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Mafia Game Queue


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Even though it's probably not until next summer, should I get a co host just to help me learn the ropes since I've never hosted before?
Or one of y'all could sign me as a co host? :senpaipls:

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I have not. Am I even old enough to play that?
dark souls 2 is rated teen, but dark souls 1 and 3 are rated mature
if you follow esrb ratings to a T then that's that but I don't like esrb ratings because they tend to be inaccurate (why the heck is ds2 rated T? It's not for any discernable reason)
my personal rating I would say the game focuses heavily on death and undead so if you don't like zombies/skeletons it's not for you. Blood can be disabled, which I did immediately, and there do tend to be "jump scares" in that enemies like to hide around corners or come out from behind you when you reach a certain point
the violence rarely reaches a gratuitous level without blood (if you're fine with twilight princess you're fine with dark souls imo), but there are two (skippable!) cutscenes in the first game that I feel belong more in an M rated game than a T rated game, both of which occur before a boss fight and therefore have no plot relevance so skip away
dark souls remastered is available for the switch as well, but I was planning on the game involving all 3 games, the last two being available for xb1, ps4, and pc
lmk if you/your parents decide it's okay, I would love to be able to coop with someone since my friends don't have online


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
@Chevywolf30 idk if I'm ever gonna retire at this point, so if you want to, hmu after MTG is done and we can find common interests for a game to build.
That said if you find anyone else, no worries. I am not at a lack of games or cohosts lol.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
@Chevywolf30 idk if I'm ever gonna retire at this point, so if you want to, hmu after MTG is done and we can find common interests for a game to build.
That said if you find anyone else, no worries. I am not at a lack of games or cohosts lol.
I've got a couple of themes and setup ideas cooking, I was just talking about getting hosting experience.


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
Even though it's probably not until next summer, should I get a co host just to help me learn the ropes since I've never hosted before?
Or one of y'all could sign me as a co host? :senpaipls:
I'd suggest finding someone to look over the game who can make sure your game is balanced (especially if it's your first time creating a game and you're not using a premade setup) and someone who can take over hosting the game if you suddenly vanish into the bermuda triangle in the middle of day 3.

They can be the same person, but it's good to have both.
Feb 3, 2019
funnier isn't going
I asked poy on discord and he wants to host, but isn't ready yet so he wants to go after whoever hosts next
Bok left ZD, I think? I only halfway pay attention, so probably not him
so its CynicalSquid's game next, with Poy hosting afterwords, I believe.
Unless someone else has anything else to say here

EDIT: Was told no one's heard from Squid in a really long time, I guess we should try to contact him but I'll bug Kirino and let him know that he might be next.

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