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Moral Values You Have Take from The Legend of Zelda

Moral Values You Have Taken from The Legend of Zelda

Zelda is a franchise unlike any other in these modern days. While most games have you killing behind a black uniform with a gun as big as you and yours, Zelda has retained its soul some-what by not falling into the curve of mindless killing, it is still a light yet deep game that puts stock in its themes and relationships, be it with the gamer or with its own characters...

So, as a Zelda community which Zelda games have you played where you felt a moral value, be it friendship or a better understanding of an important personal or relationship factor, or as a gamer do you not feel such things when playing Zelda?
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Apr 22, 2011
Nothing actually, I've never really had that deep of a connection to games and don't find them to have good moral values.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
No game has ever really given me a moral value...except for Okami, maybe.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
The Adventure of Link, like many other NES games, taught me at a very stark, simple lesson: sometimes in life, no matter how much you want to achieve, you might not be good enough. The world owes you no favors, no guarantees of success. You either rise to the challenge or get smashed like a bug.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Zelda taught me immoral values, to be honest. Like going into strangers houses and smashing all their pots.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Now that I think about it, Zelda has only taught me immoral values. Like you won't get in trouble for going into someone's house without permission and breaking all of their pots and stealing their money.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Legend of Zelda: Do what you feel is right, even if you've no moral compass to use (a nod at the game starting you off in the middle of nowhere).
A Link to the Past: Aid those who clearly need help.
Majora's Mask: Forge many friendships when possible, but don't make your friends too close that you are clouded in your judgments.
Skyward Sword: When you see a beautiful woman, trust her with all of your soul/spirit and do anything and everything she may ask.

Those are the moral values I got from the few games I looked morally at.


Indigo Child
Mar 25, 2012
Stuck in the material world
Legend of Zelda: Don't be afraid to try anything
A Link to the Past: If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything
Ocarina of Time: Nobody knows you better than yourself
Majora's Mask: In every problem, even the most hopeless, there is a solution
Twilight Princess: First impressions mean absolutely nothing
Skyward Sword: Everybody has a meaning in life, just let life take its course

That's all I can think of :nerd:

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I don't believe Zelda is necessarily a philosophical franchise bent on teaching players valuable moral lessons but I feel a common theme in all the princess rescue missions and especially the despondent world of Termina is to value friendship and offer second chances for petty wrongdoings-wash away the pain of yesterday. One of my favorite moments in the series is after Link plays Saria's Song to break Darunia's heart of stone rendering him a more compassionate person who treats Link as a friend and honorary Goron citizen after clearing the Dodongo Cavern.

I agree that certain immoral scenes are present in Zelda but as a warning on every entertainment package advises, "Don't try this in real life."
Nov 25, 2012
Monkey Island
-In WW I liked how Link was such a caring older brother. He really loved his sister and his grandma.
-In TP Link was a very humble man; he was always around to help the villagers with their everyday chores.
-In SS Groose started out as a cocky guy who wanted nothing more than to save Zelda, win her love, and be the hero of the day. He wouldn't accept that Link was the hero. Later on, he accepts a humbler role and becomes a wiser, kinder person.

So yes, I think Zelda does have morals to share, much like kids' Disney movies. And I agree with the OP, it's certainly different from the tasteless, gory FPS's that fly off the shelves these days. But do I follow any of the morals I get from Zelda, or from pop culture in general? No way. I do have morals, but for me entertainment has always been simply that--entertainment, and something to talk about with your friends, and something to inspire creativity (like art or writing). As great as Zelda or any of my other pop culture obsessions are, they have never inspired me to be a better person. I always think Link is a great role model, but I've never tried to be more like him.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh

^My thoughts exactly.

Zelda taught me immoral values, to be honest. Like going into strangers houses and smashing all their pots.
Haha I forgot about this. :P
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