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Live Action Legend of Zelda Television Show - What You Would Like to See (and Not to See)


If I'm not back in 15 minutes, just wait longer!
Dec 9, 2014
The Tarheel State
Didn't we cover that already? I'M A DUDE!
Like I said about doing a movie, Miyamoto should be actively involved in the writing since he created the franchise. That or at least have him as a consultant like JK Rowling was on the Harry Potter movies.

Also, British actors would fit the theme better. Never thought American actors really fit in with a medievalish fantasy theme.

Remember when Kevin Costner played Robin Hood?


Apr 3, 2014
What I would like and not like...

1.A planned plot and ending. No meandering about in search of a story, only to get canceled partway.

2. To be available not just on Netflix, but Amazon too. I don't want to be made to have a monthly subscription just for one show. I buy this stuff off of Amazon instead since I normally just watch 2 shows, and so often it's just 4-5 episodes a month. So unless Netflix plans on having a new episode every single week, a subscription isn't worth it.

3. No political statements. I want to enjoy the show, not be irritated by it.

4. If there is going to be CGI, make sure it's good CGI. Nothing kills immersion like poorly rendered effects, and if it can't be used well, then please just use it sparingly and use practical props instead. I've seen too many plastic looking monsters with stiff-legged gaits, please don't let this have more of them!

5. Have Ganondorf be played by somebody who is charismatic and somewhat looks like him (the rest can be filled in by makeup.) And make his Gerudo appearance look like it can be natural, no trying for anime extremes because that would look fake and uncanny valleyish. He has a big nose, but it's at the far end of normal, not huge and pointy. Or yellow eyes, but wolf yellow (pale yellow) and not bright yellow.

6. Show Ganondorf's desire to become Ganon. And when he finally does it close to the end, let it be absolutely epic and horrifying at the same time. Ganondorf finally completes the TriForce and finishes the profane ritual, stripping himself of his utter humanity to become something bordering on eldritch abomination.

7. Have Link helping new people each episode. I'd like to see him talking to people, get a note, or simply stumble upon people in need. This would show the 'sidequests,' and through this it develops the 'hero' side of Link.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
Regarding Jeremy Irons: He was the only one who was trying in that cluster**** of a pathetic excuse for a movie.

On topic: Make sure the cast actually looks like the source material. I saw a fan list with a female Link and a Black Zelda. Can we not. Don't genderbend for the hell of it, and dont change a character's skin color, especially if it's really far-fetched (Hylian society is clearly based on Medieval Europe. Want to know how many black people were in Europe? Almost none. Black royalty? Zero.) End rant.

As far as main characters go, perhaps Thomas Sangster as Link, Sophie Turner as Zelda, and, eh, I don't know who I'd want Ganondorf to be played by. I'm just browsing GoT actors an I can't find anyone who resembles him. Either way, make sure the characters actually look like their game counterparts.

Maniacal Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
On the character thing, I have to say that I disagree with all who say that Link shouldn't be the main character; he's the protagonist of the series, so why should a TV show be any different?

The thing is, being the protagonist doesn't mean the series only has to follow that one character. Look at The Walking Dead, for example. Ya, for the first 2 seasons, the series really focused on Rick Grimes being the "Main Character", but as the series progressed with Season 3 and onwards, it started diverging from that and including multiple different "Main" characters. Particularly in the back half of Season 4 and Season 5, the series followed different branching paths, focusing on multiple different characters at once. As a matter of fact, Rick Grimes, the protagonist, only appears (in a significant role) in 5 episodes of the first half of Season 5, while some other characters have large roles in 6 episodes. This is something I think they could do to make a Zelda TV show great. Instead of focusing only on Link, give other characters the spotlight as well. Make it a true "Legend of Zelda" show instead of a "Link's Hyrule Adventure" type thing.

btw, I may be in the minority, but I would really love a Jeremy Irons played Ganondorf.
Dec 4, 2014
Why shouldn't the show be any different? It's much easier to have a silent protagonist in a video game than it is on TV. I'm not necessarily saying he shouldn't be the main character. But if he is, he is going to have to speak and have a personality. I figured if he wasn't the main character (right away) they could keep him silent and have him speak later and develop his character gradually as the series progressed.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Part of what makes GOT so good is the political struggles. Hyrule has none of that. Some are saying this will be the GOT for a family audience. That's like saying they are making a Texas chainsaw massacre for the kids. I have serious concerns about whether this is going to work when GOT is so popular and on what level Zelda series would be able to compete with that. Because it WILL be competing whether it tries to or not.
If it's not too tame and focusses on story rather than just showing off creatures and characters from the games then it may stand a chance.

I'm thinking they should do the hylian civil war period or do the story of OOT. They could show the struggles of the Hylian and Gerudo people and what led them to civil war or what led to Ganondorf getting his own people to attack hyrule castle in the events during OOT.

Link has to liked obviously. He's gonna speak of course so they will have to be careful how his personality is handled.

Ganondorf is gonna be a tricky one. I love Ganondorf so will be very upset if the if they ruin him. He needs to be played by someone who actually looks like Ganondorf in the games probably a darker skinned dude with an intimidating physique and height
I know who I'd call if i was casting director...

The cameo's need to be more than just cameo's. This may be seen by a lot of people who have never experienced Zelda before, you can't build a show like this on fanservice when it caters to more than existing fans.

I hope tingle is in it.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I'd like to see Tingle and Impa finally consummate their undying love

I never knew I shipped these two until now.

I posted in another thread about this, so I'll just pretty much reiterate what I said there. I am very very apprehensive about this. Video games typically don't translate well into other mediums. The puzzle-solving, the adventure, etc., the foundations of a game all removed. Especially in a series like Zelda where the story has never been too groundbreaking or interesting. Links lack of a complete character only adds to that problem, as any move to define it is bound to cause an outcry among fans who dislike his personality.

That being said, Netflix could be able to pull it off. Zeldas come a long way since the infamous cartoon. Which, if you ask me, was never too bad considering the time and the amount of lore they had to work with. With a much more stable and deep lore to the world of Hyrule, it could be possible to make an interesting show. I personally want to see it have a totally new story. Otherwise, I feel like it could easily get boring and anger fans if it deviates away from the source material too much (which might have to be done). The Civil War era could be an interesting place for the show to take place. It's a time when a lot of the races and different cultures of Hyrule could easily be interacting with each other and involve them all.


waiting for life to start
Jan 28, 2015
I hate this, HATE IT!
I hate it so much I might be changing my cosplay plans for the rest of the year.

Link.... there was a reason why he doesn't speak, so we can be him, experience through him, bond with him. If I see a real live flesh and blood actor portray him and hear him utter one word in some cheezy ass phony English accent I'm gonna hurl. I really don't like the production, direction, and writing styles that are currently en vogue in modern pop culture.
Putting aside the fact that video games do not translate well into live action, this is THE LEGEND of FRIGGIN ZELDA, as far as I'm concerned this could be the only video game!

It will ruin this pure, perfect, one of a kind thing.

I don't care about the possibilities for interaction between the tribes and Hylian folk.
I don't care if it is done "right" in the eyes of many.
I don't care if Netflix is better than Hollywood.
I think Game of Thrones is terrible.
And, I don't need to be reminded of the cartoon from 1989 (which wasn't as bad as everyone makes out from a kid who actually lived in the 80s and watched many cheezy cartoon adaptations such as TLOZ, Ghostbusters, Beetlejuice, TMNT, yes...they were bad, but adorably bad. And let's not pretend TLOZ was this huge universe we have now, I mean we had TLOZ and ZeldaII: The adventure of Link, that's it. No canon, no vast history, I remember that time. I've been playing these games since the beginning.)

I kept waiting all weekend, desperately searching the interwebz for some sign that this was not true, a joake, or a hoax...but it appears this might be legit!

.....and when I come back I'm going to tell you how I REALLY FEEEL!!!!!!
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May 4, 2014
Like I said about doing a movie, Miyamoto should be actively involved in the writing since he created the franchise. That or at least have him as a consultant like JK Rowling was on the Harry Potter movies.

Also, British actors would fit the theme better. Never thought American actors really fit in with a medievalish fantasy theme.

Remember when Kevin Costner played Robin Hood?

Well Val Kilmer was pretty awesome as Mad Martigan but other then that yeah, I can see what you mean.

If we let Miyamoto have too much of a say, poor Link might end up like Daniel Radcliffe did in the Lady in Black. I've seen silent films livelier then that snoozefest. :p

I say get Spielberg as a consultant


If I'm not back in 15 minutes, just wait longer!
Dec 9, 2014
The Tarheel State
Didn't we cover that already? I'M A DUDE!
Well Val Kilmer was pretty awesome as Mad Martigan but other then that yeah, I can see what you mean.

If we let Miyamoto have too much of a say, poor Link might end up like Daniel Radcliffe did in the Lady in Black. I've seen silent films livelier then that snoozefest. :p

I say get Spielberg as a consultant
The accent is my main issue with Americans in that kind of setting. Costner played a good part but the accent kinda ruined it. Also, I've never seen Willow but I've always heard that it's pretty good.
Feb 5, 2011
I heard it would be "Game Of Thrones for a family audience" but that'd just be hard to swallow.
Game of Thrones is a series about rape, murder and incest. How does one take a show known for stuff like this and compare it to something more for kids?
Feb 7, 2014
It's definitely going to have a shaky start, but I really cannot predict how good it's going to be. If there's one thing I learned about TV adaptions, it is to expect uncomfortable changes such as Link's inevitable speech. What really makes me curious is how this could influence the future of the franchise if it goes well; my pessimistic old self foresees two outcomes: 1) It goes well financially and thus gives Nintendo the idea to recycle their success or 2) It turns out to be the stepping stone the series needed, but a rabid hatebase discourages Nintendo from exploring ideas like this.

As for the show itself, I'm not going to lie, I'm expecting it to be a cliche storm; it will contain the prehistoric Chosen One BS, Hijacked by Ganon, Mary Sue frenzy stuff. That's all a given, considering it's Zelda, but when they say it will be like Game of Thrones, I fear horrible things. Not that I hate GoT (I haven't seen it yet), but that this show might end up stealing plot devices or even character concepts just because the writers were too lazy.

This is a big adjustment for some of us, and if I am to advise, I recommend keeping an open mind, while still being prepared for disappointment.

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