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Music Competition: Week 4


  • Kotake&Koume

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dr3W21

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raindrop14

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pl511

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • theoathtoorder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AnimeBassoon

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend

A traditional melodramatic theme. There is nothing particularly outstanding about this piece. It lacks the "wow" factor I've come to expect from submissions for this contest. 7/10


I have no idea what you injected into this piece but it is simply stunning. The variety of instruments on display and range of sounds is outstanding. This submission left a lasting mark on me, just what I like to see. Reminded me of Twilight Princess's soundtrack a bit. 10/10


Much like Kotake&Koume's this is a very plain piece with few added bells and whistles. 7/10


The ambiance in this tune is simply stunning. When I heard the water rushing I didn't even realize the main course had already begun. I had to listen to this twice to appreciate its beauty. A job well done. 10/10


Maybe it's just me but while the background and canyon background imply isolation the woman singing certainly does not. Nevertheless the presentation is robust. 8/10


You seem to be part of the ZD Mincecraft group of acquaintances. Hopefully we converse in the near future. I felt as though your submission did an excellent job of conveying the theme but it was boring. At times I couldn't hear anything even with speakers at 100 volume. 7/10

My final vote goes to Pl511, the undisputed music champion of the Dungeon Gaming Network.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Wow........the week that I'm out things get awesome!

Kotake&Koume - While you did do a good job somehow it sounded slightly jumbled to me. Overall it was a good piano track but not quite over the top amazing.

Dr3W21 - This was superb! It almost reminded me of something that I would hear while playing one of the Metroid Prime games (one of the few game series that comes close to trumping zelda as my favorite). The change to an electronic bass line midway also helped it stay fresh and exciting.

Raindrop14 - Similar to Kotake&Koume's. I found it nice and very good, but not the best.

Pl511 - I loved the water as an ambient backing. It reminded me of the Talon Overworld/Upper Torvus Bog in Metorid Prime/Metroid Prime 2, both areas that I found extremely isolating.

theoathtoorder - I found that the singing detracted from the idea of isolation somewhat. I enjoyed the song but it felt somewhat out of place.

AnimeBassoon - I very much enjoyed it but it felt more, solemn? I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it didn't remind me of isolation so much as it reminded me of a temple in a Zelda or Metroid game.

Overall it was a close tie between Dr3W21 and Pl511 but I have to say that my vote goes to the Dr. Mister Dr3W21, you get my vote. To me this was the greatest one out of all of them.
Also to everyone, although I will be back completely by tomorrow, I'm letting skull_k1d take over for a couple weeks.
Anyway, can't wait to see what the next round brings in out in our entrants. Good luck to everyone!


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
Dr3W21 - I thought this song was good at the beginning but the bass drum kind of threw me off where it was still slow sad music but with almost upbeat percussion.

Raindrop14 - This song was pretty plain. It would have been a lot better if you added in something more for your left hand and made some type of chord progression so the tune didn't always sound the same every time you played it.

Pl511 - This song sounded pretty good. The rain made it so there were no blank spaces so it didn't sound boring like nothing was happening. I also think this is the song that got closest to the feeling of isolation.

theoathtoorder - This song sounded more like it was supposed to be calm and relaxed like you're on some tropical island. The insruments you used really helped that along and also there didn't actually seem too be any tune. It kind of sounded like randomly placed sound effects almost.

AnimeBassoon - This song didn't really fit isolation. At the beginning, it kind of sounded like it was going to fit but by the end of the song it fit some other sad word like solemn like Darknut_Hunter was saying but not isolation.

I know myself to be not very good at coming up with sad-sounding songs. I hardly try, not just because I'm not very good at it, but because I don't really like to. Sad songs aren't my thing. I came up with like 10 different songs for this competition, trying to create one that sounded like "isolation" and the one I chose to play was the closest and it still didn't sound like it fit.

I also have a question about this week's theme. I didn't know what euphoria meant so I had to look it up and it said "a state of happiness and self-confidence." Originally when I saw the theme "happiness," I thought a theme along these lines:
Bink's Sake (Strawhat Crew Version) - YouTube

The after seeing that you say to give the listener a feeling of euphoria which also means self-confidence which I would think the song above wouldn't make people feel, I thought something more along these lines:
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Soundtrack 05 - Up Is Down - YouTube

So basically my question is which type of happiness do you mean if it matters at all?

The example you have doesn't really answer my question for me which is why I'm asking.
Last edited:
Apr 29, 2012
Wow, guys! :D Thanks for the fantastic response! I'm really glad you guys enjoyed it. Also, A_LINK_IN_TIME, thank you very much. :D

I've got something planned for this week, but I don't think it's as good as previous weeks perhaps. Still, it should be enjoyable for some.
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