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Most Helpful Characters in The Legend of Zelda


Hero of the Lands
Jan 25, 2011
mine is either navi, tatl, or midna, even though they can be anoying. :lol: :)

Navi- blue fairy, form ocarina of time.
Tatl- yellow fairy, from majora's mask.
Midna- imp-like creature, from twilight princess.
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I thought the most helpful character was deffinetly Epona from Twilight Princess. Who needs to walk when you can grab a plant and call your horse from nowhere! = )


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
I kinda like Ceila and Linebeck the Annoying from Phantom Hourglass.
Also, I made a forum just like this one earlier! But, I'll let you off the hook THIS time!
Jan 1, 2011
I have to say Midna. Despite the fact that she can be a bit mean and selfish sometimes, she helps you greatly. Midna is just one of those character's that should get a second chance if you disliked her. (Because I did)


Jan 19, 2011
Midna, she actually gave you woth while advice if you payed attention. Unlike Navi who only stated the obvious, in an extremely annoying maner. I hope Skyward Sword's helper (sword girl, you can see her face on the D-pad in the GDC trailer) will be as good as Midna was...

Azure Sage

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I felt that it was the King of Red Lions... He shipped you around the Great Sea... He marked your Sea Chart so you knew where to go next... He gave you helpful advice pointing towards what you must do, and then you had to figure out the rest yourself, which I liked. I don't like it when I'm helped through areas in the games. It takes away some of the fun in figuring things out for yourself, plus it's like Nintendo's saying "You're probably too stupid and too lacking in the ability to help yourself in our game to figure all this out, so we'll have Midna help you through pretty much anything we think you can't handle yourself." (Okay maybe not exactly like that, but close enough.) Seriously, I think Midna gave you too much advice in TP. Heck, THE GAME ITSELF gave you too much advice on things. That is something I don't want to see happening again, and that's why I felt the King of Red Lions gave you just the right amount of advice, leading him to be my pick for the most helpful character.


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
I found almost every partner who had helped you a very entertaining companion. Navi was cheerful and kind and gave Link instructions. Tatl was rather shrewd but gave hints as well, but soon helped Link do his quest. Midna was really helpful with the Sword and shield, the transformation from wolf to Human form and she can give hints and helps you travel across hyrule.

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
The "Banker" in Majora´s Mask. Without him the quest would have a been a true pain. And he was there until the end something that makes him a hero in my opinion. This was a short post but I guess there isn´t much more to say, if you´ve played that game, it should be obvious why I think the way i do :)
May 5, 2010
The fact that Navi never shuts up and you have to press the C-up button to make her name stop popping makes her the most helpful character.
Jun 9, 2011
Gotta say Tatl from Majora's Mask. She didn't constantly go crazy like Navi did, and I enjoyed the way she talked to you like you were an idiot. It was effective I thought, better than how Navi did it. Plus, she helped me with some of the pieces of heart by indicating when to play the "Scarecrow's Song" on far away island or ledges by changing into a certain colour lol. That was good!

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