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Ping Pong!


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
The rules are simple:

1: No editing.
2: Ping the Pong, and vice versa.

Elaboration: We're going to play a game of "ping pong", in which the first person posts ping, and the second replies pong, then someone replies ping, and so on. FOREVER! [evil crazy grin]
This is a game to build on the 30 character limit. Since "ping" and "pong" are too short for 30 characters, you have to work it in somewhere in a post. For example, you could say "I saw nine Pandas In Nine Gardens!" and the next person could say "I just broke my Atari playing PONG.... :(" Please make it bold for the funness. If the person before you messed up you can start at ping or pong. Whichever you feel is more appropriate.
Do not post both ping and pong. That's cheating.

If you post the wrong word, you get added to the Wall of Shame. Hence the no editing. >=]
(thanks for being a good sport)

Justeazy (x2) :lol:

I'll start:
Syrup on Pancakes IN the morninG is what I ate for breakfast!
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Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
thanks, but I already have a Pretty sweet NintendO Wii, so, I don't Need more that one of those Game systems :)

NINJAD! dangit! (30 char)!!!!!!!

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