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More Straight Sequels?

More Direct Sequels?

The Zelda series isn't a stranger to straight sequels, Majora's Mask was an immediate pick up from Ocarina of Time, and for a while Link's Awakening seemed to be a straight sequel to ALttP picking up after the sailing ending in the opening cutscene. Then we have the adult timeline with Phantom Hourglass being a straight sequel to Wind Waker.

As a community many Zelda fans have their favourite installment for their own reasons and would like to see the art style and characters again and see what happens tot he world they came to love in that particular game. For example, MM may not be set in Hyrule proper but with MM we come to know more about Hyrule in that there are ways to fall through dimensions etc.

While there may be a thread like this already, what I'm wanting here is some reasons as to why you'd like to see a straight sequel to some stand alone installments in the Zelda canon. It doesn't even have to be your favourite, you could want a sequel simply to improve on the original.

For example, the straight sequel I'd like to see is an SS sequel; with Link and Zelda finally on the surface and Loftwings now able to get down there without the aid of magical beams of light, then surely Link would explore the land find new places, new evils and give us no need for separated provinces, the Loftwing could operate like Epona (as it should have done) across the land and last be not least they could fully realise the art style as seen in the TGS trailer which the game should have looked like instead of the nerfed version we got.

So, how about you guys?
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Apr 10, 2012
I think the Zelda franchise could use some more sequels. Though for a sequel to SS, I don't think the loft wing should really be used for travelling in the surface. I mean travelling the world if connected on foot would have been a bit tedious, and would have needed a new mode of transportation. Still, I think a SS 2 wouldn't be bad, as long as they keep things a bit fresh. Maybe they should place it with a few years or so after the original SS with a grown up link who is also a father. It could take place during the early stages of hyrule, when more people are inhabiting the kingdom, as for the main villain, idk. Maybe go traditional gannon, maybe a vaati esque character.


Apr 22, 2011
If it's going to be a straight sequel I'd like to see most of the old characters all over again just in a different setting with maybe the bad guys being somebody else. However in order to not release fundamentally the same game again after a few years, I'd rather Nintendo just starts releasing DLC's for Zelda U. DLC's are pretty much straight sequels to the original game, they tell us what happens afterwards keeping the same heroes and maybe adding some new side quests, collectibles, dungeons, items etc.

I'd much rather see something that is similar to the original game as a straight sequel being made into a DLC rather than stretching it out to be (try and be) its own game, might as well just have something entirely new then.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
i dont really have any strong feelings on this one. i never really got used to the whole sequels thing in this franchise. and really untill SS i didnt really know any of them did connect. i knew LA was kinda after ALttP, and always felt ALttP was after OoT. so it doesnt matter to me. i think they should keep the links between game vauge like they always have.
Jun 14, 2011
There are some Zelda games that have been left open for a sequel like Twilight Princess, so in a sense I would like to see direct sequels as long as it's reasonable instead of just making a sequel just for the hell of it. I do have some ideas of a Skyward Sword Sequel for example where Demise's curse actually comes into fruition and this reincarnation of his hatred appears (a.k.a Ganondorf), but seeing as it explains Ganondorf's Origins in Ocarina of time, it wouldn't make much sense. So yeah I would like Direct sequels only within reason.
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Jul 1, 2012
It would have to be Twilight Princess!

Am prob being biased towards my fav Zelda game but I think the ending Twilight Princess left Many UNanswered questions.....What happened to Midna and the Twilight Realm, did Link return to Ordan or did he go off to peruse Midna, kind of Like Link in Majoras Mask searching for Navi :)

I would like to think Link left Hyrule or Ordan to search for Midna.....in the ending credits some speculate he was leaving Ordan on his horse! If this is the case then I would love to see a TP sequel in which Link peruses Midna. I always thought that TP's graphics looked amazing and how good would they look in HD? Plus the Zelda series needs a good tale of love.....SS nearly did this but I think since Midna is more mysterious, it would make for an epic love tale in which Link would search until the end of time to find out what Midna was going to say to Link at the end of TP before she broke the mirror.

However I dont see where Zelda would come into play into this sequel but even in TP she wasn't that important to the story so.... But anyway I would love to see a straight sequel to TP as it was one of the only true mature Zelda titles :)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I want a direct sequel to Majora's Mask, personally speaking. Some say the Hero of Time's journey is done, but I personally speak against that notion because there's still more of his life to explore. Surely Hyrule didn't experience a hundred odd years of nothing but peace between MM and TP! Ganondorf may have been locked up in that time period, but darkness would still exist within the land of Hyrule--and abroad!

I'm against Skyward Sword getting a direct sequel, though, because that Link's story is basically done. He's vanquished evil, is with his girl (if she didn't reject him for the Triforce, of course), brought his former skyland back to its rightful spot and I think that era is called the Sky Era, which would give the idea that they're free from then on. :P

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I want a direct sequel to Majora's Mask, personally speaking. Some say the Hero of Time's journey is done, but I personally speak against that notion because there's still more of his life to explore. Surely Hyrule didn't experience a hundred odd years of nothing but peace between MM and TP! Ganondorf may have been locked up in that time period, but darkness would still exist within the land of Hyrule--and abroad!

I'm against Skyward Sword getting a direct sequel, though, because that Link's story is basically done. He's vanquished evil, is with his girl (if she didn't reject him for the Triforce, of course), brought his former skyland back to its rightful spot and I think that era is called the Sky Era, which would give the idea that they're free from then on. :P

This pretty much says my thoughts. The Hero of Time is one of the few Links I feel we never got closure on. Most Links either A) live happily ever after or :cool: continue their life as a generic adventurer/explorer, which is another way of saying "happily ever after.". OoT Link had a specific task at the end of MM which was never accomplished. Then suddenly we're seeing his skeleton ghost in TP teaching the next generation. Minds can't help but wonder "What in the Wig happened to the Hero of Time!?!" The atmosphere Hero Shade sets in TP just screams that Link went on to have more adventures, but we as the players never saw these or even knew about them until TP hinted at them.

I too do not want to see SS get a sequel in that I don't like the SS lore or concept as it is. Really, SS needs a prequel more than a sequel, but I'm not sure I want to see that either. Don't get me wrong, there's a right way to do any idea and there is a possibility that a sequel to SS could be the best Zelda game ever made, but seeing what was done with SS itself, I'd rather keep moving away from it than have to experience another adventure similar to it.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
This pretty much says my thoughts. The Hero of Time is one of the few Links I feel we never got closure on. Most Links either A) live happily ever after or :cool: continue their life as a generic adventurer/explorer, which is another way of saying "happily ever after.". OoT Link had a specific task at the end of MM which was never accomplished. Then suddenly we're seeing his skeleton ghost in TP teaching the next generation. Minds can't help but wonder "What in the Wig happened to the Hero of Time!?!" The atmosphere Hero Shade sets in TP just screams that Link went on to have more adventures, but we as the players never saw these or even knew about them until TP hinted at them.

That's one of the great things about it. It's open-ended. We have to use our imaginations. Honestly, though, it's pretty clear he didn't have another major adventure. He set back out to find Navi, and that's it. Afterward he had to have lived his life in peace. The Hero's Shade said that he regretted not being able to teach his skills to anyone, after all.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
If they are going to do sequels, I want them to be REAL sequels. I want to see other familiar faces in the game and to be set in the same land. But Nintendo won't do that...so no, I'd rather not see it.
Nov 25, 2012
Monkey Island
I agree with justac00l guy. If there has to be a straight sequel, I'd like to see one for TP because:

-Midna was too awesome a character to throw off with a single game
-The Twili's situation is somewhat unjustified. They are locked away in that underworld, like "insects in a cage" as Zant put it, for something their ancestors did. I think the race would have more closure if they were liberated from the Twilight Realm. Of course, they seem to be ambivalent about the light, but I'm sure its because they got so accustomed to the dreariness of twilight.
-The concept of the Dark Interlopers could be reused as the main villain perhaps, risen from the dead. I also think that concept is too cool to throw off with a single cutscene.

For the coming Wii U and DS titles, though, I'd rather have something completely fresh.


Apr 22, 2011
The Hero of Time is one of the few Links I feel we never got closure on. Most Links either A) live happily ever after or :cool: continue their life as a generic adventurer/explorer, which is another way of saying "happily ever after.". OoT Link had a specific task at the end of MM which was never accomplished. Then suddenly we're seeing his skeleton ghost in TP teaching the next generation. Minds can't help but wonder "What in the Wig happened to the Hero of Time!?!" The atmosphere Hero Shade sets in TP just screams that Link went on to have more adventures, but we as the players never saw these or even knew about them until TP hinted at them.

Well, I'd personally put the HoT in ending category B, there is really nothing else he could've done but continue to be that generic adventurer/explorer and stumbled upon something that most likely killed him in battle. Now this seems shady indeed and Nintendo could probably make a Zelda game about how he either tried to save Hyrule all over again and failed or just got lost in the woods I don't know, but I just don't see the HoT as the only guy that had more adventures after the games we see him in. So it seems just fine to me mentioning his other adventures in a lore object perhaps in ZU instead of dedicating an entire game to it, feels like they are stretching out his story more than it needs to be since we've already got 2 games on him while we have lots of other category B endings to expand upon.

But whatever they do it really doesn't matter I guess since as you said any idea can be done well, I'm just personally tired of the HoT. :bleh:
Dec 21, 2011
I have my gripes with Skyward Sword, but if I had to pick a canon Zelda that I would enjoy seeing a direct sequel from the most, that would be it.

Even though it seems like we got closure on that Link's adventures with the ending cinematic, we were still left with questions begging to be answered. When did Ganondorf rise to power over the Gerudos? How exactly did those events take place? How did three separate provinces become one uniform land of Hyrule? You see, Skyward Sword -- from a styoryline perspective -- did an atrocious job as a prequel to the rest of the series. There are still so many questions left not answered that I feel this game is most deserving of a sequel, so the Zelda community could (hopefully) get more answers on the whole of Zelda.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
When did Ganondorf rise to power over the Gerudos?

When their previous male died/when he was born.

How exactly did those events take place?

He was the lone male Gerudo.

How did three separate provinces become one uniform land of Hyrule?

1) The king unified Hyrule in OoT.

2) The provinces remained.

You see, Skyward Sword -- from a styoryline perspective -- did an atrocious job as a prequel to the rest of the series. There are still so many questions left not answered that I feel this game is most deserving of a sequel, so the Zelda community could (hopefully) get more answers on the whole of Zelda.

Or you could have just not skipped the dialogue in OoT. And even if Skyward Sword had a sequel, it wouldn't make many references or explain anything you were wondering from previous games. That's not how Nintendo rolls.

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