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Breath of the Wild Maybe been discussed already but....


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I have yet to play Shadows of Mordor so I'm not sure. I have SoM, just played it yet though. But I find it interesting that you said that.

Ambient Nomad

Home Starmy
Aug 14, 2016
I watched the latest IGN video, and it reminded me very much of Shadow of Mordor. Anyone else getting that vibe, or is it just me? http://www.ign.com/videos/2016/09/0...araglider-tricks-fire-and-ice-arrows-and-more
I can see what you're referring to. Lots of different options when attacking, reactive environments, etc. It certainly looks interesting, and quite different for a Zelda game.

I just hope that the open world style isn't the same. The "GTA" style of open world, where mission critical characters only exist during a mission, and missions have an out of bounds. I'm hoping it's a bit more simulation like, like a Bethesda game. Where, even if people wait for the player to do anything, they at least have the appearance of existing outside of the player.
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Dec 16, 2014
Milwaukee WI
half centaur
I have yet to play Shadows of Mordor so I'm not sure. I have SoM, just played it yet though. But I find it interesting that you said that.
The monster camps and even the setting remind me of the 2nd half of SoM. Don't want to spoil too much, but you should play that game, it's great.
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Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
they at least have the appearance of existing outside of the player.

That's actually a really interesting point. Having the feeling that the world exists outside of the player can make the difference between a huge empty world and one that feels alive. I never actually thought about it in those terms, but that's it exactly. The first thing that springs to mind is Fallout: New Vegas, where you can run across fighting all over the desert, whether you're involved or not. Really brings the world to life.
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Apr 3, 2014
The moblins having their own lives instead of waiting around for you to kill them? I could go for that. Baddies simply waiting around to die always came off as kind of unnaturally suicidal, and I'd love it if we could even see a rudimentary moblin 'culture' (like how Hylians have a culture) instead of monsters doing 'monster' stuff just to do it.


Site Staff
Aug 25, 2016
Breath of the Wild reminds me of a lot of games to be honest. I get reminded of Shadow of the Colossus with how you take down Steppe Talus. Yeah, Steppe is dwarfed compared to the bosses in SotC, but there is that huge skeleton giant in the BotW E3 trailer. I bet you'll be able to climb up that sucker and throw a bomb in its skull.

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