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Mysterious Lumiose City.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
If you enter the one grey coloured building on North Boulevard in the city and choose the second floor, something strange and chilling will happen, and it's an event many people have been trying to figure out. At first your screen will blackout, but soon afterwards it will go back to nomal, albeit something is off and as you'll quickly notice it's the fact that a ghostly girl will be standing directly behind you. She will literally levitate around you, her body moves but her feet do not, and then after muttering "No, you're not the one." she will levitate further into the room and disappear entirely.

After this you'll be able to move around yourself, but will come to find that the room is empty, nobody is it spare for yourself. As I had said, many people question what the meaning of it is, if it has any significance or not...nobody knows yet. Furthermore, another curious thing about the city is the fact that it has certain large shady dead end alleyways that appear to hold some importance, yet nothing is in these areas. Hmmm, and also if you read the back of the one TMV Timetable in the Lumiose Station you'll find a message that reads "I'm going to go for help. Wait in the usual place.", which is also quite questionable.

So, all in all there's clearly some stuff amiss in this large city, but what do you all think about these things?

EDIT: Please be advised that this thread contains spoilers about later events in the game, so read the comments at your own risk if these are the kind of things you wish to avoid.
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May 14, 2011
Well, I don't know anything about the Second Floor and the TMV thing, but you have to go to the dead end alleyways for some of the missions in the Looker Detective Agency. ^^
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Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Dang I got legitimately scared when I entered the buildings second floor. It's gotta mean something, but idk. As for the TMV thing and the alleyways, I think those are connected with Looker. But jeez seriously Game Freak. *shudders *

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Well, I don't know anything about the Second Floor and the TMV thing, but you have to go to the dead end alleyways for some of the missions in the Looker Detective Agency. ^^

Yes, I figured that out not too long after posting this thread, the alley ways, but I had also read online that there was one which was blocked off by a sign or something and I can't say I've come by it. Weird, but no matter, the ghost part still remains a large mystery.

Dang I got legitimately scared when I entered the buildings second floor. It's gotta mean something, but idk. As for the TMV thing and the alleyways, I think those are connected with Looker. But jeez seriously Game Freak. *shudders *

I haven't done any of the later Looker Bureau missions yet, but perhaps one does have something to do with that message back there, it seems possible anyways and that message is really sketchy. That ghost girl is pretty random though, huh? Nobody really knows what it means, I imagine it'll get figured out eventually though, if there is anything there.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Mfw the screen blacked out:

Mfw I saw the girl floating:

Mfw she spoke:

Mfw she disappeared:

Me afterwards:
Oct 26, 2013
House in space
jeez seriously Game Freak. *shudders *

This isn't the first time they had had ghosts that behaved that way,

Old_Chateau_ghost.png Old_Chateau_ghost2.png

It seems so creepy this time though because its so out of context. It almost feels like it's outside of the game. (I bet creepypastas are going mad right now)

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