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OoT/MM Virtual Console?

Jul 25, 2012
What do you guys think are the chances of seeing Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask making their way to the Wii U Virtual Console? I know that you can get them on the old Wii VC, but Nintendo also has a vested interest in selling the remasters of this game for 3DS, and I could see an old N64 port for Wii U cutting into those sales... especially considering that they would probably be about 75% cheaper. Do you think Nintendo will still roll these out sooner or later, or are Wii U owners out of luck?

I still play OoT on MM on the Collector's Edition disc for Gamecube... but I'd love to play them on the gamepad. :)


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Same as above, much later. Which I guess is a bit of a shame for those wanting to play the game legitimately on the big screen. OoT and MM haven't aged well on the N64. Doesn't MM have issues on most emulators, even the virtual console version? I'm sure I heard the gamecube version had issues.
Oct 14, 2013
Won't happen for a long time if ever I think. Same deal with Wii Xenoblade for the WiiU VC. The reason being Nintendo would rather push the sales of the games on the 3DS.
I'd love to play all 3 games on the WiiU. But Nintendo will not let me.


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Jun 7, 2015
Actually nice but the 3D Version is worth it more in my opinion because it's uhm...sweeter to play. Faster dialogues, better graphics, better controls and some other stuff.
Jul 25, 2012
I suppose everyone knows this by now, but Ocarina of Time was released on the Virtual Console last week - I was so excited to see it! I picked it up right away but haven't started playing it yet. I imagine that we won't see a re-release of Majora's Mask until sales for the 3DS version die down considerably or the game is no longer in production and becomes hard to come by. I am happy for now! :)

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