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N64 Major's mask vs the 3Ds one

Oct 24, 2016
I also recommend sticking with the 64 since you already have it, besides, nothing beats playing it in the original console
Oct 11, 2016
I wish I played it more on N64. However, I've played it more on 3DS so that's the only reference I have for the game.


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
Zora swimming, that's biggest thing that killed the remake for me. Yeah, sure you could still go fast by using magic, and yeah, you could
drink Chateau Romani to make magic unlimited,
but it still felt incomplete with that electric aura constantly blocking your vision as you casually swam fast across the bay, which was your only method of getting across it. Plus, the clock looked cooler in the original. They're both minor details, and they're both great versions.
Last edited:
Oct 7, 2016
The 3DS version is more streamlined and visually pleasing, I think, and there are just so many small improvements that I think it makes for a more enjoyable playing experience overall. For the most part, the changes they made are positive, but I agree that there are some things that seem... ehhh.

That darn Shiekah Stone that's bouncing all over the place near the HMS, for instance, breaks the mood of the area for me. The bar doesn't look as good as the clock, and the boss eye is actually kind of insulting (it makes me think the developers got together and said "gamers are too dumb and clumsy to figure out and kill these bosses as they are, so let's give them all giant shining eyes for weak points"). Outside of these few (and minor) complaints, I think the 3DS version is a big improvement.
Oct 21, 2016
I've played both and I have to say I enjoyed the 3DS version way more. However you would be fine going either way.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I did MM on the N64 1 time then my bro lost it but I don't like the new swim mechanic.....

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