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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Three

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
You see, MF's vote was pretty early on and his reason was to 'break Storm's habit' of claiming day one; pretty loose reason to vote for him so at first I overlooked it. But then the day progressed and he hasn't really given much reason as to his suspicion of Storm. I would understand if he collaborated with Mellow or Bok choy on their reasons as to why they voted for Storm yet MF hasn't really much done so in my eyes view.

Jimmu actively talked to Storm and the conversation was, on Storm's side, basically that of given up. On Jimmu's side of the conversation, however, to me it seemed as if they just kept going at him more than necessary. Most of the other players by this point in the day know Storm has 'given up' 'doesn't answer straight' and his reason are 'not well explained'. Just the fact that he kept calling Storm out, saying that he should take the game more seriously and try to defend himself, even saying why bother signing up if you weren't gonna seriously play and just die the first day; it was more of a get everyone to agree with him that he shouldn't be in the game and therefore lynching him is better than nothing. This seems pretty scummy to me

But that's my personal view



So it seems your suspicion on MF is rooted in the idea that his read of Storm hasn't progressed much since he voted him? I can't say I'm too certain about that one only because I actually, in spite of my initial concerns over the quickness of his dismissal of Storm's claim, thought his reasoning was solid enough at the time, especially in relation to potential flavor.

As for Jimmu, you think he's been tunneling Storm? Huh, if so, I didn't pick up on that if that's the case, solely the vote scenario thus far. Haven't given the strongest read-up in quite a few posts since I've been focusing on replying to posts. This is partly why I'm intrigued by your concerns over Pendio.

Pay close attention to the people creating this bus, it's more than likely that mafia are spearheading it.

Anyone among those voters sticking out to you?


Jun 7, 2017
the present

For future reference: everyones discussions with me never end in my favor. In fact theyve got me banned from the Mafia Section Twice, and have resulted in 7 Force Ignores

Went pretty well for you last game, and yes, I'm a little salty I got lynched and you didn't.

Can anyone tell me anyone they find suspicious right now that isn't storm? I think we should start there.


Aug 25, 2016
Anyone among those voters sticking out to you?
I don't like that Pendio seemed so keen on finding out why and then jumped onto the wagon not long after.

I don't believe that Storm is mafia, he's more likely an indep that wins by getting lynched. AKA: Jester.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I'd like to hear more from @Bok of the Wild, even though I was mafia in both our games together he always radiated strong town vibes and made me scared.

This game I haven't seen that yet, and really the odds are in his favor of finally being mafia.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I understand all the votes on Storm, and definitely see why lynching him would be a pretty good option, but I also feel like we're rushing things a bit. Everyone is too focused on Storm at the moment, and if we go ahead with his lynch and he flips town we don't have a lot to go on from there because we didn't look elsewhere. And that's an issue whether he flips town or scum, because if he does flip scum, he's helped his scumbuds by keeping people from looking too much into them.

As for my own thoughts on the situation, I'm not sure what to make of his claim/actions. Like I said before, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either way. I could see Storm trying to use reverse psychology, like others have said. He has voted for himself and tried to push his lynch in previous games and survived past that, so maybe he thinks that will work as a mafia move this time. It also serves the purpose that I stated above, of putting all the focus on him and taking it off of his scumbuds. And if he's telling the truth and he is a bomb/vengeful role, then that's kinda useless to us in the future now.

But for now, I think it's better for us to consider this information, while also seeing if there are any other leads to go on. While I see him as our best option currently, I'm going to hold off on voting him at the moment so we don't end up potentially losing discussion time that would be valuable to us.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I understand all the votes on Storm, and definitely see why lynching him would be a pretty good option, but I also feel like we're rushing things a bit. Everyone is too focused on Storm at the moment, and if we go ahead with his lynch and he flips town we don't have a lot to go on from there because we didn't look elsewhere. And that's an issue whether he flips town or scum, because if he does flip scum, he's helped his scumbuds by keeping people from looking too much into them.

As for my own thoughts on the situation, I'm not sure what to make of his claim/actions. Like I said before, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either way. I could see Storm trying to use reverse psychology, like others have said. He has voted for himself and tried to push his lynch in previous games and survived past that, so maybe he thinks that will work as a mafia move this time. It also serves the purpose that I stated above, of putting all the focus on him and taking it off of his scumbuds. And if he's telling the truth and he is a bomb/vengeful role, then that's kinda useless to us in the future now.

But for now, I think it's better for us to consider this information, while also seeing if there are any other leads to go on. While I see him as our best option currently, I'm going to hold off on voting him at the moment so we don't end up potentially losing discussion time that would be valuable to us.

Hey Minish, you're looking towny as always. :P

Do you find anyone's behavior strange? Besides storm of course.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I don't like that Pendio seemed so keen on finding out why and then jumped onto the wagon not long after.

I don't believe that Storm is mafia, he's more likely an indep that wins by getting lynched. AKA: Jester.

Ah, I see. Upon briefly skimming his posts after our customary exchange of waves, I think his reasoning for pursuing Storm seemed much more policy-based as opposed to the more fleshed-out progressions laid out by MF, Bok,and Mezlo, and I don't blame him given Storm's behavior up to that point.

I'd like to hear more from @Bok of the Wild, even though I was mafia in both our games together he always radiated strong town vibes and made me scared.

This game I haven't seen that yet, and really the odds are in his favor of finally being mafia.

Interesting. I'd like to hear from him too as a general thing, but what makes you less certain about him right now? I can't say I agree at first notice even though I expressed a mild qualm over the earliness of his vote.

Also @rlscot8 and @YIGAhim hi friends.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
You're gonna need more than quoting my quote and calling me a scum to solidify that with other players.

If you are going to make such accusation at the very least explain why. If you are saying I am scum because of the fact that I think Storm is town and because I am defending him, I understand. I thought about the consequences if I chose to do this and yet I still chose to do it, I'm not backing off.

If Storm does turn out to be scum, then I'll understand perfectly if I am the next person to get lynched. But I'm quite positive he is town, and from what I've read, Storm usually role claims and turns out town so my reasons in believing he is town are also backed up by this.

I got what I needed out of that post. 3 likes and plenty of 411.

Is this a good thing?

Cause honestly last game of mafia I played I was acting much like you so I feel were you're coming from. I'm just trying to get people to back offf anf give you space.

I completly agree with you on this. If we were to lynch Storm, what if that didn't give us much of anything? It's be like another day one and those suck.

My suspicion is manifested. What I see here is an inexperienced scum panicking while her scumbud storm is doing his usual suicide run. He's been doing this for the last few games. But I don't believe Karu has been in the game for that.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Ah, I see. Upon briefly skimming his posts after our customary exchange of waves, I think his reasoning for pursuing Storm seemed much more policy-based as opposed to the more fleshed-out progressions laid out by MF, Bok,and Mezlo, and I don't blame him given Storm's behavior up to that point.

Interesting. I'd like to hear from him too as a general thing, but what makes you less certain about him right now? I can't say I agree at first notice even though I expressed a mild qualm over the earliness of his vote.

Also @rlscot8 and @YIGAhim hi friends.

Oh it's not anything in particular, but being I felt he practically had my team pinned to the wall by day two I want to keep up with his thoughts and see if he's still the same.

I'm slightly confused about his storm reasoning but I'm not suspicious of him rn.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Hey Minish, you're looking towny as always. :P

Do you find anyone's behavior strange? Besides storm of course.

I'll have to re-read things again, to see if anything stands out, especially when it comes to the votes on Storm.

Though at the moment, I agree with something that Mido said early on in the game about it being interesting that Libk pointed out Storm's "claim" to begin with. That seems to have started all of this, when I don't think anyone else would've read that post as a claim. I know I didn't when I first read it. If Storm ends up flipping town, I think there could be something there since pointing that out caused a huge distraction for us already and I don't see why he felt the need to ask if Storm was claiming with that post or not.

Maniacal Ezlo

ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
For the record, I've been leaning less and less towards Storm actually being mafia, but I'm keeping my vote on him for a different reason. It's to eliminate a toxic, anti-town player who is hindering our progress and is going to ultimately cause more harm than good if he keeps acting this way. Regardless of his alignment, people who play the way he is right now need to go, because he is in no way being helpful to us and is getting more and more destructive as the day goes on. I'm not voting for him because I think it's likely that he's mafia, I'm voting for him based on the fact that he is anti-town even if he is a townie. There are other reasons to lynch people than on suspicion alone.

Now I have some slight concerns regarding the people in defense of Storm, or rather those who are openly against his lynch. Not saying that being against his lynch is necessarily suspicious in itself, it ultimately comes down to Storm's alignment and the reasons against it. I don't think those against Storm's lynch are automatically scum if he is too, I actually think the opposite as this is a perfect opportunity for scum to bus their scumbud; but if Storm flips town, then I think it would be good to look at those who didn't vote, or more specifically those who were so publicly against the lynch. Because this would be a great opportunity for Mafia to defend someone they know is town if the lynch is based more on policy than suspicion.

As for all the others, there are still a few people we haven't heard from yet. I'd like to hear from somebody who hasn't posted yet/in a while.

Also sorry if my posts feel disjointed and hurried, I've been out of town since Sunday and am only really skimming at the moment and posting via mobile. I'll be home tomorrow night and will read up on everything and make a solid post then.
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