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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The bucket list.
Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in a movie is always going to be good. And good it was. The movie is touching and amazing. It never gets boring and the ending is actually a bit of a twist because the narrator dies first while we;re getting tghe idea he is still alive. Because you know....narrating. I love movies like this and both actors made it an incredible great journey.
10/10 and 5 stars.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho

This movie was amazing. It's based on a short film that I saw a few years ago, so I was really excited to learn that it had been turned into a feature film.

The story follows Leonardo and Giovana who are two best friends that do everything together. One day a new student arrives in their class, Gabriel, and Leo discovers that life, love and friendship may have more to offer him than he had ever thought possible.

Thankfully, this film did not disappoint. It's amazing how close to perfection you can get when actors, directors and composers come together and create worlds of art.

What stands out the most about this film is that Leo, the main character, is blind. The LGBTIAQ themes within this film were handled with grace and were generally free of the clichés that plague these types of films. The story itself feels very natural and light hearted, which is rare in a movie with LGBTIAQ content. I definitely commend the script writers for very natural flowing dialogue between the characters.

Not once did I feel bored or as if any portion of the movie dragged or didn't belong. I give this film 10/10.
Genesect and a legend awakened.

It was a bit cheesy for me, but hey. I've been wanting to watch it for two years, it's pokemon, and it has robot bugs.


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
OK, so I finally got the chance to watch Whiplash (and by finally I mean finally decided to look for it online), and holy ****, I'm definitely glad I did.

This movie is just incredible. The cinematography is amazing, the acting is fantastic, and the story is great. It was extremely intense and realistic, and there wasn't a single moment in it that I disliked. Definitely one of the best stand alone movies I've seen in a long time. HIGHLY recommend for everybody. It's just an extremely good movie. Go watch it. Right now. Do it. You know you want to.



Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
At the beginning of this week I noticed an ad on a bus stop that advertised the new SpongeBob movie, and it said it was to be released on the 26th of March here in Australia. Every piece of media I read beforehand said April 2nd, and after looking at cinema times, I was pleased to notice it did it release seven days before I thought it would.

I ended up seeing the film this afternoon, thinking I would be watching it next weekend, and I loved it. Particularly, the animation was fantastic, including both the traditional 2D portion and CGI segments. The plot felt like it was a few episodes put together instead of a full cinematic-feel like the previous SpongeBob movie, but I'm okay with that. There were plenty of references to the first few seasons of the show, which was pleasing.

If I had to give a rating, it'd be 8/10.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
The Truman Show

It was awesome, although I wish it was a little more detailed. If all of this was included in the movie, it would have been so much cooler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frXlYeflkt4

Nonetheless, amazing and original concept, good acting, and pretty funny. I just couldn't stop watching. In fact, I want to know what happens after it ended.



Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The Divided.
What a bad movie that was. It starts with a nucleair attack and some people are hiding in a bunker. A few of them get insane and start to get out of control.
+ nothing
- No explanations what exactly happened and why
- Bad acting
- Bad ending as well. One of the only sane characters left people to die to save her own ass.
Rating 1/10 and only because I had to give a rating for the statistics :P
Apr 1, 2013
The Frozen Ground- 3.5/4

First mystery film I've seen that explores the setting, atmosphere, and victims over the cops and robbers themselves.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012

Terrible movie. The effects were, for the most part, done well. But the plot couldn't decide what it wanted to be. There were some segments that I thought would make incredibly good movies if they stuck with them, but the interesting plots are gone as quickly as they appear. Along with the fact that the ending was perhaps the worst thing I have ever seen.


Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
300: Rise of an Empire

If I had to rate it I'd give it a 3/10.

Basically if you were wanting some sort of plot progression this movie doesn't really give it and that is what bothered me. It starts out after the 300 spartans died and the spartan queen has a bunch of naval ships to avenge the 300. From there though the movie switches to the past. Basically a bulk of the movie shows what was going on for the Athenians while the 300 were fighting the persians. So really I just felt like I was watching the first movie again but in a different perspective. Finally at the end the plot leads back up to were the movie started and we see a new event in the plot, all the greeks unite against the persians. Although you get a sense that the greeks are going to win King Zerxes doesn't get killed so it leaves you thinking maybe there will be another movie. Of course if you know your history you know the greeks win but in general I felt like the movie could have just been concluded with the entire battle being played out instead of ending it only half way through.

I'd suggest renting it or watching it on TV before buying it or anything. Personally I liked the first movie better and felt like this one was a rip-off.
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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Furious 7

Non-stop action and brilliant acting accompanied by some cheesy moments and an incredible tribute to the late Paul Walker at the end (which actually caused me to get a little teary eyed).


Probably the best installment in the series thus far. It had its unrealistic and cheesy moments, but they actually made the film better imo.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Noah (2014). 0/10.
What an extremely boring and drama movie this is. Ugh, I don't care of people are religious or not but couldn't they at least have tried to make this a movie instead of a soap opera??? The effects were horrible, the acting was poor (except for Anthony Hopkins) the plot was poor and I could go on and on.

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