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Pixel Art Project [OoT]


Sep 2, 2021
Hi, I’m new here on ZD, but certainly not new when it comes to Zelda. I’ve been a fan of the series for a long time. My first experience with the series was when I first played Link’s Awakening DX on my yellow Gameboy Color and I loved every second of it. My favorite game is of course Ocarina of Time.

Alright. I do pixel art on and off, eh literally. Been doing this for about 11 years now, so I thought that I need to “celebrate” the occasion by doing a pixel art project. My goal is to make every character, tiles, items and such from Ocarina of Time in the style you see below. Hopefully some animations as well for Link especially.

Are there any pixel artists on this forum? Give me a shout and I would love to see your work!

Have a great one!

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Staff member
I personally have a major interest in pixel art and some experience in the area but since it was more of a teen hobby and my drawing skills remained subpar I don't think they're too good lol

would love to see more of your stuff though!!


Sep 2, 2021
Thanks for the kind words!
Pixel art has always been an art form that I keep coming back to. I’ve tried a lot of different things, 3D modeling, concept art, music, you name it. But pixel art is the one thing that I can clearly see my improvements over the years which makes me more excited to continue with it.

I will make sure to make a proper thread down the line where I can post more pixel art that isn’t tied to this specific project.

EDIT: Bean Seller is done and the main post is now updated.
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Sep 2, 2021
Update time, a smaller one.
I need to go back to the other ones to redefine and touch up some stuff, things have been improving since the first sprite, so it's nothing weird. Might have to adjust the colors as well, it might need a bit more saturation.



Sep 2, 2021
This is the most amazing pixel art I've seen! It's way better than mine, I can already tell you that.
Thank you for the kind words! I’m extremely self-critical when it comes to making stuff so all the positive comments tells me that I’m doing this one right.


Sep 2, 2021
Sorry for the bump. I just wanted to share a link to my profile on Pixel Joint, since some of you guys were interested in seeing some other pixel art that I’ve done! There are a few things uploaded on my profile, some are part of weekly challenges and some are not.
Pixel Joint Profile

I’m still working on stuff for this project, currently doing some basic animations for Young Link, which is a challenge but it’s coming a long nicely! Will share once it’s ready!
Dec 28, 2021
wha! your pixels arts are very beautiful :pikalove:
continue your work, you have great talent


Sep 2, 2021
wha! your pixels arts are very beautiful :pikalove:
continue your work, you have great talent
Thank you! The progress on this little project is a bit slow at the moment, but I do have some things ready soon. hint* kokiri forest stuff hint*

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