we would've won if your petty ass didn't try to bus us nor if you hadn't outed the entire team to JD outta pettinessAlso if I was mafia with Ex, I would bus him to remind him of the past MS Paint Mafia game we had.
Great times. I'm sure Rag still dreams about it from time to time.
rubik meets kubrickI am so sorry Rubik, but I just realized that I have been calling you Rubrik for a while. I am so sorry about that.
HHH's post a bit weird because I'd expect a Jester to either be upfront about it or to claim something more drastic than miller specially since miller can be a bit of a coinflip between an instaclear or an instalynch depending on the communityI’ve seen HHH viewing the thread a lot in previous games, I don’t think it’s particularly AI.
Post quality is also quite different from the start:
One is CWAC and one was a good point and the other was the first post that called Rubik out and didn’t just believe him.