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New Handheld Owner, Which LoZs Will I like?

Mar 9, 2015
I was always confused regarding Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. I remember thinking it was like a Pokemon Gold/Silver type deal where it was essentially the same game. However, considering some of you here prefer one greatly to the other and vice versa, it seems they are quite different?

I want to thank all of you for all your solid advice! I feel like such a beginner on the handheld scene haha. Seems like all other Zelda fans have been into the handhelds for a long time.

I'm going to keep my eye open for an ALBW deal and start with that after I finish my Ocarina 3DS playthrough. After this, I'll download the one that catches my eye the most on the Eshop, probably. I wonder why TMC isn't available?
Jan 30, 2015
under the moon
In a way, they're sort of like the same games but both have different aspects to them. As said before, OoA is more puzzle-based and OoS is more action based. And then you have the unique items and mechanics you need to work with. In Ages, you'll be using a harp to travel back and forth between the past and present. In Seasons, you'll be using a rod to change between the 4 seasons. In a way, they're almost the same game, just different unique mechanics and storyline and characters. Excluding those stuff, including different storyline and characters, they both share the same gameplay mechanics (screen by screen traveling, A & B buttons equipping, etc). They also utilized the password system between the two games, which helps to connect the two games together.

Both games are great to play and you don't have to worry about which one to play first. Both of them interlock with each other regardless if you play OoS or OoA first.

TMC is only available on the Wii U VC. The only time it was on the 3DS VC was through the ambassador's program back in 2011. However, you can get the OoS and OoA on the 3DS VC.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
In a way, they're sort of like the same games but both have different aspects to them. As said before, OoA is more puzzle-based and OoS is more action based. And then you have the unique items and mechanics you need to work with. In Ages, you'll be using a harp to travel back and forth between the past and present. In Seasons, you'll be using a rod to change between the 4 seasons. In a way, they're almost the same game, just different unique mechanics and storyline and characters. Excluding those stuff, including different storyline and characters, they both share the same gameplay mechanics (screen by screen traveling, A & B buttons equipping, etc). They also utilized the password system between the two games, which helps to connect the two games together.

Well said, I just played these game recently, and I started out with Seasons, which was fun and interesting, because of how it's all about changing between four seasons, and you only gain the power of one season at a time, so you can see how there's more to an area, if you could only change it to this season or that season. And I would backtrack a lot to see what else I could do.

I went into Ages thinking it was very similar because so many people just group them together, but while stylistically speaking it was a lot of the same, like characters and helpers and such, it was quickly obvious to me that this would be a very different game altogether. The time-changing aspect wasn't as restricted and clear as the change of season was in Seasons. There were of course access points in the beginning (which were placed in different spots), but eventually I could freely switch back and forth, but that meant actually figuring out how to move forward to various locations, which isn't as obvious in this game, making it very my puzzle-oriented, and not just in the dungeons (although there was some of that, too).

So yeah, both games have their similarities, and are obviously linked, but they are also two different experiences gameplay-wise.
May 4, 2014
I was always confused regarding Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. I remember thinking it was like a Pokemon Gold/Silver type deal where it was essentially the same game. However, considering some of you here prefer one greatly to the other and vice versa, it seems they are quite different?

I want to thank all of you for all your solid advice! I feel like such a beginner on the handheld scene haha. Seems like all other Zelda fans have been into the handhelds for a long time.

I'm going to keep my eye open for an ALBW deal and start with that after I finish my Ocarina 3DS playthrough. After this, I'll download the one that catches my eye the most on the Eshop, probably. I wonder why TMC isn't available?

Yes the do run on the same engine and have some of the same items but some of the items are also different, the dungeons and the lands you roam around are different, the towns are different, you get the idea.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Hi everyone!

I'm new to the forum AND new to the 3DS. I've wanted one for a long time, but it took the special Majora's Mask edition for me to finally commit.

I played OoT on N64 back in the day and its been one of my favorite games since then. Strangely it was my first and last Zelda until many years later when my brother grabbed me Majoras mask on eBay. I played it, loved it, and rediscovered my love of Nintendo. This lead to purchasing the Wii U and using it to play through all the console Zelda games I missed out on. WindWaker HD, Twilight Princess and finally Skyward Sword. Each had things I really loved, and minor things I disliked.

I am now playing OoT 3D and have been considering what to go for next. Obviously Majora's will get played as well, but what about all the handheld titles?

Will I even like them, having never played any before? Will they seem too "old fashioned"? The only games I've enjoyed top-down were the old Pokemon games that I left behind after the 2nd generation. Would love to hear back from people who have been in the same situation.

What game should I start with to test out the waters?

You'll hate them all.

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