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Skyward Sword Playing the Harp with Kina



Hello! I am having immense troubles with the Harp mini-game at the Lumpy Pumpkin. If you're wondering, yes, I have watched the ZD tutorial on this... numerous times. Still can't get it. But I just want to be absolutely positive on this... Do I get a heart piece for doing an "excellent" job on the harp? Or is it just after doing all the chores for Pumm that I get one? I'm a little lost. I have one more piece to get and I think its this one. All help is appreciated! Thanks.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
Yes, it is after you get an excellent job on the Harp playing session that you get the heart piece. This is the last part of the Lumpy pumpkin's sidequest, and when you do manage to do well enough, Pumm should give you the heart piece.
Do not worry, I'm sure you will be able to get past it. It's tough and annoying, but it just takes practice ^^
Dec 27, 2011
A lot of people have better luck with how they hold the wii-mote. If you play with the way the top is pointed (vertical, horizontal) that may help.
Feb 21, 2012
Hello! I am having immense troubles with the Harp mini-game at the Lumpy Pumpkin. If you're wondering, yes, I have watched the ZD tutorial on this... numerous times. Still can't get it. But I just want to be absolutely positive on this... Do I get a heart piece for doing an "excellent" job on the harp? Or is it just after doing all the chores for Pumm that I get one? I'm a little lost. I have one more piece to get and I think its this one. All help is appreciated! Thanks.

No, it does NOT have to be an 'excellent' performance. I always do a 'peformance...a little lacking' and I still get the heart piece.

Follow the younger guy's arms to the left with wide sweeping horizontal movements of the wiimote (holding A button the whole time).
Do whatever you want when the music pauses in the middle, just make it sound good.

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