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Majoras Mask is Actually in the Future.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum

oh my god someone agreed



Where is Gerudo Valley and/or Fortress?
Death Mountain?
Zora's Domain?
Wouldn't the Deku Palace be around Hyrule Field or more towards the left on the OoT map

etc. Majority of key areas aren't seen.

Look at TP and OOT. one if the future of the other but they don't quite meet up as well. The master sword in OOT is near Hyrule castle, but in TP it is in Faron Woods. This suggests that the entirety of hyrule moved more north west than before. Or maybe southwest if you align the maps. The Gamecube version is "said" to be the original because the wii version was flipped so right handed people had it easier (what about us lefties). The deserts would still match as would the lakes. You could make an argument that the lake and desert expanded over the intervening years.

You can't really say landmarks don't match because time WILL change things. People can argue that Snowhead and death mountain are one and the same. That Zora's domain has become an ocean, the forest has grown more and the deku race has grown powerful. You literally cannot say these maps don't match they can't be the same land.

Look at maps from a few years ago you can see the differences in the land easily when compared to this years maps. The coasts have changed the forest have changed hell even the mountains have changed. You cannot easily say these lands don't match because we can't account for nature's work on the realms.

As is. you can't definitively say they aren't one and the same, the country would have to uproot completely to even come close to termina's land. Death Mountain is an active volcano and so snow wouldn't be able to settle on to it, but as time goes on it might become dormant enough for snow to settle. Zora's domain would have to suffer an almighty earthquake to choke the lake and force the zoras to evacuate to the ocean. The desert would have to suffer severe floods for a very VERY long time for it to become an ocean. The only part that seems right is the kokiri forest overgrowing lake hylia and turning into a swamp from it. But this would take centuries, and TP is confirmed to occur after OOT and so we know the land doesn't become termina's In the child timeline it might have become like this in the adult timeline before it was all flooded by the gods. But then it wouldn't be young link in termina.


Just a simple nobody
Dec 11, 2013


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012

oh my god someone agreed



Where is Gerudo Valley and/or Fortress?
Death Mountain?
Zora's Domain?
Wouldn't the Deku Palace be around Hyrule Field or more towards the left on the OoT map

etc. Majority of key areas aren't seen.

The geography in Hyrule is not accurate enough to truly prove or disprove a theory. Termina and Hyrule may have differing locations but according to the theory, this is in the future. So it would be possible for the landscape to dramatically change.

A Link to the Past's landscape is very different from that of Ocarina of Time, yet nobody complains of its existence as Hyrule. Where is Zora's Domain, here? Where is the Gerudo Fortress?
Where the heck is the Kokiri Forest?!

Nobody bats an eye arguing that ALttP isn't really Hyrule, because they are told it is Hyrule. Termina isn't much different, and arguably closer to OoT's map than ALttP.
Jun 25, 2013
Madrid, Spain
I for one, think that the Link is Dead Theory in MM is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of. But there are still those who believe that it is true (because they want the game to be "edgy".)

Not to stray away too much from the OP, but why? I actually find that theory far more compelling and fitting than "Oh, Link just happened to find this parallel universe. Many awesomes."
Jan 12, 2014
Temple of Time
The geography in Hyrule is not accurate enough to truly prove or disprove a theory. Termina and Hyrule may have differing locations but according to the theory, this is in the future. So it would be possible for the landscape to dramatically change.

A Link to the Past's landscape is very different from that of Ocarina of Time, yet nobody complains of its existence as Hyrule. Where is Zora's Domain, here? Where is the Gerudo Fortress?
Where the heck is the Kokiri Forest?!

Nobody bats an eye arguing that ALttP isn't really Hyrule, because they are told it is Hyrule. Termina isn't much different, and arguably closer to OoT's map than ALttP.

I completely agree that geography means very little in terms of proving or disproving anything. I feel like that plays into the fact that each game is a "Legend."

I did think it was funny that you (and lots of people) use OoT as the point of comparison rather than aLttP. As in, you did not say "Ocarina of Time's landscape is very different from that of A Link to the Past" even though aLttP was released before OoT. But, I think the main thing that we really have to go off of is that Hyrule is always named Hyrule. Termina is distinctly Termina. If there were reasons to believe that it was a form of Hyrule, we would get them; but, it is just as wild of speculation to say that it is a future version of Hyrule as it would be to say that it is a past version of Hyrule, or that it borders Hyrule. It is a cool thought, but there just isn't enough evidence.


Just a simple nobody
Dec 11, 2013
So I completely revamped/rewrote my theory.(will update op in a bit)

Alright my theory is that Termina is actually Hyrule(from Oot) but many years in the future. This would also explain why Link sees familiar faces that look different due to being descendants of friends and foes. Also I believe that Ikana is actually Castle Town and its surroundings.
First I am going to establish how Hyrule changed and became know as Termina. My speculation is that when the 'Ikanian War' took place a large population was wiped out and people moved away from the devastation of war and founded clock town approximately where Lon Lon Ranch was. During this time much of their history was lost and when their Goddesses did not come to save them they denounced the Goddesses and gravitated towards the giants as their deities due to there obvious difference from the Goddesses. This led them to renaming the land and trying to forget their turbulent past. Afterwards they undertook the great Stone Tower project to appease the giants.
Now that I have established the theory I will cover the evidence and changes. First we look at a map of Hyrule(seen at bottom) and notice Hyrule castle at the north of the map. The direction is important so remember where it is relative to everything else. Now looking at Termina(seen at bottom) we first look at Ikana castle which is Hyrule castle. Obviously it isnt at the top ir north of the map so Termina is expanded differently from Hyrule in Oot but there are landmarks in the same places. To the southeast of Hyrule castle is the kokori forest. In Termina using Ikana castle as Hyrule castle we can see the overgrown forest and woodfall in the same place. You can even see what used to be zoras river on the terminan map. Now to the south of Hyrule, west of Termina is where the zoras thrive. The lake is missing which unfortunately I can only assume the ocean was already behind it and eroded away the land holding the lake separate. In the same place as the mountains separating Hyrule from the desert are the Gorons frozen mountains. Death mountain must have gone dormant so the Gorons migrated to the new mountains across the field but Majora froze them before Link arrived.
Now the Portal that takes Link to Termina. I have two main theories on this. First is the timeshift stones. Some may have been left in a cavern deep in the forest so when Link fell through it it transported him. Or the multiple universe theory. It was a magic portal that took him to a parallel world that was Hyrule in the future.It could have have been a time portal or I like to believe a different theory.




Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
NO, NO, NO!!! Termina is NOT Hyrule! It is confirmed in the manuals and HH that it's a PARALLEL world! And, YES, parallel dimensions of the same earth, like creating two different worlds/earth or two different realities within the same universe IS possible! Just because most scientists happen to not be able to prove this yet, doesn't mean it's impossible. Also, in the of Zelda, there is PROOF that my point stands TALL! LORULE!!!

Seriously, if you say that Lorule is also just Hyrule in another universe, then you must be a very stubborn and ignorant person with a simple mind. Honestly, NO ONE with a BRAIN and a sense of LOGIC can deny that Lorule, MOST definitely is NOT Hyrule. Mostly because of ONE BIG thing, well...it's TRIFORCE!!!

Anyways that's all I have to say for now, I'm tired. :tired:


Jul 1, 2012
Let's keep things nice in here please. This is the theory section after all, people are allowed to present theories and speculate.


Just a simple nobody
Dec 11, 2013
Well of course the theory isnt canon and kind of ignores the canon.
And I do use the parallel worlds concept. It is a parallel universe/world that is just Hyrule in the future.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Let's keep things nice in here please. This is the theory section after all, people are allowed to present theories and speculate.

I wasn't intending to be mean, I was just speaking with passion, common sense, and logic that it's made clear that officially Termina isn't Hyrule. And that nether is Lorule as Lorule's existence proves my point the most.

Well of course the theory isnt canon and kind of ignores the canon.
And I do use the parallel worlds concept. It is a parallel universe/world that is just Hyrule in the future.

Termina is NOT Hyrule - FACT

Lorule is NOT Hyrule - FACT

Parallel Dimension being Parallel Earths/Realities are possible - Theory so far proven by LORULE!!!


Just a simple nobody
Dec 11, 2013
Im not sure how Lorule has to do with this but all that is proven is that Termina is an alternate world that isnt the oot Hyrule which a future version of it wouldnt be either. I havent really gotten anyone against my theory so I think it is great tht there is someone against it. If you could offer more evidence so I could try and fix the theory so it can cover more that would be great. What im saying is if you are going to criticize I would ask for evidence that I can use to better my theory.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
I think you could be on to something. Although, MM and OoT were made for the same system, by the same company, and probably the same crew, which would explain the map similarities. The first hesitation that I had with this theory, though, was that the Hyrulean Ears started out long and pointy at the creation (Look at Link is SS for example), but as they further evolved, these ears became shorter (Look at Link in ST and PH for example), and the ears in MM are still long and pointy. For the Landscape of Hyrule to change like that, it'd take a lot of time, during which the ears would've gotten considerably smaller. I know this doesn't blow your theory out of the water or anything, I was just saying that it's odd.

You have connected some cool things here, though, and I bet that this could lead to even more interesting discussion down the road!
Last edited:
Oct 29, 2023
Objection you play as young link in majora’s mask meaning it can’t be set in the future because your not in termina in the future in OOT a theory I find more believable is that termina is a parallel world from hyrule otherwise those places would be in termina

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
it is possible its a dark dimensional future, the problem with that is Link in OoT already faced a dark future when he takes The Master Sword from Temple of Time and leaps forward to Hyrule under Ganondorf’s tyranny.

I think Termina is another realm, not Hyrule at all. It could be another parallel world like The Twilight Realm and Dark World, but not Hyrule itself in the future.

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