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Game Thread Odyssey Saga RP


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Siy returned a minute later with a doctor from the town’s hospital. “This is the doctor! I hope he’s okay...”


The game is on!
((Yes, the bar owner is still alive, and should be fine after treatment from the doctor. That lightning did not strike him. @Storm if you wish to remain in this game I ask that you not troll, disrupt, or mess up the game any further. It's annoying and immature and I will not warn you again. Thank you. To the other players, I apologise for the brief retcon.))

While Siy went to fetch the doctor, Sayaad and Kraven stayed at the scene. While keeping an eye on the girl's cart and on the injured bar owner, Sayaad tried to stabilise his breathing and calm his nerves. The sky was dark and cloudy, so the burning building became the primary light source. That made it difficult for Sayaad to calm down since it reminded him of the devastating destruction that he had seen in his past, and even in many cases caused himself. As he started to spiral into his feelings of guilt the girl returned with the doctor, snapping Sayaad out of his dark thoughts. The doctor immediately went to take cake of the bar owner.

"Thanks for being so helpful," Sayaad told the girl. His rage was mostly gone by now, but he was clearly still sad. "And thank you too, Kraven. You acted quickly in there." Then he turned to the girl again. "Are you here all by yourself? It's dangerous to be out here alone at your age."


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
“How old do you think I am? I’m here all by myself, just me and my sales cart.” Siy brushed a few strands of blonde hair behind her. “Is it because of my short stature? Yeah, I’m kinda young so I get the comparison to a kid.”


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
The local fire brigade shows up on the scene and begin to put the fire out, using this alchemical mixture that smothers the flame rather than douses it. Beck gets back on her feet but dares not approach. it's always the same wherever she goes. death, destruction, chaos, ruin. she stands there like a statue uncertain whether her next move would be her last. the brown haired man, the one legged Rahto, and this child looked almost like salvation, but how could that be? What could this trio do for her in the first place? Not even 30 minutes ago, they were demanding food slung at them without so much as a sweet word her way. or maybe she was getting them confused with the other patrons who give her eyes and strive to validate their bravado. she goes to say something but the heavy anchor in her heart stops any sound from escaping.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Upon realizing that he may have imagined a flash and a pop, Kraven got up, still shaking, though slightly. As he was brushing himself off, he heard Sayaad thank him and replied with a nod. He then turned to the ,now former, bar girl and said; "I want to say tanks for the ale and food."


The game is on!
"Twelve or thirteen would be my best guess," Sayaad replied to the girl, in regards to her age. "Much too young to be a lone travelling merchant, if you ask me." He wouldn't say anything about him having become a warrior at the age of thirteen, since that would ruin his point.

Then the woman who had served them at the bar approached them, and Kraven addressed her, so Sayaad decided to wait and see what would happen next.


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
“You’re very close; I’m fourteen. Why do you think I’m too young to be a merchant?” Siy replied quizzically.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck hands Kraven his bill for 1000 Drachma as he never actually paid for his meal.
"Well now that I'm not held by apron strings. I'm Rebecca. Most people call me Beck, but never Becca. What is someone from the Ruxong doing so far North anyhow? are you and this sod in cohoots?" gesturing to Sayaad, who she gives a bottle of the Higher end stuff she nicked "I know it's not Merlot Sol, but I could probably work something up. Potions and Brews are kind of my thing. like her thing is.... gewgaws and whooziewhatzis from what I can see. from your inflections.... all Three of you are from the Ruxong? I'm from Joratodoro myself."
Beck turns to the Little Girl
"do you have matches? or....****"
Beck runs back into the raging fire hoping to the gods her Broom was still intact and not eaten by the flames


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Siy smiled and went over to her cart, opening up a small trunk with Siy’s emergency items inside. Matches were one of them. “Matches? I have matches. What do you need em’ for?”


The game is on!
Amidst the commotion and all the talking, Sayaad didn't get a chance to explain why he thought the girl was too young to travel by herself. Although, maybe it was best left unspoken for now anyway. He accepted the wine bottle he received and quickly put it in his bag before Rebecca hastily rushed into the burning building.

"What on earth is she doing?" Sayaad gasped and started running after her. "Sorry girl, but I think those matches will have to wait. Stay here!" He rushed into the flaming house after Rebecca, wishing to the god that no one else would end up dead tonight. "What are you doing?! Come back out! You'll suffocate in here!" he called as he chased after her.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Beck covers her nose and mouth with cloth
"I need my broom. Its very special, and i need it if i am going elsewhere. I just have to.... jackpot"
Although charred a bit, Beck finds her broomstick. Made of a dark wood and carved on the handle with runes. Beck had no time to admire it and runs back out of the smoldering building as the fire brigade to their best. She sees one such Member: a construct , so hot he is almost melting.


The game is on!
Sayaad comes running out of the flaming building at the same time as Beck. Once they're outside and safe he grabs her firmly by the wrist to make her stop.

"That was too reckless! You could have lost your life in there! Did you not see a man has already died?" His tone was serious yet distraught, and his face showed anger while also hinting at genuine concern.


The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Siy gazed upon Sayaad and Beck. She started rubbing her arm, thinking back to that same memory she felt once she saw the burning bar. Siy slowly moved over to the two and looked at Sayaad.

“You remind me of my father. He would do... anything to protect us.”


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
As soon as Rebecca got back out on the inferno that was the bar holding a broom, albeit chaired, he answered her question, a little shyly; "I'm actually, well..." ,Kraven sighed collecting his thoughts before continuing, '...I just want to live somewhere away from this war. I was advised by the Samandra that fitted me with my prosthetic," gesturing to his talon "in Snaraak to come here in hopes of finding passage."


The game is on!
Sayaad's eyes met Siy's as she spoke to him, and he got the feeling - based on her expression and the way she spoke - that her father may have died protecting her.

"Thanks, kid," he replied while breaking eye contact, "but I'm not who you think I am. I haven't protected nearly enough people..."

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