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Adventure of Link Lost

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Azure Sage

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I got the Zelda Collector's Edition game that has Legend of Zelda, Zelda II Adventure of Link, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on it a few months ago. I beat OoT and MM, but... I am so lost in the other two. In Legend of Zelda, I keep getting lost and end up getting killed by random enemies all the time because I don't know where to go. And in Adventure of Link, I got the candle(by complete chance) , and now I'm stuck in the cave south of the Town of Ruto(I think that's the town's name...)because I keep getting killed by that rat with a boomering. Any tips on how to beat it anyone?(and I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be going through that cave!!)


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Well Sage, I see that this is your second post, so first off, I welcome you to the site. Second, the only advice I can give on Zelda II is to look up a walkthrough. Delete your file if you must. For Zelda I, on the other hand, you can simply look up or print out a world map.
Jan 10, 2011
In Zelda II, if you want to get through the cave, you will have to kill a lot of enemies to get experience. Try to make your experience levels at least 3 before you progress to the 2nd dungeon.

As for The Legend of Zelda, you'll want to just go through the levels in order as you find them. The first couple of dungeons are pretty easy, and if you are having trouble finding them, use a walkthrough to help out


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
In Adventure of Link, first thing before you try to get through that cave is to get the Jump spell if you haven't already, as it's required to make a jump toward the end of it. In order to get that spell, you have to go to a cave in the desert north of the palace you begin the game at and get the trophy in there, then talk to one of the ladies who comes out of her house in Ruto.

Also, there is a heart container south of the palace in the eastern desert where you got the candle at, and a magic container in a cave directly south of the palace you start the game out at (where Zelda is sleeping). I definitely recommend getting those 2 things if you haven't yet. Speaking of .... you mentioned getting the candle by complete chance. Did you complete the palace as well? You would have fought a horse headed guy with a mace if you did. If not, you should work on that first, then worry about heading south from Ruto.

And as previously mentioned, gain experience. It can be tedious but it's practically mandatory.


Jan 17, 2011
As others are saying get the jump spell. Also i had a ton of trouble with death mountian, but when i stayed close to the water town of saria and just kept level grinding till about 5 in each death mountain was simple. The boomerang guys drive me nuts too!!! i usually block their first few throws and then just strt slashing away.
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