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Ocarina of Time Navi: Annoying Fairy or Meaningful Sidekick?

Annoying Nuisance or Meaningful Companion?

  • Annoying

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  • Meaningful

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Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
I'm not sure if a thread like this one has already been made, but yeah.

What did you think about Navi in Ocarina of Time? Most people say she was really useless, and annoying. However, I think otherwise. Think about it from Link's perspective. He was the only one with no fairy. Who went to him? Navi. Then in Majora's Mask, he went LOOKING for her. Navi must really mean something to Link.

What do you think?


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
The only time she was ever of any use, even on my first playthrough, was her function as a database on enemies.

The rest of the time she is painfully obnoxious, and the squeaky "HEY LISTEN!" made me want to play the game on mute.

She is even worse in the 3DS version, where if I play uninterrupted for half an hour or more, her icon starts flashing and she tells me to take a break.

/me gets off of his soapbox


May 18, 2013
I don't find her voice annoying but I find it annoying when she stops the game just to tell me obvious information, like how to open a door.
I loved Navi, she was by Link's side through it all and gave her everything to help. As far as in game, I think the only time I was annoyed was in the very beginning when she kept telling me to see the Deku Tree as I was trying to get the sword and shield to do just that. However, I never felt she ever tried to talk that much after that point and I never got the notifications as much as people claim they did. Also, her function as a database for enemies was fantastic, and a feature I sorely missed in later games.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Annoying fairy as well as meaningful sidekick. Don't know how the likes of Majora's Mask was made due to Link's wanting such an obnoxious fairy back, but she is meaningful for that game alone. Major props to Navi for that.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Navi is amazing. She provides helpful information, and has a little bit of personality to her. She's awesome.

I don't even know when this "Navi-hating" started. I had this game around time it came out 15 years ago (****, It's been 15 years!), and I don't remember it.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Navi was annoying as ****. I don't care what anyone says. You could ignore her most of the time, but only if you had an endless capacity to listen to "HEY! HEY! LISTEN! HEY! LISTEN!" You could tell me to turn the sound off, but why should I miss out on Ocarina of Time's soundtrack just for that sake? I didn't even find her information particularly useful. Of course this is partially due to the fact I have played OoT so many times I don't need her anymore, but also because when I first played it I was really young and didn't read the text anyway, so she was just an annoyance from day 1. But as someone said, telling me how to open a door? It wouldn't be the BIG BLUE BUTTON WITH THE WORD 'OPEN' WRITTEN ON IT?

I felt like the point was forced a lot with her too. One memorable example of this is, I was trying to do some kind of sidequest (possibly the Biggoron Sword one) between the Ice Cavern and Water Temple. I remember being in Hyrule Field on my way somewhere and Navi just seemed to flash up every 2 seconds. I was about 8 at the time, so like 11 whole years ago, but I actually know what she says at that point in the game off by heart because of how often I read it: "Those Iron Boots look like they weigh a ton! If you wear those boots, you may be able to walk at the bottom of a lake!" Like yeah ok I get it, SHUT UP.

I didn't like Navi, in other words, and never will. I much preferred Tatl.
Aug 8, 2013
I really don't dislike Navi. Every time I hear, "hey, listen!" she really sounds concerned. Her urgency in her personality is endearing to me; it was nice to know someone was so willing to help any chance they got.


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Navi was cool... at least she tried to help. At least she wasn't a basically naked imp thing that sat on you and ordered you around...


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Should've had a both option hahaha.

In terms of gameplay, Navi wasn't helpful. All she did was fly to areas and turn green to reveal secrets but other than that not helpful.

In terms of story, she's Link's guide summoned by the Deku tree and honestly I was sad to see her go
Jun 9, 2012
I actually like Navi, however I didn't like her when i first started playing. I guess she grew on me.
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
Navi was very useful, as a source of information on enemies, but even more so as the mechanic that allowed Z-targeting. I don't know much about the game's code, so I don't know if she was needed for that reason, or if Z-targeting could have been implemented without her, but either way, I'm glad there was an in-game explanation for it.

The only time I find her irritating is between temples, where she continually gives the same hint as to how to find the next dungeon, when all I want is to be left alone to collect golden skulltulas in peace.
Aug 10, 2013
City of Angels
I find her useful. She always gave great tips and tricks on how to defeat enemies, what we had to do, and where we had to go. Obviously after the fifth time through the game, I found her very annoying since I already knew what to do really well and the constant "HEY! LISTEN" kept ringing in my ears even after playing the game. But overall she was pretty useful, and she was a great companion on your long, hard journey. She even stuck with him when he laid dormant for those 7 years in the Sacred Realm...dedication. It saddened me when she left though, and I found it touching to see Link go through all his troubles to look for Navi in Majora's Mask... too bad he never found her, and haven't seen her since Ocarina. :(

Oh well, bottom line is, she's great for new comers, but tends to get annoying the more you play it. But in the end, she keeps you company through the good times and the bad.
Dec 17, 2012
I loved Navi, she was by Link's side through it all and gave her everything to help. As far as in game, I think the only time I was annoyed was in the very beginning when she kept telling me to see the Deku Tree as I was trying to get the sword and shield to do just that. However, I never felt she ever tried to talk that much after that point and I never got the notifications as much as people claim they did. Also, her function as a database for enemies was fantastic, and a feature I sorely missed in later games.
See, I also never felt as annoyed by her as the rest of the fanbase. (Almost) everyone complained that she would yell "HEY! LISTEN!!!" CONSTANTLY, but it didn't really feel that way to me. Yeah, there were the "no ****, Sherlock" hints that she would give, but it wasn't that hard to ignore them. Maybe my version of the game was glitched to where she talked less. XD

Now Fi, on the other hand...

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