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Majora's Mask and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


The Shadow Knight
Dec 8, 2008
The City of Lost Souls, South Monotony
They're alike in a lot of ways.

Both Alice and Link go into another world
by falling through a hole

They both meet strange people
some friends
some enemies

They both change in shape.
Alice grows large and small
And Link turns into other creatures.

Nintendo obviously takes a lot of inspiration from Alice. Mario eats mushrooms and grows large too. Thoughts?


The Void in the Triforce
Mar 4, 2009
New Jersey
In OoT, the guy running around Hyrule Castle Town quotes White Rabbit's most famous line:
"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!"

This character model also comes back for MM as the thief in Kafei and Anju's story.

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
Must have been at least 20 years since I last thought about Alice´s adventures so I can not say that I remember them all. But an interesting reflection it is and it could make sense, I believe the game creators often get their inspiration from tales etc. Interesting with a new idea :)


Sep 15, 2008
Yes, it has a lot of things in common, and, I truly believe Nintendo used several ideas from it on several franchises, from Zelda to Mario
Nov 26, 2008
Interesting. Never thought of it like that before, but I suppose you're right. Some of it could be coincidence, but probably not all of it, especially not that "I'm late" thing. When I first heard that I automatically remembered it from Alice.

I've seen lots of similarities between Zelda and other stories (such as the Master Sword and Excalibur,) so I guess this is one of those.
Apr 10, 2009
I think the games has more inspiration from other stories than what many of us may guess.

We've seen it compare to Alice, to Peter Pan, the minish/Picori also reminded me of a tale.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Its not rare to see other tales and even real life refrences from other cultures in the zelda series. Like El Bagu said, its like the creators get their inspiration from it, which is quite unique and cool. Some member think its a coincidence, but i think that even the smalest detail is put there intentionaly.

Some of them where already discussed here on ZD, but everytime someone discovers something new again.


Apr 19, 2009
Yes. I think your certainly right. There are alot of similarities here. Though there is one big difference. As far as i am aware, LoZ isn't about magic mushrooms lol.

This reminds me of the game Alice. Anyone ever play that? Sorry if I'm deviating from the topic, but it was an amazing game. Lol.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
If you ask me, that's just a coincidence, and besides, you'd need more than three reasons to imply that Nintendo copies ideas from them. Other than your three (The second one is questionable, however) there are no other similarities that I can think of.
Nov 26, 2008
Interesting point.

Another (sort of) similarity is that Link meets alternate versions of people he knew, whereas all the characters in Alice in Wonderland were based on people Lewis Carrol knew, such as friends and family. I suppose that's not quite a similarity, but... :sweat:

Anyway, normally I would be inclined to say this is just a coincidence, but you bring up some interesting points, especially about Mario and mushrooms.


I've seen lots of similarities between Zelda and other stories (such as the Master Sword and Excalibur,) so I guess this is one of those.

I think Nintendo has to get some kind of inspiration from somewhere! Am I right? I like how Axle the Beast showed the similarity between the Master Sword and Excalibur. Never thought of it before, maybe once. :thinking:
Nah! Anyways I like the Idea of comparing Zelda games to different tales, it's cool finding the similarities.
Nov 26, 2008
I think Nintendo has to get some kind of inspiration from somewhere! Am I right? I like how Axle the Beast showed the similarity between the Master Sword and Excalibur. Never thought of it before, maybe once. :thinking:
Nah! Anyways I like the Idea of comparing Zelda games to different tales, it's cool finding the similarities.
I agree. It's not to say that different stories and ideas aren't original, but it's a fact that writers and artists very often get inspiration from other sources. These can wind up being very different (in fact, they usually do,) but they still were inspired.

And I think this happens a lot with Zelda. In fact, a lot of aspects come from older stories or cultures. Rupees, for example, were an actual type of currency in India, although they looked very different.


I always got a bit more of a "Beyond the Looking Glass" vibe. After all, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was a grand adventure trip away from reality. That was Ocarina - even the White Rabbit was in it. =p

In this, many people look the same, but have different personalities and names. The story's a bit darker, and it's really just a trippier piece when everything's considered.

Sorry, I just like specifics.

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