine." As she said it, she felt her mind cloud over. With the action over, her body began shutting down.

For once, Zale got angry. "Lila, you are clearly not fine! You need to be more careful!"

As he spoke, she staggered to her feet. She didn't brush off his help this time.

"Where're the Boots?" she asked Mori.

"In the crater you left when you annihilated Skeldritch."

With blurred vision compounded by the dust hanging in the air, Lila cast her eyes about for the hole Mori mentioned. She was only able to find it because of something glittering at the bottom.

Despite his anger, Zale helped her over. She sighed when she saw a pair of boots made entirely of iron, along with a red heart that had been the source of the glittering. Her hands shook as she reached out to the heart. It vanished in a cloud of sparkles. A wave of exhaustion coursed through her.

"Okay," she said, "all done."

She collapsed in Zale's waiting embrace.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
The next time Lila woke was to the rocking of a gentle horse under her. Her arms rested in Zale's lap while her head bounced on his shoulder. She felt so warm with him so close, even though the sun was nearly gone from the desert.

"How do you feel?" Zale asked softly.

She replied with, "What happened?"

"Skeldritch had you pretty beat up," he explained. "Mori and I let you rest for a while, then we packed up to go to Castle Town. I think he's asleep right now."

Zale's answer brought the memories back. Before she knew it, she began to long for that moment alone. Experimentally, she pressed her lips to the exposed part of his neck. She thought she could feel him smile.

"How long do we have to go?" she asked after a spell.

"At this pace, it will take all night."

Lila inhaled the night air. "We should probably make camp, then. Have you slept at all?"

"A bit." He stopped the horse. "But you're right. It's getting late."

He helped her down and put a hand on hers. She looked at him, confused. He wore a soft smile, causing her to relax.

"You were amazing back there," he said, leading her away from the horse. "I know few soldiers who would keep fighting as you do."

"I thought you said I needed to be more careful?"

"You do, but there's also something special about you."

Lila frowned slightly, worried about where his line of thought led.

His thumb stroked her hand. "You healed really fast. Even after getting rolled over by a rock bigger than you are tall, I didn't find a single broken bone."

That surprised her. "It felt like something broke. What about my head?"

"There was dried blood, but you were fine."

"Oh! Maybe that's what those hearts do," Lila realized. "I always felt refreshed after touching one of those. They only appeared after major battles like this one."

Zale's eyebrows went up. "That's remarkable. I've never heard of anything that could speed healing that quickly. Well, other than fairies."

Lila smiled playfully. "You seemed to know a lot of obscure things. Why not this one?"

He shrugged. "Maybe because they're rare. Maybe they only appear to fighters who show courage."

There it was again: the word that felt like a hot bath at the foot of a volcano. It was a happy word, a word of promise, but it brought her guilt and confusion. How could a simple word evoke such uncertainty?

"I can recall some stories of heroes like you," Zale said, sensing her hesitation. Lila took a small step back. "These heroes showed great courage. They fought many monsters like you have." She started shaking her head and pulling away, but he plowed on. "They went through challenges and trials to become stronger, so they could do what they were called to do!"

She could see the excitement in his eyes, but every word brought up fear she didn't know she had. What he was saying couldn't be applied to her. Shouldn't be applied to her. She took her hands away from his. The activity startled Mori awake.

"Hrnm, whatsa...?"

Zale gave him no attention. His eyes stayed locked on Lila. "These heroes were called to save Hyrule. Lila, you—"

"No!" she burst out. "I-I'm not who you think I am. I'm not... I just can't." Without letting Zale say more, she ran away, toward Gerudo Town.

"Wait!" Zale shouted after her. He hurried over to his horse and began the pursuit. He only paused to let Mori hitch a ride. However, his horse struggled to move in the sand, and couldn’t go much faster than Lila on foot.

"Lila, stop! Let's talk about this!" Instead, he saw her running faster. He pushed his own horse. Maybe the only way to stop her was to catch her.

Gerudo Town became visible in the night air. Lila knew if she could pass its borders, Zale wouldn't be able to follow. The all-women Gerudo tribe were born and bred warriors who didn't like outsiders – especially Lady Ganondra's enemies. She could already see a few sentries watching from their posts, all but one of which were hidden from untrained eyes.

Zale had gotten quite close to her when she crossed the threshold. In her wake, two Gerudo appeared from out of the shadows, halting him. His horse reared as he pulled on the reins. His mouth fell slightly open. Lila saw concentration in his eyes, almost as if he were calculating the reasons she could be safe in Gerudo Village. Then his gaze shifted to her.

The mix of emotions in Zale's expression stung Lila more than she thought possible. His brow was furrowed, but only a little, and his mouth remained agape. His eyes were no longer calculating, but searching, searching for the Lila he expected, the hero he longed for.

Lila felt her lower lip quiver and a heat sting her eyes. What was she doing? Why did Zale's words terrify her this way? Why couldn't she just sit down and listen to him and be happy and be the hero he wants?

Because of Ganondra. The Shadow Chieftess had too tight a grip on her heart. A stranglehold.

Zale must have seen the realization cross her face because he set his jaw, his own decision made. Another second passed. He nodded, ever so slightly. Then he turned his horse away.

The entire exchange took only a few seconds, but each second, each thud of her heart, felt like it lasted a lifetime. Once Zale was out of sight, the sentries looked up at Lila's still form. She closed her eyes for a moment and then gave them a watery smile. The women nodded before returning to their posts. Lila wasn't sure what each nod meant, but Zale's somehow gave her something new.


Lila slowly made her way to the palace. She could feel the watchful gaze of the Gerudo, ready to report any false move. No doubt Lady Ganondra was already aware of Lila's dramatic return. Much trouble waited for her at the castle.

Under her breath, Lila wondered, "Why am I feeling like this, Mori? Why does it all feel so strange?"

The reply took a while. In fact, it took longer than Lila expected. She looked around to see if he was asleep, but there was no sign of the keese. He wasn't even hiding in any of her bags.

He must be with Zale.

Lila grew worried over what Mori might tell Zale. He wasn't the best at keeping secrets. She knew, at least, he wouldn't say anything about Lady Ganondra. Anything else, even things Lila didn't know about herself, could come spilling out into the open. That could be disastrous for Lady Ganondra's plans.

Would that be so bad?

Lila shook her head, her eyes closed. Such thoughts were unsafe. Lady Ganondra could sense betrayal from many before they were even aware of the fault. Whatever Mori's fate, Lila's would be a thousand times worse.

At last, she reached the castle. A servant opened the door before Lila had time to prepare herself to enter. It was possible Lady Ganondra was waiting for her.

The door closing behind her felt more eerie than normal. The black stone walls flickered mockingly in what little light Lady Ganondra allowed. Her boots echoed loudly in her ears. She'd know. Lady Ganondra would know as soon as she saw Lila.

Just as Lila thought of her, Lady Ganondra appeared with Kotake and Koume at her sides. Six servants also lingered nearby. Glee shone on the witches' faces. Lady Ganondra's face was a darker red than normal.

Lila shrunk back, trying to make herself small. Of course, it was not enough. It was never enough. Lady Ganondra’s leather-covered hand collided with Lila’s face, whirling her around and to the ground. Before she could regain her breath, the chieftess hauled Lila up again by the back of her neck. She was so massive, her hand wrapped almost completely around Lila’s neck. Lady Ganondra’s dark face swirled in Lila’s vision.

"How dare you lead that trash prince to my kingdom!" seethed Lady Ganondra. "You may have ruined everything! Now I have to use more spies just to make sure he doesn't cause trouble. You can be so useless at times."

At that, she threw Lila aside and walked away. Through a haze, she saw Kotake and Koume approach her. She gathered her strength enough to sit against the wall.

Koume said, "You're lucky she needs you alive."

"Else the two of you would be long dead!" Kotake finished with giddy. They followed Lady Ganondra down the hall.

Lila closed her eyes and rested, breathing heavily. She should have died. That would have solved so many of her problems. But then Zale would be subject to Lady Ganondra's torment.

Something wet trickled down her unharmed cheek. She put her hand to her face, trying to fight the surge of heat rising from her chest. Before she knew it, unbefore-acknowledged emotions overwhelmed her, and the tears poured out. Lila gripped her hair and bit her lip, but the physical pain wasn't enough to block her thoughts.

What have I done? I wish I never met Zale. Things started going poorly only after I talked to him, and I've put him in danger, too. I wish this never happened...

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
When Lila woke the next day, she was surprised Lady Ganondra wasn't the one yelling her awake. Instead, it was unusually quiet. She hoped that wasn't a bad sign. She noticed something on her desk that wasn't there last night. As she sat up on her bed, she saw that it was a note.

Lady Ganondra requests you journey to Mother and Child Isle next, she read. There you are to acquire the Cloak of Shadows. Lady Ganondra expects you back in three days. Do not disappoint her again. -Nabooru

Three days? The trip to the coast took at least half a day. Lila quickly readied herself for the task.

The sun had set at least an hour before Lila reached the shore. Lila tested the water. She had only been to the ocean a few times before for training. Now she was glad for it because she had to swim to Mother and Child Isle.

After surveying for the best part of the beach, Lila waded into the ocean. She aimed for the beach on "Child Isle." She didn't know why the Isle had two names. "Child Isle" was the lower part of the island and the only way to access it. "Mother Isle" was like a tower, with every side a steep cliff. Lila guessed the strip of land between the two used to be underwater which would make them separate islands. However, that begged the question: Did the sea level fall or the island rise?

Not that it really mattered.

Upon reaching the beach of Child Isle, the strong wind produced by the shape of the island began teasing at Lila's clothes. She felt a chill from the air hitting her wet self. She donned her newly procured boots and pushed forward.

Because of the wind, Lila had never before been able to travel much farther than the rocky beach. Nabooru brought her here to train her leg strength a few times. Now with the Boots of Sturdiness, she was able to get inside the cave, leading to mystery. She took a breather at the mouth of the cave. The wind was minimal there, so she was able to take off the boots. She also lit her lantern because there was no other light. Her rattled breath echoed loudly on the rock walls.

"I wonder if this would be a safe place to sleep," she said aloud, wishing for the company of Mori. The weariness was starting to catch up with her, and she realized she missed the keese more than she thought possible.

"I'll just check out this cave a bit."

Lila walked deeper into the cave. She looked for torches along the wall but found none. It wasn't long before she came to a door. She wondered if she should open it or leave it alone.

"Maybe just a peek."

She pulled the door open and stood just short of entering. Inside was dark so she couldn't see much, but she could tell the dungeon went much deeper than sea level. She heard the roar of winds blowing in different directions but saw no evidence of a tornado. For that she was glad. Having satisfied her curiosity, Lila closed the door and returned to the mouth of the cave to sleep.

The sun woke her in the morning. It didn't reach directly into the cave since it was angled slightly to the south, but the light and warmth were enough to get her going. She ate a small breakfast of dried meat and then continued on her quest.

Lila was surprised to see the dungeon had lit up from the sun. She noticed several shafts of light around the room. It was so bright, the area glowed like soft gold.

With the new light, she was better able to see the lay of the land. Three tiers of balcony ran around the perimeter, with Lila being on the top one. There was also a solid floor at the bottom. Holes in the walls lined up with the four cardinal points, but Lila could detect no other pattern. The holes were the source of the winds and some of the sunlight. There were also a few doors between the holes. Two other doors were on the same level as Lila, but one of them, the more ornate one across the room, had gaps in the platform on either side. She had no idea how she would be able to get there.

That left the other door. A wind tunnel was between her and the door. Lila put the boots back on to avoid getting blown off the edge. It was a long drop. Though the wind pushed against her, the boots kept her safely on the ground. She took off the boots before opening the next door.

After several fights with hoards of keese ("I'm glad Mori isn't here to see this.") and larger kargaroc ("Those birds make the most annoying sound!"), Lila found herself on top of Child Isle. She had climbed a set of stairs around the outside of the island. Before reaching the top, she saw an extra large bird sleeping on the far side. It looked big enough to eat a horse for lunch. She couldn't see any evidence of treasure and wished Mori were there to tell her if this thing was worth fighting. Since there was nothing left for her to do in the dungeon, she decided to approach the nest.

"Hey, pretty bird," Lila said tentatively. "I think you have something I need, so will you wake up just a moment?"

She had awakened it. As the bird shifted and stretched, she saw that it was a smaller version of one of Lady Ganondra's pets: a helmaroc. Immediately she knew she had to fight it. The Helmaroc King was a very grumpy monster of a bird that only listened to Lord Ganondorf. That thing had injured her more than once.

Lila jumped back and readied her sword. When the helmaroc saw the light reflecting off the sword, it locked eyes on Lila. Suddenly she felt very small. Swallowing her fear, she lunged at the bird's neck.

The helmaroc cawed loudly and flapped its wings. Lila was buffeted to the ground as the helmaroc took flight. She stood up quickly, not wanting to be landed on. With the bird gone, she noticed something strange in the nest. She glanced up but didn't see the bird... until it rammed its beak into her back. Lila tumbled forward into the nest, the breath knocked out of her. She tucked into a fetal position until the helmaroc passed. Then she looked around for the object she had seen.

It was cylindrical with a set of hooks hanging out one end. The other end was hollow and big enough to fit her hand. She grabbed the object just as the helmaroc grabbed her. She almost dropped it in surprise, and then she shoved her hand inside. She felt a trigger at her finger, aimed at the helmaroc's head, and fired.

The hooks burst out with a chain keeping it attached and clamped on the bird. The helmaroc screeched and let go of Lila. Now she was dangling over the ocean, held up only by the new device she had. The helmaroc returned to its nest, and Lila released the trigger. The hooks let go, and she rolled to the ground.

When Lila stood up, she saw the helmaroc scratching at its injury. An idea formed in her mind. As quick as she could, she put on the Boots of Sturdiness. The helmaroc took flight before she had them completely secured. Once ready, she watched the helmaroc turn to come back at her. When it was in range, Lila fired the hooks.


The hooks latched onto the helmaroc's tail. It reared back, trying to escape, but the boots kept Lila firm. She struggled with the bird for a bit like a fish on a line, and then she was able to overpower it. The helmaroc crashed to the ground next to her, and she pulled out her sword.

Of course, the first set of attacks was not enough. Eventually, the helmaroc struggled away from Lila and returned to the air. Lila readied herself for a second attempt.

The helmaroc was not the most intelligent of creatures. Lila was able to pull it down again and resumed her attack. This time the helmaroc was unable to escape, and Lila killed the monster. With another victory under her belt, Lila rested against the edge of the nest. The helmaroc disappeared in a cloud of dust like her other enemies. It left behind a key.

Having rested enough, Lila took the key and went back into the dungeon. She knew where this key went and wanted to continue without delay. If she wasted too much time, Lady Ganondra would be very angry with her. Possibly angrier than she had ever been before. She was extra agitated the last time they encountered each other, and Lila wondered if she was ready to be done with her. If she messed up in any way ever again, she worried it would be the end of her. Kotake and Koume had told her just as much.

They also threatened Zale.

Lila hurried to the other door.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
When Lila looked for a way to get to the locked door, she saw latches on either side. They looked like the perfect grip for her new toy, which she decided to call a "hookshot." She used her boots to get past the wind and then used the hookshot to get to the door. Her plan worked perfectly.

On the other side of the door, Lila groaned. She was awed at the beauty but frustrated by the size of the place. Sunlight made the room glow with an ethereal forest light. Trees lined the inside walls and opened their leaves above. There was no ceiling, so they grew freely. There was a small pond and several brooks at the base of the trees. Lily pads, moss, and flowers grew all over the water. This was a place where Lila could spend eternity.

On the other hand, she had a job to do, and another large dungeon would only slow her down. She found the nearest unlocked door and set to work.

Lila used her hookshot many times, shooting from platform to platform, tree to tree. She fought a few of the same monsters, but also some different ones. There were bulbous carnivorous plants taller than her, though they were quite easy for her to handle.

Hidden among clumps of mushrooms, she also came across a monster she affectionately named "puffstools." They were about as tall as her knee, some a bit taller, with red caps. They attacked by letting out puffs of dust that did little to affect her. She mostly just passed them by, since they posed no real threat. After a while, they seemed to grow attached to her.

Finally, with all four pieces of the key assembled, Lila arrived at the boss room. She hoped the battle would be quick; the sun was starting to set.

The wind whipped at her as the door opened. To her surprise, she was once again outside. The door faced directly west, so Lila had to shield her eyes from the dying sun. She stood at the bottom of some stairs. The top of the stairs was slightly below eye level, and she could tell it was a flat surface covered in orange dirt and small rocks. As she walked up the stairs, she saw stone pillars in a ring around her, the bases of which were in the water. Looking behind her, she saw the tops of the trees she saw earlier.

"If only I got here in the morning," Lila remarked to the empty air, "the sun would've been behind the trees. Oh well," she shrugged. She didn't want to wait another night just for convenience.

The area was eerily quiet. No monster immediately attacked her. She readied herself by putting the hookshot on her right hand and holding her sword in her left. She walked around the area, keeping her eyes out for any opposition. For a long time, it was just her and the sky.

When the sun was almost completely gone, the wind became more furious. It all seemed to converge in the center of the platform. A blueish form began materializing inside the focus. It was bulbous on top, and several wiggly limbs danced around the middle. The creature sat upon a swirling cloud.

"There you are," Lila said aloud. Without waiting to see what the creature would do she raced at it with her sword raised.

Of course, the creature easily moved out of her reach.

"Mori would be laughing so hard," Lila muttered. She watched the thing fly around. It reminded her of an octorok, with the only difference being the cloud it floated on. She wondered if it would make similar attacks. Although with the wind blowing so hard, she thought it would probably use that to its advantage.

The octorok seemed to puff up, and then a twisting burst of wind blasted from out of its mouth. Lila quickly moved out of the way, but it was followed by two others. The third one scraped her arm with what felt like dozens of pieces of sand.

She growled at the thing and took aim with the hookshot. The octorok was too fast for her, though. She cried out, "Blast it, hold still!"

The octorok replied with more tornadoes.

After somersaulting away, Lila wondered how she could get herself close enough to attack properly with it flitting away so easily. She needed to slow it down, but how? It was almost a completely opposite battle from the ones against ReDead Knights. Instead of being stunned, she needed to stun.

"That's it!" she thought. Lila pulled out the boomerang she had used in the previous dungeon. Taking careful aim, she timed her throw for when the octorok spat out the wind.

"This will slow you."

It worked. The octorok fell limp upon its cloud, so Lila charged forward. She brought her sword down on it, but its head wasn't as soft as she expected. Her sword penetrated only about two inches into its blubbery skin. She tried stabbing it, successfully pushing in her sword about five or six inches deep.

Then the monster recovered and pushed away. The octorok took a few seconds to compose itself and then rammed straight at Lila. The cloud plus the force of the wind made her stumble back in pain. Though it was dull, it had hit her square on, causing every part of her body to ache with surprising severity.

Lila growled, "You're wasting my time."

Another burst of tornadoes answered her. Lila dodged quickly and released the boomerang once more. She started running toward the octorok even before the boomerang reached the target. Her speed paid off; she got in a few more hits than the last time. By the time it escaped, she could tell it was nearly done for.

The octorok injured her twice more before she was able to kill it. Though she felt drained and hurt all over, she was considerably less damaged than in previous boss battles. She just hoped she would make it back in time.

With the threat gone and the black sky surrounding her, exhaustion overtook her. She searched the octorok's death spot with bleary eyes. There she found the item she had been sent for.

"The Cloak of Shadows," Lila said in relief. She touched the familiar decorated heart and then fell asleep right there. The cloak rested on her like a blanket.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
Early the next morning, the sun accosted Lila as soon as it peeked over the horizon. The cloak shielded her from only a tiny bit of light. Reluctantly she pulled herself to a sitting position.

Because she had forgotten to put away her equipment before sleeping, she was very sweaty and still sore. With deliberate slowness, she gathered what fell off in the night and stood tall. Her stomach growled mercilessly. She dug through her pack for some food as she descended into the dungeon.

Making her way back through the dungeon took a lot of work. It was almost more tiring than fighting the flying octorok. She had to continue switching between either her Boots of Sturdiness or hurling herself across chasms with her hookshot. Once she had reached the entrance tunnel, she had taken several rests. She stopped on the beach after almost being hurled into the ocean by the wind.

After her frayed nerves had a chance to settle, she slowly made her way back to the mainland.

Dusk hung heavily when Lila entered Gerudo Town. Though she saw few people, she could feel energy crackle around her. It felt unlike anything she had experienced before in the village. She wondered what was going on.

Lila knew Lady Ganondra would want her to report her success, but the strange mood made her worried. She opted instead to have a servant deliver the message of her arrival, after stopping by the kitchen. With fresh food, she scurried to the barracks.

More than ever, Lila wished Mori were with her. She needed someone to help her figure out what the fuss was about. Since having entered the castle, she had seen even more activity. In her worn state, she dared not ask anyone about it.

Lila ate her meal slowly and then went to take a bath. When she returned to the barracks, the door was open.

Lady Ganondra was there.

"My Lady Ganondra," Lila greeted, catching her breath.

"Ah, there you are, child. You have the Cloak?" Lady Ganondra smiled her wicked smile. She seemed... excited.

Lila nodded and said, "Yes, ma’am."

The chieftess clapped her hands together, making Lila jump. "Perfect! We are almost ready for the invasion."

"Invasion?" Lila squeaked.

Lady Ganondra ignored her. Pulling something out of her inner pocket, she said, "There is only one thing left for you to do. Put this on."

Lady Ganondra handed Lila a bundle of green fabric. Her breath caught in her throat. By the color alone, she recognized the outfit from her history lessons.

This is what Zale was talking about, she realized.

Lady Ganondra chuckled slightly to herself. She enjoyed watching the struggle in Lila’s mind.

"I will wait outside," she said, and then left Lila alone.

Lila's knees buckled as soon as the door closed. She stared at the clothes in her hands. So her Lady Ganondra knew all along. She knew what Zale had guessed. What Lila had refused to believe.

Lila was the Hero of Courage.

With shaking hands, she slowly laid out each piece on her bed. Her heart thudded as she dressed. Once done, though she didn't want to do it, Lila opened the door for Lady Ganondra to enter. Lila backed up until she touched her bed.

Lady Ganondra's smile grew, or maybe it was the vileness in her eyes. She ordered, "Show me your hand."

Puzzled, Lila offered her right hand.

"No, the other one."

Lila brought up her left hand. She noticed she could feel something burning on the back of her hand. Suddenly she knew what the chieftess was looking for. On the back of her hand glowed three golden triangles, the bottom right one more than the others. Lila was surprised; she thought because of the strength of the burning the mark would be brighter. However, the glow was only barely apparent.

"It's not possible," Lila whispered.

Lady Ganondra laughed and released Lila’s hand. She crumpled to the ground. She couldn't look at the chieftess. Tears stung her eyes, and her breath came slowly.

"You are my perfect little pet," Lady Ganondra mocked. "Now we are ready. You must leave now. Take your things. You are going to find Zale, and you are going to hold him until I get to you. We are taking the castle tonight!"

Now Lila understood. She felt faint as Lady Ganondra’s plan revealed itself to her. That's why she let her talk with Zale. That's why she had her visit Castle Town. That's why she sent her on quest after quest, each leading up to the Cloak of Shadows.

Finally, something else struck her.

"She's going to kill Zale," she said aloud. Worried, she looked up, but Lady Ganondra had left without her noticing. Lila knew what she had to do, but did she have the courage?

"...heroes who show courage."

"Have courage."


Zale's serene face floated in her vision. He was laughing playfully without a care in the world.

Lila set her jaw. "I have to save him."

With new fire, she forced herself into action. She gathered a few supplies, took one last look at the place she grew up, and then left.

She couldn't let Ganondra win.

She wouldn't.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
This time through the city, Lila saw the preparations for war. Gerudo women everywhere armed themselves with all manner of weapons for which they were trained. They donned armor, shields, and helmets. They readied their battle horses.

Lila was going to betray them all.

Once out of the city, she had to light her lantern. The night was as dark as could be. Gerudo Valley and Hyrule Field were much more creepy than in the daylight. Sometimes skeletons would pop up, but Lila just ran around them. Now wasn't the time to fight small threats.

The gate into Castle Town was closed, but a side door was cracked ajar. Exactly the neglect a lazy guard would facilitate.

Lila carefully entered the open door. No one could be seen, but down a hall, she could hear gruff voices and the clink of glass bottles. She walked forward but winced at the sound of her footsteps. She lifted the hood of her cloak and waited.

Laughter erupted from the party; no one appeared.

They must be too drunk to notice, Lila thought and hurried on to the sewers.

Once through the sewers, she doused her lantern. She didn't want to risk the light when she entered the dungeons. With her hand outstretched, she made her way to the secret stairs. The only light was from a torch far away, so only a hint showed. It was hard to find the stairs, and when she did, they were as pitch black as she remembered. She slowly made her way upward.

Finally, she was at the top. Lila pressed her ear against the wall and listened.

"...to bed. You'll be too tired for studies tomorrow."

That was Zale. Lila's heart thundered.

"Will you tuck me in?" Zelda. Such a sweet, innocent voice.

Zale sighed, "Fine!"

"And tell me a bedtime story?"

"No, it's too late—!"

"I'll tell you one."

This third voice startled Lila. It was Mori. Of course. He was with Zale.

She searched for a way to enter the room. No time for light. They were already walking away.

She found the handle and pulled with all her might. The door swung open loudly. Zale spun around to face her. Lila rushed to embrace him. Shock rooted him in place, and Zelda screamed.

"Zale! Oh, Zale. I'm so glad you're still alive!"

"Lila, what...?"

"No time. You need to get out of here."

"Brother, who is she?" Zelda asked.

It was Mori who answered first. "That's the girl I was with Lila. Don't worry, she won't hurt you."

Lila held Zale at arm's length. Her vision was blurred with tears. "You're not safe here. Shadow Chieftess Ganondra is coming to attack your castle."

"What?" Zale shouted. "What are you talking about? How do you know? And what are you wearing?"

"I'll explain later. You and Zelda need to run. Mori, get them out of here!" Lila pushed Zale toward the door and waved at Mori and Zelda.

Zale mumbled, "How do you know her—"

"Go!" Lila roared. She pulled out her sword. "I'll stall her. Run!"

To her relief, she heard them run down the stairs. But then Zale said, "I'm not leaving you!"

Lila whipped around. "You must!" He closed the door and watched her wearily.

"Why are you here?" he asked more calmly.

"I told you, you're in danger!"

"How do you know?"

"It's a long story." Lila shifted and flitted her eyes around the room. She finally took stock of what was around her: a large bed with curtains, a large wardrobe of dark wood, a matching desk, and a bookshelf filled with books.

"Start with your new clothes," Zale said. He hadn't moved from the door.

"What about them?"

"They are the clothes of the Legendary Hero, and you're wearing them."

Lila scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, well... that's true."

"Does that mean you believe me?"

"What about?"

"That you are this generation's Hero of Cour—"

"Stop it!" Lila shouted. "What do you know? I couldn't possibly be—"

Before Lila could react, Zale rushed to her, took her hand, and ripped her glove off.

The three triangles shone brightly this time, the same one brighter than the others. Lila snatched her hand away.

Zale looked at her with desperate eyes. "Why won't you believe me?"

Lila returned his gaze. The tears were about to come back. She didn't know how to answer him, and he didn't interrupt her silence.

The main door burst open. Lila pushed Zale behind her and raised her sword. Lady Ganondra herself stood under the arch.

"Ah, there you are," she said, taking in the situation. "I do hope you have done as I asked."

Lila could feel the wrath behind her words. For a second Lila faltered, but she steeled herself against the chieftess’s power.

"I will not let you touch him." The words came out less strong than she'd hoped, but at least her voice didn't waver.

All pretense fled Lady Ganondra's countenance. She glared at them, rage boiling from her eyes.

"You made a terrible choice. Kotake, Koume, take them."

Lila hadn't noticed the witches in his shadow. She tried to attack, but Kotake used her ice magic to stop her in her tracks. Then Koume hit her head with a flaming rod.

"Traitor," was the last word she heard.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
It was warm when Lila stirred. Sleep was reluctant to release its hold on her. Slowly, random memories came to her: Her fight with Zale; Lady Ganondra beating her half to death; relaxing in the hot spring; and finally, Lady Ganondra's fiery eyes as she ordered her capture.

Her breathing quickened, and her eyes fluttered. She felt shackles binding her wrists behind her. Orange and red lit the area. All around her was stone and iron.

"No," she exhaled. "No, no, no, no."

"Lila," Zale's calm voice came from behind her. His soft hands held hers. "I'm here, Lila. We will get out of here."

Lila shook her head. "You don't understand!" She glanced around and saw two guards with their backs to them. She kept her voice low. "This is Lady Ganondra's dungeon. Any... anyone who comes down here... No one leaves alive. Ever."

Zale soothed, "Lila, don't panic. I trust you. I know you will get us out of here."

Lila closed her eyes tight. "No, no, no. It's not possible. No one has ever..."

"Lila, you will do it. Have courage. You will—"

"No! I told you, it's not possible! I can't be the Hero of Courage. I'm too scared. I'm terrified. There's no possible way... I don't have any hint of courage."

"Lila, courage is not being unafraid. You can't even have courage without fear. Real courage comes from fighting, even though the fear says not to."

Lila whimpered. "You don't understand. It's impossible. We can never leave this place alive. We're dead. We're dead. We're dead..." she mumbled over and over.

"No, you'll see! I believe in you!" Zale's words couldn't stop her. All he could do was squeeze her hand.

Keys jangled. Lila cringed as she was uncuffed from the pole she and Zale sat against. A jailer yanked her to her feet. She kept her eyes on the floor, but she could see Zale's feet close by. They were led out of the dungeon and through part of the castle. By sound alone, Lila knew they stopped in Lady Ganondra's ceremony room. A part of her wondered why.

"What is this?" Zale asked boldly. Lila heard him get slapped.

"Silence!" snapped a jailer.

"No. Tell us what's going on!"

For his defiance, the woman punched him in the stomach. Lila felt for her friend but knew she could do nothing.

Lila and Zale were chained to iron rings in the center of a magic circle, and the women left. The door closed with heavy finality.

Zale groaned, "Lila, snap out of it. Now's our chance!"

"We have no ch—"

"Shut up!" he said. "If you keep thinking that way, then no, we have no chance. But look! That's the Master Sword! The Sword's magic can help you save us."

Lila finally looked up. A broken stone pedestal was near them, with a sword, point down, in the rock. The hilt and crossguard were lavender, and light green ribbon wrapped around the grip. The crossguard looked somewhat like wings.

"If you can reach it, you can pull it out and break these chains. Come on, you have to try!"

Slowly, she processed what he was saying.

"If you don't, Ganondra will win, and everyone will die."

She still didn't move.

"I will die," Zale emphasized.

Lila brought herself to her knees. With her wrists bound to the floor, the task seemed nigh impossible. But she had to try for Zale. She maneuvered around so that one hand held the iron ring while the other reached out. Her fingertips brushed the hilt.

"I can't, it's too far," she despaired.

"No, you have a little bit of slack," Zale pointed out. "Try again."

Lila stretched until it felt like her skin would tear. Zale was right. This time her hand wrapped around a part of the crossguard. She pushed it upward with every drop of strength in her.

Zale encouraged, "That's it! It's moving!"

The door opened. Lady Ganondra saw what was happening and shouted, "No!"

Lila freed the sword. It almost launched out of her grasp, but she snatched onto the blade. She ignored the pain and flipped it around. Then she brought it down on Zale's chain.


He did, straight into Lady Ganondra's stomach. His distraction gave Lila enough time to free herself. She slashed at Lady Ganondra's arms to let Zale get away.

"Stop! Do not defy me!"

Lady Ganondra cradled one injured arm and reached with the other. Her fingers just missed Lila's hood.

"This way!" she yelled to Zale. Without question, he rushed after her.

Many times they were blocked by Gerudo women. The first time there were only two, so Lila quickly disarmed them and gave a sword to Zale. He helped her fight sometimes, and other times she led them in a different direction. Finally, they escaped into the night.

When they neared the borders of the city, they heard battling. They rounded a corner to see Hylians fiercely fighting against Gerudo. Lila and Zale cut their way through to friendly lines. Lila turned around to join them, but Zale grabbed her arm.

"You need to recover. My people will be all right."

Tired of arguing, Lila surrendered to his reasoning. They continued to run over the vast desert. Supply wagons were at the back of the Hyrule army, so that's what they aimed for.

Cries came up from soldiers behind them. Lila and Zale turned to see Lady Ganondra barreling towards them on a large boar. The boar's tusks knocked everyone aside.

Lady Ganondra yelled, "You filthy rat! Prepare for death!"

The boar knocked Zale into the air and stopped Lila between its tusks. Suddenly she found it hard to breathe again. The Master Sword wobbled in her hand. Lady Ganondra raised a bow, the arrow aimed at Lila’s heart.

Enraged Hylians attacked Lady Ganondra and the boar, sufficiently ruining her shot. The boar writhed in pain. Its tusks knocked Lila side to side until her legs buckled and she fell backward. Unseen hands pulled her away from the monster. Her head swam, and she couldn't open her eyes properly.

"Lila!" Zale's voice sounded oddly distant.

"Prince Zale, stay back! Get to the escort!"

"Not until I know she's safe!"

"She won't be safe with you hovering over her. We'll get her to the escort, and then we leave. Got it?"

"Let me help—"

"No! Forgive me, my Prince, but are you stupid? Your ribs are likely broken and..."

The words started fading from Lila's grasp. It wasn't long until she no longer understood anything around her. All she felt were vibrations in the ground. Eventually, sleep forced its power over her.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
Breathing was painful when Lila next awoke. She kept her eyes shut, not wanting to know where she was. She could feel heat, and the blankets covering her didn't help. Voices could be heard, but they were subdued. She could also hear moans and shouts of pain. It felt as though something bound her to the bed. Fear washed over her.

Is this a torture chamber? She squeezed her eyes tighter. How? Who? Zale? Is he responsible, or is he trapped, too? I knew it was impossible to escape Lady Ganondra! She started sobbing uncontrollably.

Someone noticed and rushed over to her. Lila waited for the punishment.

"Shh, shh, child. You're safe. Try to relax."


"Take a deep breath. Everything will be alright."

Lila managed to choke out, "Where... Zale?"

There was a slight pause. "Not now, child. You need to find calm. Slow your breathing."

"Is... he... safe?" The words were barely more than whispers.

Another person joined them. "Here is the potion."

The first said, "I hope she can swallow it." Then to Lila, she instructed, "I'm going to help you sit up so you can take some of this potion. It will soothe your nerves."

Lila couldn't do a thing to make sitting up easier or harder. She just cringed while every movement sent pain through her entire being.

"There, that's better now," said the first voice. "Here's the potion."

A cold glass edge touched Lila's parched lips. She tried to drink, but most of it spilled to the sides. She gasped after each difficult swallow, but the glass wasn't removed until it was tipped empty.

"There, that should help. I'll—"

"Zale," Lila rasped. "Please... is... he... safe?"

The voice sounded surprised. "Of course he is safe."

"C-c ...see... him?"

"I-I'm sorry. I... can't let you."


"Rest up. It will take a while to heal."

Lila heard footsteps. That was the end of that conversation. Even though she didn't do much, at all, she felt completely exhausted. She felt as though she ran through the desert for a full day.

Anxiety raced around in her mind. Where is Zale? Why can't I see him? Why am I tied up like a prisoner, but they are healing me? Who are they? Where am I? Before long she was back in sleep's embrace.

"No! You can't stop me! Let me through!" Zale shoved his way past the guards and finally laid eyes on Lila. She looked pale and her breathing was shallow. "Has she woken up yet?" he asked a nurse.

"Yes, once. But, you can't be here. It's not safe for—"

"Stop saying that!" Zale yelled, pushing a guard off him. "Lila is my friend! I trust her completely. She is the Hero of Courage!"


At the sound of her voice, he rushed to her side. "I'm here, Lila. I'm here." Another guard grabbed his arm. "Let me at least tell her what's going on. I'll bet none of you have."

The surrounding attendants finally backed away, feeling abashed. Zale immediately turned back to Lila. He relaxed, holding her hand.

"Lila, how are you?" Zale started softly. "Can you squeeze my hand?"

Lila took a breath and concentrated. She was able to squeeze his hand, but her grip was weak.

"Good. Thank you for saving me. I know it was hard, but you did it. Your courage saved us both.

"My people, the people of Hyrule, now know who I am. They also know... some of your past. Mori explained a few things to me. I only told others what was important, but they figured out the rest on their own. Because of this, they don't trust you the way I do. That's why you're restrained. I'm so sorry you're stuck like this. I'm trying to convince them of your goodness.

"There is something called the Trial of Light," Zale continued. "I'm not quite sure of the details, but I do know that it is very dangerous. My people don't think you can go through it, but I know you can. When you've recovered, I'll take you to the Great Tree."

Zale gave Lila a moment to process what he told her. Her head was spinning, but it might have been more from her injuries. With a raw voice, she said, "The Trial of Light... Is light the same as... goodness?"

A slight smile crossed Zale's face. "Yes, you could say that. I believe it has been that way for centuries."

Lila closed her eyes. "Lady Ganondra's castle is very dark... I would like to see something lighter..."

"That's a great goal," Zale said, tenderly touching her shoulder.

Lila looked up at him. His smile made her stomach flip, and she felt lighter than air.

"How long... before I can go?"

"You just have to wait until you recover," Zale answered. "I'd guess a few days more."

Lila felt herself relax. "Good. I don't like being stuck in bed."

Zale laughed, "I can imagine!"

As Lila healed, she found herself very lonely... and twitchy. The latter was because she wanted to get moving, but her body was taking a long time. The former was because almost no one spoke with her. Though she was used to being on her own, recent events taught her that there was comfort in companionship. Mori and Zale visited, but Mori preferred being with Zelda – who was still a secret – and Zale had a lot of politics to deal with. At least, every time Zale visited he focused all of his attention on her. Even if she asked him questions, he gave her brief answers and returned to the topic of her recovery.

Those helping with her recovery, however, were quiet with her. They spoke enough to give Lila instruction and nothing more. Even when the attendants were with other patients, she could feel eyes on her at all times. She deserved their distrust. She only just barely joined them by betraying the people who raised her. Anyone who betrayed once could betray again. The Trial of Light, Zale explained, would remove all doubt of her loyalty, because only the pure of heart could succeed.

At last, the time came when Lila could move almost normally. She gathered her equipment, ignoring those around her, and met up with Zale. Not for the first time she glanced at the gold circlet he now wore. It symbolized his power as a prince or something like that. Lila wondered where the king was. No one seemed to know, but they insisted he was alive... somewhere.

"Are you ready?" Lila asked Zale. He wasn't wearing armor or carrying a weapon.

"Yeah," he answered. "I'm just taking you there; you will go through the trial alone."

Lila nodded and glanced around. "Then let's get moving. I'm tired of everyone staring at me like I'm a bokoblin." She briskly set off without waiting for Zale to reply.

He caught up to her and said, "The way they look at you will change, but they'll still be looking at you. You are a hero, and soon they will know that. You just have to get used to watching eyes."

Lila sighed. "So you keep telling me. What happens if I fail this trial?"

"Well, actually, you'll die."

She gave him a confused look. "You didn't tell me that before."

"Are you changing your mind?" Zale teased.

She set her expression and said, "Of course not. You surprised me, that's all."

As they ventured deeper and deeper into the forest, the more the trees blocked out the sun. Lila wondered how Zale knew where to go. The trail they followed didn't look any different from the other game trails. He seemed to be moving simply by instinct.

"The Great Tree is just ahead," he said finally.

They entered a clearing. The ground sloped upward toward the center, and it had many bumps and ridges. At the top of the mound was a tree bigger than Lila had ever dreamed of. It was probably at least ten grown men across and towered over the rest of the forest. She realized the hill was actually formed by its roots. She stopped, wondering if she should approach. The air had energy completely the opposite of Lady Ganondra's castle. Here she felt a sense of... peace?

"Amazing," Lila said breathlessly. Zale watched as she slowly stepped forward, her eyes on the tree. He looked at the tree briefly and then turned to leave.

"Stay, child."

Zale and Lila looked around. The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. It was deep and rich. The flap of wings sounded from above, and the two looked up to see a massive owl descending. It was completely brown on the back and outside of the wings. The inside of its wings was gray, and its belly was cream with brown and gray flecks. Its ears were gray and quite fluffy.

"I am the guardian of the forest, Kaepora Gaebora. You are welcome, Daughter of Courage and Son of Wisdom."

Zale stepped forward and bowed. "We are humbled to be in your presence. We are here to—"

"I know why you are here," the owl said gently. "Lila, Daughter of Courage, it is time for you to go through the Trial of Light. Are you prepared to begin your journey?"

Lila turned to Zale, awe plain on her face. He looked almost as surprised as she. He gave her an encouraging smile, and she nodded to the owl.

"I'm ready."

"Very well," said the owl. "You may begin." He flapped his wings and took off. At the same time, Lila saw a glow in the corner of her eye. She turned to see Zale lit up like a firefly. He examined his own arms and hands and then anywhere else he could see. Quickly all energy drained out of him, and he swayed with lethargy. Lila rushed to catch him.

"What's wrong?" she demanded.

Zale spoke with a soft, airy voice. "I'm a bit tired is all. I feel fine."

"You're obviously not fine! What did that owl do to you? I'm going to kill him if I see him again!"

Zale shook his head with a smile. "I'm alright, Lila. Though I suppose this means I'm part of your trial." He turned her chin with his hand toward the forest. "Let us be off, my hero."

Lila rolled her eyes but walked back into the trees.

Laxyak Loves LoZ

Kobold Writer
Mar 22, 2024
Lila and Zale walked through the forest for several minutes before Lila said, "What exactly are we supposed to be doing?"

Zale answered, "I'm afraid I don't know. The only records we have are that the Trial of Light exists; we have no other details."

"Well, maybe we should stop walking, so we don't get lost," she suggested.

"Perhaps..." he said.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're talking weird."

He chuckled, "Of course I'm okay. Actually, I feel quite relaxed."

"I think that's the problem," she muttered.

"Let's continue. Maybe we'll come across the trial soon."

The two resumed walking. The forest was so dark, it seemed to be nighttime. The only light came from Zale. Lila wished he wasn't glowing; he might attract monsters. She kept her new sword ready.

As she predicted, monsters eventually found them. She heard them before she saw them. Three gray wolves burst from the trees around Lila and Zale.

"Stay behind me," Lila ordered, slashing at the attackers. She tried to maneuver to one side of the group, but the wolves jumped to either side, surrounding them again. She and the wolves observed each other carefully. Unfortunately, she couldn't find a safer place for Zale.

Lila dropped her guard for one second, and a wolf leaped at Zale. He held up one hand, palm flat, facing the wolf. The wolf stopped in its tracks and whimpered, but it didn't try to run or attack. Lila ignored her questions for the time being and focused on the other two.

The wolf on the right attacked first. Lila swung her sword down on it, but the second wolf landed on her back and crunched her shoulder. She screamed and switched her sword to her right hand so she could reach it. She clenched her jaw to fight the pain. Aiming where she thought the wolf's head was, she stabbed her sword behind her.

Her aim proved true. The wolf couldn't even whimper as it died. Lila glanced at Zale, saw that he was in the same position as the third wolf, and returned her attention to the first wolf. The wolf growled and barked at Lila, and she growled back.

She was clumsy with her right hand, but Nabooru had made sure she practiced in it a few times. She swiped her sword at the wolf, hitting its neck but without enough force to kill it. The wolf bit down on her right leg. With one more slash, she killed the beast.

That left the wolf with Zale. It seemed to be frozen as a gold light flowed to it from Zale's palm. Lila didn't take any chances and swung down on its neck. The sword cut clean through, and the wolf vanished in a cloud of sparkles.

Lila glanced around, looking for any more threats. When she deemed it safe, she collapsed next to Zale.

"You... okay?" she wheezed.

Zale's eyes were wide. "I'm fine, but... Lila! Let me help stitch you up. Do you have any medical supplies?" He pulled the collar of her shirt down to see chainmail, a little bit dented but intact. He sighed and pulled up her pant leg instead.

"I'll be okay," Lila said but pulled out a roll of bandage anyway. Zale cleaned and wrapped her leg while she chugged down some water.

"The teeth didn't penetrate very deep," Zale said, "but we'll have to clean and dress it properly when we get back. Come on, let's go to the camp."

"If you think I'm giving up, you're wrong."

"But you shouldn't walk on that leg, much less fight!"

Lila tested her leg while she insisted, "I started this trial, and I will finish it. Like you said, if I fail I die."

Zale bit his lip. He sighed, and Lila helped him to his feet. "I guess so."

"Plus, you have your weird light thing. That was awesome, by the way! How did you do that?"

"I don't know," he replied. "It was like my hand moved on its own, something telling me how to do it."

Lila limped through the forest, and Zale leaned on her for support. She worried that he seemed weaker and the light stronger, but didn't let it stop her. Yet.

Something fell from above and forced them to the ground. Using her hand to lift the something, she discovered a sticky white web. Five spiders the size of her torso dangled above them on thin silk. Lila quickly freed her and Zale from the web.

"Deelers, huh?" Zale remarked as though watching birds in Hyrule field.

"Um, don't know if you noticed, but they're trying to kill us."

As though in response, the deelers started swinging faster and faster. Lila took her sword to the closest one. To her surprise, her sword hit a hard shell on its back and bounced away. The deeler next to it rammed its shell into Lila's head, sending her staggering. The other three jumped to the ground toward Zale. As calm as can be he pointed at the closest one. A ball of light the size of his fingernail shot out and hit the deeler in the soft belly. The deeler died in a puff.

Lila changed strategy in her mind. She timed her next attack to hit the weak area. Her patience paid off, and the deeler disappeared. She dodged the one remaining suspended and killed it also.

"Ahh!" Zale cried out, falling to the ground. He had killed his second one, but the last deeler was on his back, biting over and over. Lila ran to him. Carefully she aimed below the deeler's shell but above Zale's back. Then she thrust her sword through.

With the threat gone, Lila examined Zale. He lay on his stomach, breathing heavily with his eyes shut tight. His shirt was torn in a circle covering his whole back, so Lila ripped it off.

"Looks like the deeler had teeth all around its shell," Lila observed quietly. Zale had no reply. Yellowish pus mixed with his blood in the small punctures. I hope he's not poisoned... She quickly went to work cleaning each wound. The pus washed away easily and the bites scabbed over. By the time she was done, Zale's breathing had returned to normal.

"Thank you," he said shakily, finally opening his eyes. "Let's keep going."

He groaned as Lila helped him up. When they faced one another, she blushed at his bare chest.

"I'm sorry," she said, turning away. "I ruined your shirt."

Zale looked at the rags on the ground that used to be his shirt. "Well, not much we can do about it now..."

Without another word, Lila led on. A while later they entered a clearing. Lila cast her eyes about, sensing danger.

"What's wrong?" Zale asked.


From the trees on the other side of the clearing, seven bokoblins walked toward the pair, sneering and chortling as they waved their clubs about.

"You picked the wrong fight," Zale told the bokoblins.

Lila added, "Yeah, a fight with me!"

She charged forward, slaying each bokoblin she came across. However, there were so many that several slipped past her defense. They raised their clubs to attack Zale. Zale made a fist with his hand. A golden light orb surrounded him, and the clubs all bounced off harmlessly.

"Zale!" Lila cried and turned around for another attack. The bokoblins continued assaulting the orb in vain, but because they were distracted, it was easier for Lila to kill them. Two or three of the smaller ones got in hits to Lila before they were all gone.

Zale released his fist, causing the orb to vanish. Lila caught him as his knees buckled. He looked pale.

"Zale," Lila said quietly, "are you okay?"

He just nodded, so she didn't believe him. But there wasn't time to worry about him. Nine gray wolves emerged from the trees, all growling with malice.

"Um, Zale... Can you do that shield thing again?" Lila sat him on the ground and readied her sword. The wolves slowly stalked closer and closer. What could she possibly do to protect them from nine wolves when she had trouble with three?

A calm determination settled over her. She wouldn't let Zale die because of her. Moving by instinct, she closed her eyes and raised the Master Sword to the sky. The triangles on her hand burned stronger than ever. The sword's blade glowed blue, the light rising from the hilt. At the precise right moment, Lila swept her sword down and spun on her toes. She was a whirlwind batting the wolves away like toys. Each wolf tried attacking her again but met with her blade. All nine wolves died at her hand.

Lila dropped to the ground, exhausted. Some magic had helped her, but now it was gone. She looked for Zale... and found him lying on the ground. She pushed herself to his side and held his hand. He was still breathing and didn't appear injured, but his eyes were closed and his breathing was weak. The light was bright as the sun.

"No... Zale..." Tears stung her eyes before they fell down her cheeks. "Stay with me. You can't die..."

Leaves rustled through the clearing as large wings stirred the air below the owl, Kaepora Gaebora. Lila's sorrow burst into rage.

"You! It's your fault! You're the one who did this to him!" She took up her sword and staggered toward the owl.

"Lila..." Zale's voice stopped her in her tracks. She turned around to see him getting to a sitting position. She glanced at the owl but decided to go back to Zale's side. "I'll be fine, Lila."

"You have succeeded," declared Kaepora Gaebora. "Daughter of Courage, fear not for Prince Zale. He – and yourself – will recover with a bit of rest. Before that, I have a reward for both of you. Zale, I believe you know what to do."

"Um, I guess I do," Zale replied. He brought his hands together with a look of concentration on his face. Slowly, he pulled his hands away. As he did so, the gold light shone brightly between his palms. It formed into a crossbow. The light remaining in Zale disappeared into the crossbow.

He smiled up at Lila and said, "Try it." She looked at him in confusion.

"How? There are no arrows."

Zale stood and held the bow with a firm stance. He brought his hand up where the arrow would rest, then pulled back. An arrow appeared, made of the same light. He let the arrow fly into the dark forest. The air shimmered behind the arrow until it was out of sight.

"As long as your heart remains pure, Son of Wisdom, you will hold power over this weapon," said the owl. "Now for the Daughter of Courage. It isn't as grand, but you will find this weapon hides its own surprises. Treat it well." He tucked one wing under the other and then pulled out a plain wooden bow and leather quiver. Lila opened the quiver to find twenty of the finest arrows.

Zale and Lila bowed.

"Thank you for such wonderful gifts," said Zale. They stood tall once more.

"Lila, Hero of Courage, you have passed the Trial of Light. Now you may rest as I transport you to safety."

Lila and Zale felt their eyelids get very heavy. After sharing a smile, they collapsed into a deep sleep.

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