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Game Thread Pendio Mafia X

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Beach Bum Extraordinaire
Aug 30, 2019
The Emerald Coast
What's scummy about reactively?

It's true that the game requires a certain amount of reaction from all parties, but if that's someone's entire game then it's a bad look

The reason being that it's much easier for wolves, who have to fake a lot of their content, to react to something then to generate reads and original game-related content that seems natural.

As for you checking ExLight's games, I'm skeptical but I'll let the issue rest while I soak the rest of your contributions in since you seem to be able to play today
Feb 3, 2019
It's true that the game requires a certain amount of reaction from all parties, but if that's someone's entire game then it's a bad look

The reason being that it's much easier for wolves, who have to fake a lot of their content, to react to something then to generate reads and original game-related content that seems natural.

As for you checking ExLight's games, I'm skeptical but I'll let the issue rest while I soak the rest of your contributions in since you seem to be able to play today
Lar, she's not lying about reading Ex's games
I don't know why you doubt these things when you see them
Apr 20, 2020
It's true that the game requires a certain amount of reaction from all parties, but if that's someone's entire game then it's a bad look

The reason being that it's much easier for wolves, who have to fake a lot of their content, to react to something then to generate reads and original game-related content that seems natural.

As for you checking ExLight's games, I'm skeptical but I'll let the issue rest while I soak the rest of your contributions in since you seem to be able to play today

I've never viewed reactive as scummy since most players I have played with in past games become reactive and it is NAI.


The game is on!
Day 1 Current Vote Tally:
funner6 - 3 (Morbid Minish, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Killjoy)
The Sun Fan - 1 (ExLight)
Rubik - 1 (Giri)
Ragnarokio - 1 (funnier6)
Jinjo - 1 (Ragnarokio)
Poyzin - 2 (Kirino, Mellow Ezlo)
ExLight - 3 (MixMasterLar, naga10, The Sun Fan)
DekuNut - 1 (Rubik)

Not voting - Jinjo, DekuNut, DawningWinds, Johnny Sooshi, Poyzin

With 18 players alive it takes 10 for a majority lynch. Otherwise the day ends on Saturday, June 13th 2020 at 6:00 PM EST.


Staff member
I'm scumreading Sun now. The fact his wagon dissolved out of nowhere and that me and funnier, who are mildly towny, are the leading wagons is surprising and insanely annoying.

@MixMasterLar, @naga10
I'd appreciate if you jumped out of my wagon, because your votes on me are pretty nonsensical and come off as paranoia.
Specially you, Lar, because I'm townreading you. Remember last game when you were being petty and roleblocked me and I was the ****ing cop? How about giving me some trust this time :excuseme:


Jan 19, 2018
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What's scummy about reactively? You said I didn't defend myself but where did you want me to defend myself yesterday? funnier and Rubik were the only players who interacted with me yesterday. Mix quoted me after I posted and I didn't get a chance to respond to his post until now. funnier has his vote on you and I find this interesting you're not interacting with him.

I was expecting you to defend yourself by the time you posted next. I also talk your post as a whole as a sort of defense-by-offense. I also interacted with you. There's nothing wrong with reactivity for a person in your position. What i don't like about your play is the way you responded after being attacked.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Johnny I like almost everything you've had to say but this is straight incorrect

Unless you find a better target then lyncing an inactive who has given nothing to the game is the best choice on d1. D1 is a crapshoot anyway and it sets the precedence that the thread won't tolerate slank, which wolves love to do more the further the game goes.

Inactivity can also hurt town's chancss later in phases because eventually you have to address it and it gives wolves easy discussions in phases where they normally would have struggle to maintain acting natural.

And before yoy say it: Yes, replacements are also bad for town since they enter into games and 9/10 times don't bother to read previous phases, or at worst do and never "catch up" and never contributing. The replacement is never bound to any weird behaivor the slot has done before and has the excuses needed to coast a whole phase ("gotta give them a chance, guys!")

It's the number 1 reason Town on FFR will lose a game because everyone just relies on replacements and won't try to punish slank until like F5, the worst time to deal with it.

My vote probably stays on SunFan but lynching inactives is absolutely a valid d1 strat.
God and SunFan as my witness I've lived through like 50 games with inactives. Trust me I know how it goes down

Inactives contribute nothing, so if the d1 lynch is a crapshoot anyway youu always lynnch the inactive so you don't have to question the slot.

I've seen that inactive be wolf about as many times as they've been town but guess what? If they're town in this scenerio it still isn't a lost because an unfocuse d1 almoat always lynches a town anyway. The only difference is we lynch the town that doesn't help town over the one who contributes.
I don’t see it at all, since I’ve always been in favor of lynching inactives D1 and have given similar reasoning in multiple previous games in which I was town or 3rd party. Especially considering I have no real scumreads right now (hence, "in the absence of a better target"), lynching an inactive would be better than lynching someone else on a weak or nonexistent basis. It's one thing to disagree with this reasoning, but another to suspect me for it given how consistent I've been in this regard
To be fair, I did say most cases. My issue is inactivity was presented as a lynch option in like the first 36 hours or something. That's what I found scummy. I don't dislike the idea of lynching an inactive late in a day given nobody else, and probably will vote one soon. But I don't like it earlier on. It's lazy and lynch baity.

Cardboard is an answer, yes
I explained why earlier but his play had been hard reminding me of when he was scum
when he pushed back on me, it looked a little better, but after sleeping on it, I'm not sure I want to give it to him for just that
General scumplay, or a specific game?

I'm in Pensacola, the exact opposite of Tampa lol
IHOP closes at 10 here, Taco Bell at 12
Neither are better then my local waffle house, but I do stan Taco Bell for lunches.
Nihonshu > beer btw

Or straight rum
Damn, IHOP near me closes at like 3, and T-Bell at 2.

I'm a whisky guy, but Rum is nice too. And Sake is always great.
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