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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.4:

funnier6 - 3 (Pendio, Jimmu, Domozilla777)
Mellow Ezlo - 1 (Mido)
YIGAhim - 1 (Bok of the Wild)
Domozilla777 - 1 (Krow)

Not Voting - Eduarda, EMIYA Shirou, funnier6, karu, Mellow Ezlo, Minish_Link, Miss Cucco, YIGAhim

With 14 alive, it takes 8 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Monday, August 21 at 11 PM EST.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Funnily enough, I'm not entirely convinced that Domo and funnier are scumbuds this time around. Their playstyles just don't match up with what I observed from Pendio's game. I mean, individually they still seem scummy to some degree, but don't seem to be playing as a team, at least. I don't really understand the suspicion towards funnier since all he did on Day 1 was state his unwillingness to hop on the stormwagon, but his behavior under pressure is somewhat offputting. Domo, on the other hand, hasn't been too conducive aside from stating his opinions on Jimmu and then voting and flipping to funnier later on. Maybe that was his intention all along?


@Alit: Caught me while I was in the middle of posting. :bubsy:

Deleted member 14134

I feel like we may be getting tunnel vision towards funnier and domo. I can see one being scum but not both. Also it's entirely possible that neither are scum and the real mafia is sitting back and watching us. That makes me think about more experienced players such as Mez and Eduarda who have been quiet for the most part today. Also Minish's posting style does seem townish but she is much less active than normal. And I want to see what mido has to say about everyone as well. I'll be back on tomorrow and may end up changing my vote but I just wanted to point this out.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
OK I'm here.

So I had planned to write a megapost with quotes and everything, but I didn't want to waste 4 hours writing a post with 12 pages worth of quotes, so I'm going to try to be as concise as possible.

So, first off, I'll list my current reads.

Town Lean:
EMIYA Shirou

Neutral/Slight town favour:
Bok of the Wild

Fully neutral:
Miss Cucco

Leaning scum:

EMIYA and Krow haven't been terribly active, but they've been posting actively enough for me to feel fairly confident about both of them. They've been consistently posting believable reads, and they both seem genuine in what they say. At the same time, neither of them have posted a ton, so it's difficult to say for sure, but I feel good about them. EMIYA in particular has been very consistent with his reads in this game and has been presenting good reasons for all of them.

Bok is an interesting case. I tend to have a town lean on him by default, but there's something about him in this game that I can't quite put my finger on. His reads and opinions seem genuine, and he's playing much the same way as he has in the previous games. If anything, the fact that he was so against the majo of Storm but then didn't remove his own vote to prevent it seems a tad contradictory, but other than that, I have a pretty decent town lean on him. And that isn't even necessarily scummy, just something to keep in mind for later.

Jimmu got a bit of pressure earlier on for his Storm vote, but I don't think there's anything suspicious about his vote. There were only two votes on that wagon that really caught my eye, one of them belonging to a dead townie. Overall, Jimmu has been actively contributing and posting good reads with good and sensible explanations. Nothing really out of the ordinary coming from him.

Minish, similarly to Bok, is playing consistent with the style we've seen from her in other games. My only concern is that she isn't as active as she normally is (look at me, talking about activity lmao), having only posted five times total so far. One thing I find interesting is the fact that she was in support of the lynch on Storm, but refrained from voting herself. She explained why, and it makes sense, but a part of me feels like it may have been an attempt to support an obvious townie lynch, whilst staying off of it so she doesn't look suspicious later. So I have a very slight town lean on her, but I'm mostly neutral at the moment due to lack of content, and I will keep an eye on her.

I've been finding Mido rather hard to read in this game. Normally I can read him pretty well, but I'm having difficulty this time. He's been fairly consistent overall, but I've noticed an aggression in him that hasn't really existed previously. Not just for his vote on me, but also the way he posts and formulates his ideas. It's not a scum tell, mind you, but it's certainly different from his usual, more relaxed and laid back style of playing. I realize he explained the change in style, but I just can't help but be a bit wary of him.

Eduarda is neutral simply because she has not posted enough for me to get a solid read of her, and all of her few posts are mostly just about Storm. She was pretty vocal about being against the Storm lynch though, which seems slightly contradictory seeing as she kept saying we should leave him alone, even though all of her posts are about him. I've also noticed that she's been sitting back a lot more this game, but I feel like her usual aggressiveness as mafia is lacking and her posts moreso reflect her town play. Regardless, I'll remain wary, and I'll be keeping an eye on her (or her replacement, if she ends up getting replaced) going forward.

Miss Cucco has been fairly active, which I like. Although she seems to be occasionally missing details, and I don't really like how she said we should leave Storm alone and then later ended up voting for him anyway. Her play has definitely improved since the previous games, but still there's not a whole lot in her posts to get a solid read either way. There's nothing that screams scum, but also nothing that screams town.

YIGAhim was pretty afk during day 1, and has been picking up his activity this day. His posts lack substance for the most part, and I don't like the way he wanted to dismiss all the day one votes. Overall a similar case to Miss Cucco, but I have a slight (very slight) scum lean on YIGAhim. Also for his seemingly random vote on funnier towards the end of Day 1. I like the attempt to divert the conversation away from Storm, but it just seemed random and oddly timed. Almost as if he was attempting to save Storm, since Storm was so obviously a townie by that point that it would make himself look good. Not a strong scum lean, but there's not a whole lot from him to read.

Oh funnier... I feel like we're going to clash in every game since we have such different ideologies and opinions about many aspects of this game. Notably, in this game, the Storm lynch. Now I don't necessarily find his reasoning for being so strongly against his lynch to be scummy per se, although I do find it rather odd how he still doesn't understand why his lynch was beneficial to us in the long run. I really feel like he was trying to make himself look good by saying he was against a townie lynch. Also, I don't like the way he instantly dismissed Domo as being town because of one post that honestly doesn't read that way at all. Overall, his play in this game has been very similar to the previous games in which he was scum, particularly the way he reacts to votes and suspicion on him. I've never liked when people complain about votes and say they don't make sense, instead of constructing a proper defence. Also, the fact that he was against the Storm lynch but said that he thought Storm was mafia, then criticized us for lynching a townie when he though said townie was mafia, seems really weird and inconsistent. I'm not sold on his scumminess, but I haven't much townie play from him this game.

Domo has been contributing more independently this game than in previous games, which is good, but I still feel like he's been rather inconsistent this game. In particular, Krow pointed out the complete 180 he took when he switched suspicion from Jimmu over to funnier, but that's not even an isolated incident as his reads this game have been all over the place. While he does seem more independent this time around, his play is still similar to the previous games in which he was scum. Also, I still find the rather bold accusation of Karu and Storm being scumbuds during day 1 to be rather off-putting, especially since it was pretty obvious by then that Storm was town. Domo, if you're scum for the forth time in a row, then I truly do apologize because it sucks to be you.

Now for Karu. I stated previously that I found Karu's seemingly random change of opinion during day one to be suspect, and I stand by that. It's not the Storm vote itself that I find suspicious, in fact I said earlier in this very post that I don't really find any votes on that wagon to be suspicious, it's the fact that she had spent most of the day defending Storm and saying she was against the lynch, and then at the end of the day took a complete 180 and even placed the hammer vote on him that sealed his fate. Her explanation made sense, but it doesn't seem genuine to me, and it was a weird change of opinion nonetheless. Also another example of someone having said we should take the conversation away from Storm, but not really making an effort to do so herself.

So that's where I stand. I apologize for delaying this post so much, it's been a crazy few days and I've been really busy at work. I should be here more consistently from now on though.

Right now, I'd probably vote for funnier, since he's one of my scum leans and the lynch seems to be going in that direction. I agree with Bok about YIGAhim though, and while my scum read on him isn't all that strong like I said, I also have never played with him so I'm unfamiliar with his play style. I'd be down to lynch him too if it comes to it.

In fact, I said I'd probably vote for funnier right now, but I'm going to try applying a little pressure elsewhere.

Vote: YIGAhim

Deleted member 14134

A few people have mentioned that I said not to hammer storm but didn't take my vote off so I'd like to address what happened. I was at a concert waiting for it to start when it happened and saw storm had 8 votes so I had hoped that by posting that people would hold off and let the discussion continue. I didn't expect to get two back to back votes on him so quickly after that. If I had seen he had 9 I probably would of but I missed both so it was too late by the time I came back.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Sorry I haven't posted much. Wasn't feeling super well today, so I just hadn't gotten around to putting together my thoughts yet.

First off, I wanna give my thoughts on the people I didn't address in my earlier post.

Domo- I have a very slight town read on him at the moment. I don't think his posts have entirely made sense, and he seems to be flip-flopping on some of his opinions, but it does seem like he's putting more effort into scum hunting this game, than previous ones where he's been mafia. I just think that his inconsistent thoughts are part of his playstyle no matter alignment. Most notably, I actually did like his post where he applied his experience as mafia to why he found Jimmu suspicious. That felt like genuine critical thinking, and not just throwing out accusations and seeing what sticks.

Eduarda- I'm mostly neutral on her right now, due to the lack of posting. But that also contributes to me feeling a slight 3rd party, possibly SK lean on her as well. From the night scene, it looks like we may have an SK again. Her inactivity is completely different than her play last game, where she was only alive for the first day, but was very aggressive during that time. That's the only experience I have with her playstyle, so I'm not entirely sure what's normal for her, but that stood out to me. I feel like she could be SK trying to lay low, especially as her aggressive play could put some unwanted heat on her.

EMIYA- Kinda neutral, with slightish town lean for him. I feel like he's been playing similarly to the previous game, where he wasn't the most active, but would chime in fairly consistently with his opinions. Though, that's also the only game I've played with him, so that could be his scum play as well. I'll have to re-read the thread to get a better read on his actions, but I do remember agreeing with his thoughts on the Storm lynch and haven't seen anything that feels very scummy in his recent posts.

Mido- I had previously felt some light suspicion of him, due to his quickness to vote Mezlo right at the beginning of the day. I felt like it was a little rash, as others have pointed out. But with his post explaining his rashness this game, I've kinda gone back on my suspicion of him. His explanation made a lot of sense to me, and felt as though he was truly trying to improve his performance by taking a different approach to the games. I know that in some of the most recent previous games I've been in with him, I have read him as scum for his hesitant nature, and have ended up lynching him when he was town for it a few times. So I appreciate that he's trying something different this time. I don't exactly have a town lean on him, but I'm more at a neutral read for him right now, than my previous scum lean.

Krow- I'll have to see a little more from him to get a good opinion, but so far I'm liking his posts. Most notably, his recent post where he called out Dom for going back and forth with his opinions. Although I may not agree with the read on Dom, I do think there was logical reasoning for his vote on him.

YIGA- This being his first game here, it's hard to get too good of a read on him. His play is somewhat reminding me of Dom's scum play, where he posts short, sporadic posts that don't always entirely make sense or have sound reasoning. I also wasn't really a fan of him not thinking day 1 was serious and felt it was more of a joke lynch. Could be mafia or just unaware townie. I kinda let Dom slide with that behavior too much when he kept ending up mafia, so I'm gonna put him in my slight scum read pile for now and keep an eye on him.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
A few people have mentioned that I said not to hammer storm but didn't take my vote off so I'd like to address what happened. I was at a concert waiting for it to start when it happened and saw storm had 8 votes so I had hoped that by posting that people would hold off and let the discussion continue. I didn't expect to get two back to back votes on him so quickly after that. If I had seen he had 9 I probably would of but I missed both so it was too late by the time I came back.

It's nice to hear your explanation for this. While I was one who previously brought that up as feeling iffy about it, I find this to be a fairly decent reason. Though I didn't find you not removing your vote incredibly scummy in the first place, it was one of the things that stood out to me as being odd about the votes on Storm.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
OK I'm here.

So I had planned to write a megapost with quotes and everything, but I didn't want to waste 4 hours writing a post with 12 pages worth of quotes, so I'm going to try to be as concise as possible.

So, first off, I'll list my current reads.

Town Lean:
EMIYA Shirou

Neutral/Slight town favour:
Bok of the Wild

Fully neutral:
Miss Cucco

Leaning scum:

EMIYA and Krow haven't been terribly active, but they've been posting actively enough for me to feel fairly confident about both of them. They've been consistently posting believable reads, and they both seem genuine in what they say. At the same time, neither of them have posted a ton, so it's difficult to say for sure, but I feel good about them. EMIYA in particular has been very consistent with his reads in this game and has been presenting good reasons for all of them.

Bok is an interesting case. I tend to have a town lean on him by default, but there's something about him in this game that I can't quite put my finger on. His reads and opinions seem genuine, and he's playing much the same way as he has in the previous games. If anything, the fact that he was so against the majo of Storm but then didn't remove his own vote to prevent it seems a tad contradictory, but other than that, I have a pretty decent town lean on him. And that isn't even necessarily scummy, just something to keep in mind for later.

Jimmu got a bit of pressure earlier on for his Storm vote, but I don't think there's anything suspicious about his vote. There were only two votes on that wagon that really caught my eye, one of them belonging to a dead townie. Overall, Jimmu has been actively contributing and posting good reads with good and sensible explanations. Nothing really out of the ordinary coming from him.

Minish, similarly to Bok, is playing consistent with the style we've seen from her in other games. My only concern is that she isn't as active as she normally is (look at me, talking about activity lmao), having only posted five times total so far. One thing I find interesting is the fact that she was in support of the lynch on Storm, but refrained from voting herself. She explained why, and it makes sense, but a part of me feels like it may have been an attempt to support an obvious townie lynch, whilst staying off of it so she doesn't look suspicious later. So I have a very slight town lean on her, but I'm mostly neutral at the moment due to lack of content, and I will keep an eye on her.

I've been finding Mido rather hard to read in this game. Normally I can read him pretty well, but I'm having difficulty this time. He's been fairly consistent overall, but I've noticed an aggression in him that hasn't really existed previously. Not just for his vote on me, but also the way he posts and formulates his ideas. It's not a scum tell, mind you, but it's certainly different from his usual, more relaxed and laid back style of playing. I realize he explained the change in style, but I just can't help but be a bit wary of him.

Eduarda is neutral simply because she has not posted enough for me to get a solid read of her, and all of her few posts are mostly just about Storm. She was pretty vocal about being against the Storm lynch though, which seems slightly contradictory seeing as she kept saying we should leave him alone, even though all of her posts are about him. I've also noticed that she's been sitting back a lot more this game, but I feel like her usual aggressiveness as mafia is lacking and her posts moreso reflect her town play. Regardless, I'll remain wary, and I'll be keeping an eye on her (or her replacement, if she ends up getting replaced) going forward.

Miss Cucco has been fairly active, which I like. Although she seems to be occasionally missing details, and I don't really like how she said we should leave Storm alone and then later ended up voting for him anyway. Her play has definitely improved since the previous games, but still there's not a whole lot in her posts to get a solid read either way. There's nothing that screams scum, but also nothing that screams town.

YIGAhim was pretty afk during day 1, and has been picking up his activity this day. His posts lack substance for the most part, and I don't like the way he wanted to dismiss all the day one votes. Overall a similar case to Miss Cucco, but I have a slight (very slight) scum lean on YIGAhim. Also for his seemingly random vote on funnier towards the end of Day 1. I like the attempt to divert the conversation away from Storm, but it just seemed random and oddly timed. Almost as if he was attempting to save Storm, since Storm was so obviously a townie by that point that it would make himself look good. Not a strong scum lean, but there's not a whole lot from him to read.

Oh funnier... I feel like we're going to clash in every game since we have such different ideologies and opinions about many aspects of this game. Notably, in this game, the Storm lynch. Now I don't necessarily find his reasoning for being so strongly against his lynch to be scummy per se, although I do find it rather odd how he still doesn't understand why his lynch was beneficial to us in the long run. I really feel like he was trying to make himself look good by saying he was against a townie lynch. Also, I don't like the way he instantly dismissed Domo as being town because of one post that honestly doesn't read that way at all. Overall, his play in this game has been very similar to the previous games in which he was scum, particularly the way he reacts to votes and suspicion on him. I've never liked when people complain about votes and say they don't make sense, instead of constructing a proper defence. Also, the fact that he was against the Storm lynch but said that he thought Storm was mafia, then criticized us for lynching a townie when he though said townie was mafia, seems really weird and inconsistent. I'm not sold on his scumminess, but I haven't much townie play from him this game.

Domo has been contributing more independently this game than in previous games, which is good, but I still feel like he's been rather inconsistent this game. In particular, Krow pointed out the complete 180 he took when he switched suspicion from Jimmu over to funnier, but that's not even an isolated incident as his reads this game have been all over the place. While he does seem more independent this time around, his play is still similar to the previous games in which he was scum. Also, I still find the rather bold accusation of Karu and Storm being scumbuds during day 1 to be rather off-putting, especially since it was pretty obvious by then that Storm was town. Domo, if you're scum for the forth time in a row, then I truly do apologize because it sucks to be you.

Now for Karu. I stated previously that I found Karu's seemingly random change of opinion during day one to be suspect, and I stand by that. It's not the Storm vote itself that I find suspicious, in fact I said earlier in this very post that I don't really find any votes on that wagon to be suspicious, it's the fact that she had spent most of the day defending Storm and saying she was against the lynch, and then at the end of the day took a complete 180 and even placed the hammer vote on him that sealed his fate. Her explanation made sense, but it doesn't seem genuine to me, and it was a weird change of opinion nonetheless. Also another example of someone having said we should take the conversation away from Storm, but not really making an effort to do so herself.

So that's where I stand. I apologize for delaying this post so much, it's been a crazy few days and I've been really busy at work. I should be here more consistently from now on though.

Right now, I'd probably vote for funnier, since he's one of my scum leans and the lynch seems to be going in that direction. I agree with Bok about YIGAhim though, and while my scum read on him isn't all that strong like I said, I also have never played with him so I'm unfamiliar with his play style. I'd be down to lynch him too if it comes to it.

In fact, I said I'd probably vote for funnier right now, but I'm going to try applying a little pressure elsewhere.

Vote: YIGAhim

Yeah I actually agree with most of this post, though I must say that I've explained all my actions and no one seems to care.

I think I find you more towny for this post but I'm not quite sure why.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
@Tristan if I was scum again for 4 times in a row I would actually be in depression, denial, and probably throw the game lol I realize my posts last night were extremely scummy and off-putting but I had been traveling all day and my I didn't have all my wits about me so here I am today fresh and ready to go. (Not trying to say there's no way I could be scum, just saying that last night was rough for me and I should be good now)


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I'm considering voting yiga for self pres, he is one of my scum leans after all, but I feel like that would be opportunistic and seal my fate. And I have to be darn careful right now cause I know how this went last time.

On the other hand, if I don't vote him everyone will assume we must be scum buds or something since voting him could potentially save me and doom him.

So as the day comes closer to its end it should be easier to decide.

-Lays on a stone altar contemplating imminent sacrifice- :kawaii:
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