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Spoiler Ocarina Of Time Triforce Theory (Sequel to MM?)


Your Link to the Past
Jun 15, 2010
Hyrule in the winter, Canada in the summer
Originally posted by DuckNoises in another thread:

"One thing that we have to remember is that the Hero of Time still possesses all the memories and experiences he had when he went and saved Hyrule on the Adult Timeline in the events of OoT. The phrase "choosing to become the Hero" could also merely mean that he decided to warn Zelda about Ganondorf's attack on Castle Town, as that was not Zelda's specific request; her request was:

Now it is time for me to make up
for my mistakes...
You must lay the Master Sword to
rest and close the Door of Time...

However, by doing this, the road
between times will be closed...

give the Ocarina to me...
As a Sage, I can return you
to your original time with it.

When peace returns to Hyrule...
It will be time for us to say

Now, go home, Link.
Regain your lost time!
where you are supposed to be...
the way you are supposed to be...

"Her original request was only for Link to close the Door of Time so that Ganondorf could not break the Triforce, and Zelda's continued emphasis on him returning to "the way he was supposed to be" implies that she wants him to return to before he became the Hero of Time, and before he truly got started on his quest to gather the Spiritual Stones. This implies that Zelda originally intended for Link to return to his childhood, to live his life as if they had never met, but it sounds like Link went above and beyond Zelda's demands and saved Castle Town by warning them of the attack. To me, this sounds what the Hero's Shade is referring to when he says he "chose to be the Hero." It implies a strong sense of nobility in Link that he would choose to save Hyrule and then Castle Town, even after he was no longer obliged to do so. This would explain all the reverence that exists for the Hero of Time on the Child Timeline, or it could merely be the fact that the exploits of the Hero of Time when he was on the Adult Timeline were shared when he returned to the Child Timeline. This does not necessarily preclude the notion that the Hero of Time went on to have further adventures on the Child Timeline after saving Termina, but it doesn't have to be necessary. At this point, by extension of Occam's Razor, there isn't a necessity to assume that there were heroics other than those already stated, as it doesn't look like further events are eluded to on the timeline after TP."

Very true, but, regarding the symbols that Locke pointed out...why would they be there? There a signs pointing either to a great battle or just a peaceful death of Link...Now, this gap between timelines does allow Nintendo to make a possible sequel in future, or just leave it a loose end....Another question I would like to bring up...did or would Link ever find Navi again? Although she is not needed as a companion or a helper, it would be nice to see the friends reunite....do you think that they could meet up at any point after MM? (note that it would have to be on the Child Timeline as this is where they split up)

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