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Rate Your Day


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend

procrastination is killing me I haven't done a THING all day I wanna punch myself, I HAVEN'T DONE A SINGLE THING ALL WEEK LONG WHAT AM I DOING, and I decided to try to """productively"""" procrastinate by looking up college stuff and reading stuff on reddit for the past like 2 hours after spending all day on youtube and now I feel overwhelmed and stressed about the concept of networking because how the heck am I gonna do that in the future, I feel so unmotivated to do anything, yet stressed because I need to, why am I failing so bad, I keep procrastinating DMs because I tell myself I'm too busy with work but then I WASTE MY TIME and yet I STILL won't give myself the privilege of responding to DMs because I'm thinking I should be working but when I sit down to work my brain thinks of everything BUT that, and now all these messages are stacking up and I'm so overwhelmed with them all and ashamed why can't I just sit down and do something for once, plus I've been feeling so sluggish in the morning I laid on the couch half asleep until almost noon for the past couple days I don't want to do anything work related why can't I just do it

Daku Rinku

Defender of the Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom

procrastination is killing me I haven't done a THING all day I wanna punch myself, I HAVEN'T DONE A SINGLE THING ALL WEEK LONG WHAT AM I DOING, and I decided to try to """productively"""" procrastinate by looking up college stuff and reading stuff on reddit for the past like 2 hours after spending all day on youtube and now I feel overwhelmed and stressed about the concept of networking because how the heck am I gonna do that in the future, I feel so unmotivated to do anything, yet stressed because I need to, why am I failing so bad, I keep procrastinating DMs because I tell myself I'm too busy with work but then I WASTE MY TIME and yet I STILL won't give myself the privilege of responding to DMs because I'm thinking I should be working but when I sit down to work my brain thinks of everything BUT that, and now all these messages are stacking up and I'm so overwhelmed with them all and ashamed why can't I just sit down and do something for once, plus I've been feeling so sluggish in the morning I laid on the couch half asleep until almost noon for the past couple days I don't want to do anything work related why can't I just do it

I am procrastinator too. I want a coffee/tea nug that says “I put the pro in procrastinate.”

My day
Got lots of rest and had a good visit at with my Dad at hospital ans got to visit with my sis too! :)


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze

procrastination is killing me I haven't done a THING all day I wanna punch myself, I HAVEN'T DONE A SINGLE THING ALL WEEK LONG WHAT AM I DOING, and I decided to try to """productively"""" procrastinate by looking up college stuff and reading stuff on reddit for the past like 2 hours after spending all day on youtube and now I feel overwhelmed and stressed about the concept of networking because how the heck am I gonna do that in the future, I feel so unmotivated to do anything, yet stressed because I need to, why am I failing so bad, I keep procrastinating DMs because I tell myself I'm too busy with work but then I WASTE MY TIME and yet I STILL won't give myself the privilege of responding to DMs because I'm thinking I should be working but when I sit down to work my brain thinks of everything BUT that, and now all these messages are stacking up and I'm so overwhelmed with them all and ashamed why can't I just sit down and do something for once, plus I've been feeling so sluggish in the morning I laid on the couch half asleep until almost noon for the past couple days I don't want to do anything work related why can't I just do it
I mean, I dont want to tell you what to do, but you may need to take a break from ZD and some other sites. School and your education are immensely more important. I mean, would you lose some of the social aspect of your life but you cant keep on going like this. It would also be best if you made a schedule, made sure to eat healthy, get a good bit of sleep and an early start on the day. I dont want to sound like I am telling you what to do now. I am just trying to help. Just some of my thoughts. You can keep the penny.
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❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I mean, I dont want to tell you what to do, but you may need to take a break from ZD and some other sites. School and your education are immensely more important. I mean, would you lose some of the social aspect of your life but you cant keep on going like this. It would also be best if you made a schedule, made sure to eat healthy, get a good bit of sleep and an early start on the day. I dont want to sound like I am telling you what to now. I am just trying to help. Just some of my thoughts. You can keep the penny.
I just got up so I already failed today but I really should set an alarm for tomorrow. I appreciate you sharing these ideas with me, I've tried before to set a schedule but after a week I stayed up late and woke up late and hadn't gone back to the schedule since then, it's hard to build habits like that.

Sorry for being so emotional yesterday, I've tried to decease the amount I do that here (and it's been not that hard since this year has been better than past years) but when I'm in a mood like that I always want to write stuff down. I cried to sleep but I'm feeling more calm this morning.

ZD will be hard to step away from, but I think reddit and youtube eats more of my time than here atm, I really need to stop pulling them up in the morning while I eat. I'll try to avoid them today. If I can just get one thing done...

Thank you again OG, I don't want you to feel nervous to provide support and helpful ideas.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
I just got up so I already failed today but I really should set an alarm for tomorrow. I appreciate you sharing these ideas with me, I've tried before to set a schedule but after a week I stayed up late and woke up late and hadn't gone back to the schedule since then, it's hard to build habits like that.

Sorry for being so emotional yesterday, I've tried to decease the amount I do that here (and it's been not that hard since this year has been better than past years) but when I'm in a mood like that I always want to write stuff down. I cried to sleep but I'm feeling more calm this morning.

ZD will be hard to step away from, but I think reddit and youtube eats more of my time than here atm, I really need to stop pulling them up in the morning while I eat. I'll try to avoid them today. If I can just get one thing done...

Thank you again OG, I don't want you to feel nervous to provide support and helpful ideas.

Failed? No not failure. Waking up just a wee later is just a redistribution of your time. Dont ever think that anything you do is a failure.

There is no problem with you or anyone else being emotional on ZD. Your emotions should never be bottled up. It is a good thing that you are expressing your emotions. It doesnt have to be us though. I feel terrible that you cried yourself to sleep.

You dont have to take a break from ZD. Humans are social beings. Set some time away for it. I think It might be a good idea to knock two birds out with one stone and actually do some internet stuff while you eat, but you have to make sure that you stop when it is time to stop. I kinda see this as a good thing.

You are not a failure, Echo. This is the honest truth. You wake up every day and rise to the occasion every time. But you know that the struggle is real. Just take it one day at a time. It is perfectly fine if you dont get all the work you wanted done completed at the end of the day. You are extremely smart. Your SAT scores say so.

In order to complete the puzzle, you have to take it one piece at a time. Dont worry about step 53 if you are only on step 50.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
Failed? No not failure. Waking up just a wee later is just a redistribution of your time. Dont ever think that anything you do is a failure.

There is no problem with you or anyone else being emotional on ZD. Your emotions should never be bottled up. It is a good thing that you are expressing your emotions. It doesnt have to be us though. I feel terrible that you cried yourself to sleep.

You dont have to take a break from ZD. Humans are social beings. Set some time away for it. I think It might be a good idea to knock two birds out with one stone and actually do some internet stuff while you eat, but you have to make sure that you stop when it is time to stop. I kinda see this as a good thing.

You are not a failure, Echo. This is the honest truth. You wake up every day and rise to the occasion every time. But you know that the struggle is real. Just take it one day at a time. It is perfectly fine if you dont get all the work you wanted done completed at the end of the day. You are extremely smart. Your SAT scores say so.

In order to complete the puzzle, you have to take it one piece at a time. Dont worry about step 53 if you are only on step 50.
This means so much to me, thank you so much OG, this is really comforting to read. Thank you <3
Reassurance like this is, like, soo different than what my mind's been thinking all day yesterday and earlier this morning, all the negativity in my head around how I'm acting makes it even harder to start acting for the better, if that makes any sense. Drains my motivation to do anything if I keep having days or weeks like this no matter what I do. But this support has just really lifted my mood up, I've opened the checklist website I use to keep track of my assignments that need to get done for the first time in like a week just now. I'll try to take baby steps with this.

ech do your what i did today thread that might help us help you keep in track....
I've thought of it, the thread in lorule? I just get a bit embarrassed about needing to use that, instead of being self reliant like normal people. But I suppose normal people have peers doing the same work they are in designated hours of time with teachers constantly making sure they're keeping up with the curriculum...I don't have any of that structure, I have to be my own teacher in a way and I don't think my personality is cut out for it a lot of the time. I'll probably use it today.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
This means so much to me, thank you so much OG, this is really comforting to read. Thank you <3
Reassurance like this is, like, soo different than what my mind's been thinking all day yesterday and earlier this morning, all the negativity in my head around how I'm acting makes it even harder to start acting for the better, if that makes any sense. Drains my motivation to do anything if I keep having days or weeks like this no matter what I do. But this support has just really lifted my mood up, I've opened the checklist website I use to keep track of my assignments that need to get done for the first time in like a week just now. I'll try to take baby steps with this.

I've thought of it, the thread in lorule? I just get a bit embarrassed about needing to use that, instead of being self reliant like normal people. But I suppose normal people have peers doing the same work they are in designated hours of time with teachers constantly making sure they're keeping up with the curriculum...I don't have any of that structure, I have to be my own teacher in a way and I don't think my personality is cut out for it a lot of the time. I'll probably use it today.
yea cuz at school you had the others bein like yo dizz doing work!?

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