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TPHD-Wii U Now These Screenshots Look a Ton Better than TP


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I could imagine they themselves don't think it's ready yet, but felt pressured to announce and release something to please the fanbase that wasn't really satisfied with Triforce Heroes and got more and more disillusioned with the lack of any info about Zelda Wii U every day.

You're not wrong. But it seems weird to me that they're ready and willing to please the fanbase on the one hand, and at the same time, they piss off the fanbase by censoring content on a different game.

But we Zelda fans are a fickle bunch, no question.

Deleted member 81859

I'm not really sure how to feel about all this. It does look slightly better than it's original versions, but at the same time the textures look unpolished. I didn't want this, I wanted a complete overhaul like WW got. I would have prefered waiting longer for my fav Zelda to get a complete remake than have some third party dev ruin my chances of experiencing TP in a new gen format. I must admit, the lighting is lovely, and the colors are really starting to pop. (and I can actually tell what color Link's hair is thank God.) Ya'll keep complaining about Epona's face, look at her tail.
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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Basically it's just been retextured, small improvements, if any, less blury than the orginal. I guess the main issue is we were expecting maybe a new artstyle or something when all we're really getting is the orginal game's art that has been retextured. Nintendo probably did this due to fans stating they liked the artistic direction of TP, they are obviously trying not to tamper to much with it. In the end I feel like any direction this remake would have went there would be negative opinions. If the art style had been altered things would be different, people would complain that they wanted the remake more closer to the orginal art direction. Since we've gotten the game that appears to be sticking to the orginal art people are complaining they wanted something new and different.

Of course no matter which side you take you can't deny that there are still problems with those screenshots.


Feb 16, 2015
I think a lot of people were expecting the now ancient tech demo graphics to be applied to this remake. I personally don't see the point of buying a game with slightly updated graphics when I already have it for GC and Wii. If they had remade it properly, same story and gameplay etc, but with the tech demo style graphics then sure, I would buy it again. But if you have to actually do a side by side comparison just to see what looks different then it isn't worth my money. Graphics aren't everything in a game, but they are in a remake of a game that has nothing else new to offer. I didn't even bother with WWHD, and that looked substantially better than the original.
If fans can make a fake MM trailer in 2012 with graphics that surpass expectations, then why can't Nintendo manage three years later?

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