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Game Thread Pendio Mafia XI


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
we also have an extra death today, and only ex has stepped forward to claim it. As far as i understand ex is guaranteed scum from my perspective so whoever is actually responsible for the shot should eventually step forward. Holding off on a lynch until that happens as least is good.
After her saying that she had used her lightning ron on N1,I gave Minish a double action during the night. Hoping she would survive.

putting aside the fact that ex is scum, I normally wouldn't find a "pronoun slip" like that telling. People use the word "they're" as town to refer to other people sometimes. The fact that ex immediately corrected himself is comparatively more scummy because it seems to suggest that he understood that the usage of "they're" would be seen as scummy and i would expect scum to be more self-critical of their wording than town would be.
For me, it's how he immediately voted you as soon as the day started despite your claim on D2.
Sep 27, 2021
not to mention the seanzie kill makes a lot of sense from somebody who, at eod, tried to get the healers to target PK


The game is on!
Day 3 Current Vote Tally:
Ragnarokio - 3 (ExLight, Paranoid King, Fig)
ExLight - 2 (Fext, Killjoy262)

Not voting - A Link In Time, Kirino, Ragnarokio, Storm

With 9 players alive it takes 5 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Sunday, October 17th 2021 at 6:00 PM EST.


Jan 19, 2018
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it would be trivial for a roleblocker to just

roleblock storm

boom extra kill
i forgot about this tbh

i guess there doesn't need to be a vig

that also means ex isn't confirmed
Sep 27, 2021
killing seanzie instead makes no sense from a town PoV

if the bulletproof is town and Seanzie is lying they'll live


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
ex killing seanzie is very strange considering viral flipped scum. (thus meaning seanzie was probably truthful in his claims). Ex also had the opportunity to confirm himself by targeting minish with anything, or confirm me by shooting me.
Sep 27, 2021
remind me of that because I forgot it

but also

Rag is literally just an infinitely better target as town and I think you know that
Sep 27, 2021
like if you're out here laughing about Rag being lynched you can certainly chuck a bullet at her instead of Seanzie

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