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Spoiler Plot Holes?

Sep 22, 2010
here is a list of some of the plot holes I see just in skyward sword. if at the time of link's wing ceremony the academy has been around for 25 years(I know that this is relational to the 25 years of zelda), how long has skyloft been there? Why does gaporea[sic] not search for his daughter himself? I mean surely everyone must be looking at him as though, your daughter is missing and yet this kid who isn't even a knight yet search for his daughter or at least send one of the senior knights. And when groose mentions that Link gloats about him and zelda going back a long way, why should that bother him considering they(link and groose) are in the same class they must go back the same amount of time. Why does skyloft need an academy of knights anyway when it is such a peaceful place? What do you think happens after the ending credits meaning when groose, cawlin and stritch go back to skyloft why don't you think gaporea stays? People must question his judgement, I mean his daughter disappears and he doesn't go after her and then he leaves her on the surface. If goro the goron says the skyloftians live forever why bother having a graveyard? Let me know your opinions
Apr 6, 2011
To answer your plot holes, here are my responses:

1. Skyloft has been there for a thousand years or at least long enough for the Surface to become a myth.
2. Gaepora is an old man who is rarely seen fighting or even flying outside of Skyloft. Sending him to a world filled with monsters that will kill you in a heartbeat is the not the brightest idea.
3. Skyward Sword explains that Link's mission must be kept as a secret or otherwise there will be panic and confusion amongst civilians that will slow Link down. Also Link is the chosen hero, he's destined to win.
4. Link and Zelda were very close friends and Groose has a crush on Zelda. Groose is most likely jealous that Zelda loves Link more than him.
5. As you said, the Knight's Academy was a recent addition. Perhaps they decided that the people need to know how to defend themselves and save lives thus creating the academy. At night, the monsters come out and attack anyone foolish enough to cross their path. The Knights are trained to defend their folks from the monsters that lurk outside. Not to mention that knights are needed to rescue any hapless hylian that falls off the ledge.
6. I believe they return back to Skyloft is to spread the word about the Surface and that Link and Zelda are fine.
7. Don't take Goro's word seriously. All of his theories are exaggerations legends distorted by time. Like how Spanish explorers believe that Florida has the Fountain of Youth and cities of gold.

The Lost Link

Skyward Sword Plot Holes

Shadao was right in how he addressed all of these concerns you had. It does feel like Skyward Sword has quite a few plot holes though. These could probably be explained somehow but here is what found to be a bit unusual. Please be aware of Spoilers.

1.) The Goddess Hylia only sent the Hylians up into the sky but left all the other races to fight by her side against Demise. Not really a plot hole, but how can the kikwis and parella fight against an army of Demons?

2.) When Link travels on the surface, it always seems to be a bright sunny day despite the cloud barrier which seems to mysteriously vanish when Link is on the surface.

3.) The Gorons don't seem to come from Hyrule as they are archaeologists yet they were mentioned in the intro fighting alongside Hylia. Maybe there homeland was wiped out?

4.) Link defeats Demise in the past, in which case would result in none of the events of the game happening since Demise would be dead and not return in the form of the Imprisoned.

5.) Skyloft, and many of the other islands in the Sky were sent up into the air by Hylia but there is no information concerning the location of Skyloft on the surface.

6.) Ghirahim has the ability to teleport yet he is unable to reach Zelda before Link. Why is this?

7.) If Ghirahim has the power to summon hordes of enemies, black tornados, blast through walls and create magical barriers then why doesn't he use these against Link in the boss fights. I know that it would probably make the boss fights too hard otherwise but I still find it to be ridiculous that he doesn't use his powers to his advantage.

8.) How did Zelda travel between Faron Woods and Eldin Volcano without Impa in the beginning of the game?

9.) Why does Link not have any parents? I could never find any information concerning them. They can't of died in the war against Demise because that was over a thousand years ago.

10.) When Link fights Tentalus, not only does it thrust its tentacles through the hull of the ship which would logically cause it to sink, but during the fight, it is clear that all of, if not most of the Sand Sea has returned to water, yet after the fight, back at the docks the Sand Sea is full of sand again.

If someone could explain these plot holes I would be grateful because it has really been weighing down on me since I found these out in game.
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Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I can't answer all of your questions but I will attempt to answer three of them.

2.) When Link travels on the surface, it always seems to be a bright sunny day despite the cloud barrier which seems to mysteriously vanish when Link is on the surface.

4.) Link defeats Demise in the past, in which case would result in none of the events of the game happening since Demise would be dead and not return in the form of the Imprisoned.

7.) If Ghirahim has the power to summon hordes of enemies, black tornados, blast through walls and create magical barriers then why doesn't he use these against Link in the boss fights. I know that it would probably make the boss fights too hard otherwise but I still find it to be ridiculous that he doesn't use his powers to his advantage.

The cloud barrier disappearing is almost certainly just an aesthetic choice. Skyward Sword was designed to be a vibrantly coloured game and having everything be dark because of excessive clouds would have prevented that. Logically, the cloud barrier should be visible and it should stop sunlight getting to The Surface but then the game would play out in near total darkness which wouldn't be very good.

Time travel as a plot device always creates some kind of paradox. Always. It may seem like a cop-out but this is just something that should basically be ignored. Demise's comment that he has "conquered time" could suggest that the time travel aspect of the story has little impact on the chronology of events.

The Ghirahim question is answered in the game I believe. I seem to remember Ghirahim mention several times that he regrets not using his full power to destroy Link earlier on and how such arrogance has allowed Link to grow more confident in his own abilities. Ghirahim held back his powers for sport as he didn't see Link as a real threat until it was too late.
I may be remembering that wrong, however.
Jul 22, 2011
Shadao was right in how he addressed all of these concerns you had. It does feel like Skyward Sword has quite a few plot holes though. These could probably be explained somehow but here is what found to be a bit unusual. Please be aware of Spoilers.

1.) The Goddess Hylia only sent the Hylians up into the sky but left all the other races to fight by her side against Demise. Not really a plot hole, but how can the kikwis and parella fight against an army of Demons?

2.) When Link travels on the surface, it always seems to be a bright sunny day despite the cloud barrier which seems to mysteriously vanish when Link is on the surface.

3.) The Gorons don't seem to come from Hyrule as they are archaeologists yet they were mentioned in the intro fighting alongside Hylia. Maybe there homeland was wiped out?

4.) Link defeats Demise in the past, in which case would result in none of the events of the game happening since Demise would be dead and not return in the form of the Imprisoned.

5.) Skyloft, and many of the other islands in the Sky were sent up into the air by Hylia but there is no information concerning the location of Skyloft on the surface.

6.) Ghirahim has the ability to teleport yet he is unable to reach Zelda before Link. Why is this?

7.) If Ghirahim has the power to summon hordes of enemies, black tornados, blast through walls and create magical barriers then why doesn't he use these against Link in the boss fights. I know that it would probably make the boss fights too hard otherwise but I still find it to be ridiculous that he doesn't use his powers to his advantage.

8.) How did Zelda travel between Faron Woods and Eldin Volcano without Impa in the beginning of the game?

9.) Why does Link not have any parents? I could never find any information concerning them. They can't of died in the war against Demise because that was over a thousand years ago.

10.) When Link fights Tentalus, not only does it thrust its tentacles through the hull of the ship which would logically cause it to sink, but during the fight, it is clear that all of, if not most of the Sand Sea has returned to water, yet after the fight, back at the docks the Sand Sea is full of sand again.

If someone could explain these plot holes I would be grateful because it has really been weighing down on me since I found these out in game.

1. Humans simply suck and needed the protection of the goddess. Kikwis were able to camoflage themselves and the Parella had the protection of the Water Dragon, also, living in water makes them a harder target.

2. The sun can travel through clouds, and perhaps the cloud barrier was so high up that you can't see it from the surface. Other than that, it's not a plot hole more than the developers just saying "Do you really want to look at a cloud barrier all day? We don't care..."

3. Or maybe we just didn't see it? And being an archaeologist doesn't mean you're from an entirely different continent.

4. Time Travel - Don't question it.

5. The Goddess Statue was shown to have been part of the Sealed Grounds. As for Skyloft and the other islands.... who the hell cares? You could toss Skyloft into most openings and it would fit.

6. Ummm, because he doesn't know where Zelda is? That and Impa is blocking his opportunities for 3/4ths of the game. Besides, we don't know the extent of his teleportation and teleportation to unknown areas is risky in the first place.

7. Because gameplay.

Story reasons:

1st - Toying with Link, as stated.

2nd - Punishing him, uses super-sexy black arms.

3rd - Goes all out.

8. The Legend of Badass Zelda: The Journey from Faron to Eldin
-Coming Holiday 2013

There are rivers connecting the provinces, and it's shown at the end of the Earth Temple that Zelda can teleport a short distance after praying at the springs.

9. Ask every other Zelda game out there. Who knows, and who cares?

10. The Ship started to fill up with water, it was sinking, just not immediately. As for the Timeshift stone, who knows, maybe the radius increased or something.

These aren't really plot holes. You're just looking way to far into things in terms of gameplay mechanics.
Feb 15, 2011
4.) Link defeats Demise in the past, in which case would result in none of the events of the game happening since Demise would be dead and not return in the form of the Imprisoned.

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

I'm kidding, but anyway I'll tell you what I think happened. After Link defeats Demise in the past, he "imprisons" him inside the stone at the Sealed Grounds to ensure that the events in the game still happen no matter what.

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