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Overworlds reborn

A Link Between Worlds recycled A Link to the Past's overworld rather well, the simple drawing mechanic and the fact we hadn't seen it in years helped the game feel fresh even though most of us are intimately familiar with the world...

Its unlikely that another Zelda game will reuse another old overworld... but what if they did?

I reckon the best way for Zelda to reuse another previously seen overworld (from the 2D era) is to remake the world in 3D like OOt or MM.

I dont know about anyone else but even though im so familiar with ALTTP's overworld, had ALBW been a 3D Zelda game with the same overworld i'm sure i'd have gotten lost.

so, which 2D overworld would you like to see in 3D and would you accept another overworld revisit if it were in 3 dimensions?
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Maniacal Ezlo

ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
Ya, I have to agree with airistra. Being able to explore things like the Minish Village and other places as a tiny person would be awesome. Plus Ezlo.

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