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Jul 1, 2012
This thread is basically to discuss everything about, you guessed it, "lying".

Basically just your thoughts on it as a whole, do you dislike lying, more so when other people do it? Do you think it's ok depending on the situation? Are small white lies really that bad? Etc.

Also, how often would you say you lie? I know it's probably best to admit that you lie left right and center, but try and be truthful as you can.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
There are really different degress of lying. As the OP mentioned, there are little white lies. For the most part, these aren't very bad and in many cases help ease a situation. I will tell one if these every now and again, as there is rarely any harm done. Then there are more malicious lies. Purposefully giving somebody false information in a way that will harm them in the long run is something I try to avoid as much as possible. Lying out of guilt is also a common type, and is something I did a lot of as a child. This type of lie is something I grew out of and replace with honesty. Other types include lying to fit in, which I hardly, if ever, do because I enjoy being myself.

So, I can't really say an entire blanketing statement on lies, but rather comment on the types of them.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
It depends on the scenario in which the person is lying. You could lie for the good of mankind, you could lie for the advantage, you could even lie just to make someone feel better, etc. etc. It's a very useful tool, so I can't say I'm against it as a whole. Lying is actually quite funny, considering everyone lies, but no one ever likes being lied to. I don't know whether it's irony, hypocrisy, or both. I guess you could say that lying is a weapon that needs to be handled with care.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I think there is a case for lying, but not about something serious. I don't believe in major deception, or that it can ever be good. Knowledge is power, and lying to somebody is taking away their power. It's a libertarian approach, I suppose, but on the moral side I don't really have an opinion. Morality is not always a black and white subject in my opinion, but comprised of many shades of grey in between. Dishonesty is horrible. I try not to lie, but to say I never lie would be... well, a lie. People lie all the time, but it depends on the context of the lie whether that's wrong. If you tell a big lie you have to take that to the grave with you, and it's not nice for you, even if you don't consider other people's feeling on the matter.

Maniacal Ezlo

ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
For me, it is situation dependent. I refuse to lie if it is about something big. Lying can lead to hurt feeling, and a lot of other emotions, especially if it is intended as a way to hurt somebody. I used to lie a lot, but I paid the price when I told my friend that my step-dad's grandparents were dying. He did not take that lightly, and he got extremely hurt for it. I still feel terrible about it to this day. I think that's the biggest lie I ever told. Nowadays, I just tell little ones, like the usual "did you finish your homework?" Of course, my dad doesn't exactly appreciate those lies, but their not bad.
However, I don't think lying at all for your own personal game is good. If it is for somebody you're close to, then maybe. But lying for yourself if terrible.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I lie all the time. It's good to use for power consumption. It's a bad thing to do in general though.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I tend to value honesty for the most part, I'd rather people be up front with me than saying what they think I want to hear, it discredits them to me. I can understand that there are situations where a white lie really is the kinder thing to do, but if I can avoid lying and still be kind, I'd rather do that.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I don't think its okay to lie at all. I go by the Ten Commandments, in that there is no exceptions. But as an imperfect human being I do lie. I don't lie when I've done something and I want to cover it up, but I do lie when I want to make myself look better. Jesus forgives! And I strive everyday to love Him and not fall into sin! <3


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I lie more than I'd like to admit. Most of the lies I tell are small white lies. I rarely make huge lies because I suck at lying. I was raised to think lying is bad though. My mom would smack me and put soap in my mouth whenever she caught me lying. I am terrified of lying now, but I guess that's for the better. I don't want to give people a reason not to trust me.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I wanted to make a thread but it's not worthy, but I also think part of lying is being "two faced," having different personas in different areas/cirumstances. For example, I act really nicely and stuff on ZD/DGN's main site, but I'm also something of a troll in the blog sections. I also am VERY different on Skype. But even then, my attitude and stuff is much different in real life compared to ZD/DGN/Skype; I'm my true self in the real world where I'm NOT an idiot (bar quitting my job of course), where I advocate being good but not to the point of being good for rewards, and stuff like that.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I wanted to make a thread but it's not worthy, but I also think part of lying is being "two faced," having different personas in different areas/cirumstances. For example, I act really nicely and stuff on ZD/DGN's main site, but I'm also something of a troll in the blog sections. I also am VERY different on Skype. But even then, my attitude and stuff is much different in real life compared to ZD/DGN/Skype; I'm my true self in the real world where I'm NOT an idiot (bar quitting my job of course), where I advocate being good but not to the point of being good for rewards, and stuff like that.

That's not two faced, that's normal. Everyone acts differently atound certain people and environments. Now lie, like I lied.
Aug 10, 2013
City of Angels
I would be lying if I said I don't lie at all, but I try my hardest not too; however, when I do lie now days, it's usually small white lies to help ease the situation and avoid further pointless conflict. I tend to tell the whole truth though. I'm huge on honesty and trust, so I tend to tell the truth. I feel like when someone lies and keeps the truth away from someone, they aren't respecting the other individual. :nod:

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
I work my butt off to not lie, I'd say the last time I lied was several months ago when I told my parents I broke up with my gf when in reality I hadn't (unfortunately).

I despise lying, 99/100 times that you lie you are in the wrong for lying. If it's something you have to lie about, you probably shouldn't be doing it in the first place. I think that little white lies are incredibly damaging as they lower our defenses if you will, against bigger lies, and it just snowballs and gets worse and worse and worse. So lying I think is terrible. I try my hardest not to lie, and if I do, I eventually make it right. Doesn't excuse the lying though.


Is FINALLY out of school!
Mar 16, 2012
Foeba, my town in Animal Crossing
Oh man, I tell a lot of white lies. I try not to lie at all, but they just pop up for no reason & I feel incredibly guilty for it. Its not even things that will get me in trouble, it will be questions like "have you eaten dinner yet?" and I say no so see if they're offering food. I don't lie about serious things that get me in huge trouble like if my report card came in the mail yet. When it come to other people, it depends on what they lied about. If they lied about dating a certain person, I'd let it by, since it really doesn't effect me much. I also wouldn't car if they lied in order to keep a secret of theirs or a friend's safe. But its something like deceiving me to believe that you were my friend, then that might get me a bit angry.
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Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Lying in general is human nature, everybody does it and anybody who says they don’t is lying by making such a statement, and overall I wouldn't really say it’s a good thing unless used in a positive way. You know, such as keeping a secret from somebody in order to surprise them, cases such as that are ones which make lying ok in my opinion.

Naturally I myself have lied a good deal in my own life about various things, and will likely lie more in the future as well because I'm human, however when looking at the big picture I try to never lie when it comes to the important things. Unless, and as I had mentioned before, it's something that would be effected in a positive way by a lie. These cases are few in number though really, and don't come up very often, so usually when it comes to important or serious matters I don't lie and am just upfront in regards to whatever the subject at hand may be.

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