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Rate the Last Game That You Played

May 4, 2014
Pokemon Yellow. Its fine until you get to the last stretch. It takes forever to grind up a team. I'll never understand why GF didn't opt for automatic team leveling until so late in the franchise like every other rpg? They didn't even do that nonsense in EB. 6/10


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
The murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sega's April Fool's prank was a Sonic visual novel where you're working on a train and Sonic and all his buddies show up for Amy's birthday party to have a murder mystery party, and you get to tag along with Tails who's playing the detective. Was super cheesy but pretty fun. Also look out for the twist ending!!!1
Potato Flowers in Full Bloom - 10/10

I dunno why I'm eternally reluctant to ever give a game a 10, but for everything I got out of this game, I think it deserves it. The artstyle was cohesive, the mechanics are cohesive, the build potential limitless (although I didn't make much use out of my other team members). Story was light and simple but it had some nice stuff in it, enough to fill in your objective. Dungeon design was really thought out, and need I mention how satisfying it was to fill in maps?

Also, I named all my characters after trees.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Xenoblade Future Redeemed
after going through the whole Xeno collective over the years, this campaign was an absolute treat, but even that aside it was such a greatly paced ride that left me wanting so much more


May 18, 2013
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the last new game I played I completed it back in January, I mostly played old games since then.

It's great but I dunno what to rate, the class system was kinda annoying.

I haven't played Future Redeamed yet.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
Castlevania Bloodlines
The first 5 levels of this game are great, honestly some of the most fun I’ve had with a classic Castlevania. Every single thing I hated about the previous classic games is at the very least improved in some way (which makes it even more frustrating that all of that was taken away in SotN).

But then the last level happens, and the game takes an immediate nosedive. 3 full rooms of horrible gimmicks followed by 6 bosses back to back. It actually rivals the worst of what I played in Rondo of Blood. It sucks because Bloodlines was so close to becoming my favorite classic Castlevania too.

Also, the game takes place during WW1, but apart from the fact that level 4 is a munitions factory in Germany the game never really makes reference to that. That was really disappointing.6.5/10
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Jun 27, 2023
Obviously Totk 10/10 but before that I played Jedi Fallen Order, 8/10 and before that It takes two 10/10, Hogwarts Legacy 9/10, Ghostwire Tokyo 7/10, Hi Fi Rush 8/10, Astros Playroom 10/10

And Fall Guys. I play Fall Guys almost daily.
Jun 27, 2023
Sonic Rise of Lyric

Apparently everyone and their mother hates this Wii U exclusive. It has some issues but nothing game-breaking. I actually enjoyed playing it co-op with my girlfriend.

6 out of 10
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