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Hyrule Warriors Linkle looks very familiar...


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
she looks very similar to link
Mar 4, 2016
I was playing Dragon's Crown and literally could only see the Elf as Linkle. I'm sorry, but the character designs look eerily similar. I do like how Linkle's weapons are holstered on her legs though.
Her design is uninspired, but it's better than being a direct ripoff of Link, and thankfully she's unique, compared to Link, visually.

I wouldn't call her a female Link though, as she's not really that, or at the very least she's not just a female Link.
She is a delusional farmgirl who thinks she's Link just because she owns a compass.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I really wish her name wasn't Linkle. Even though she is a female Link, I think that she is different enough visually that she could have potentially appeared in a canon Zelda game. And I actually really like how she looks.

But because Nintendo decided to name her Linkle, she will most likely never appear in a canon title. She is solidified as a female counterpart to Link. I'm a bit disappointed, tbh.
I really wish her name wasn't Linkle. Even though she is a female Link, I think that she is different enough visually that she could have potentially appeared in a canon Zelda game. And I actually really like how she looks.

But because Nintendo decided to name her Linkle, she will most likely never appear in a canon title. She is solidified as a female counterpart to Link. I'm a bit disappointed, tbh.
A counterpart, yes. But I can still think of a dozen ways they could impliment it, as she isn't actually Link himself.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Linkle's deign is generic at best which isn't to say it's bad. She looks like your usual dime-a-zone fantasy girls, but still a good comparison.
Mar 14, 2016
I Never Exsisted
I really wish her name wasn't Linkle. Even though she is a female Link, I think that she is different enough visually that she could have potentially appeared in a canon Zelda game. And I actually really like how she looks.
But because Nintendo decided to name her Linkle, she will most likely never appear in a canon title. She is solidified as a female counterpart to Link. I'm a bit disappointed, tbh.

Yeah, I feel as though she is like a female choice for a main character because of her name. This probably won't happen but that's how they presented the character.

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