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Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Man of Steel 10/10

Very convincing performances by Amy Adams (Lois Lane) and Russell Crowe (Jor-El). I enjoyed how Kent's past was detailed through flashbacks. For once Superman was more than a standard hero. He was a developed character struggling with his emotions and his place on Earth. Props for faithfulness to the comic book lore.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Man of Steel - 1/10

I honestly didn't enjoy this movie at all...it wasn't worth the time. :I
Aug 18, 2009
Last night I watched Hansel and Gretel with my girlfriend, in 3D too. It was alright a movie, but I expected more from it. Anyway, 9/10 only because I watched it in 3d and had my gf hugged the whole time. ;)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Yeesh...I'm just getting through another movie whose name I don't know (it's on demand)...what a waste I tell you. 4/10


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Land of the lost. It is about a man who travels in time and ends up in some kinda parallel universe with dinosaurs. The movie has Will Ferrell as the Scientist. I must say this movie was not that bad at all. It was a comedy but not like you had to laugh like 99% of the time and get a fake feeling. I liked it. And rate it an 8/10


Whoo are youu?
Nov 4, 2009
U.S.A., Lost in a forest.
Warm Bodies-- I sat around 6/10-- most of the jokes that were the funniest were in the trailers so watching it I didn't laugh as hard since I did that on the trailers-- there was some very good wit in it and interesting messages philosophies but over all it was a goofy fun magic movie. The Boneies where cool.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Man of Steel.

From the director of Watchmen comes Man of Steel, a Superman film for the modern era.

And when I say, "modern era," I mean the sort of hyperactive, learning impaired children who can't sit still for more than five minutes without something blowing up or someone dying. Zack Snyder once said he wanted to portray Superman as an angry god, burdened with so much power and responsibility, and he sure delivered. Man of Steel is two and a half hours of special effects, Superman hovering around in a costume that somehow looks cheesier than the spandex worn by Christopher Reeve in the 1970s film, and Jonathon Kent giving out terrible life lessons.

The action of Man of Steel goes on for hours and doesn't ever stop. The film moves from one over the top set-piece to another without building an ounce of suspense. Encounters that should be nerve-wracking become downright boring, because the viewer isn't given a break in between. Even the final battle between Superman and General Zod falls flat because of the hour of constant action experienced beforehand.

But let's not forget the sage advice provided by Jonathon Kent, Superman's adopted father.

"Don't save those people if it means exposing your powers."

"Don't save me if it means exposing your powers."

"It's not like using your powers to do good could cause people to like you."

"Be selfish."

Man of Steel earns a 3/10.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Man of Steel

It tries to be too much at once. It's an origin story, a coming of age story, a superhero story, etc. The Lois Lane romance sequences felt a bit rushed. Clark Kent saves her like 3-4 times and then they make out before he goes to deal with Zod... :/

Overall, it was a fine movie even though certain parts seemed rushed, or seemed to just happen because the script demanded it. I'm sure loads of story was cut from it, so I'll probably buy the Director's Cut when that comes out. Anyways, its not a bad movie by any means, and easily the best Superman flick in a long time. And I thought Zod was a great villain :)



poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights

It's well animated, has great voice work, and the stories that are told in the movie are all very interesting.

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