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General Zelda Link Vs. Mario


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Everyone knows about Mario. He's that funny little racial stereotype that is so fun. He rescues a princess from a giant turtle who desires to . . . why does he kidnap her? Anyway Link is the young adventurer who saves Hyrule from destruction at the hands of Ganondorf and others like him. Who's the better charater?
Jan 2, 2012
Link. Mario is just much simpler and more cliche on literally every level. He's a tenacious, courageous hero nonetheless, just a very simplistic one.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Well, I like both heroes to no end. Both skilled at what Mario and Link do best whether they are same or different. Bowser kidnaps Peach so that be could rule the entire Mushroom Kingdom. Mario is the character that some people love and enjoy the games that include Mario. Link is also an awesome character that I have learned carefully about his name and such. Link is an admirable character to everyone who loves him. So I say that I love both heroes to no end.


The Hero Of Ordon
Jun 25, 2012
On My Couch Playing Smash
I feel like Link is a more serious character to Nintendo, while Mario is a goofy, spin off larger character. So I feel that Link is better. But I have stupid reasons. The only way to solve this is to see who is stronger. They both rely on something other than physical ability(Mario has powerups, link has items) but if Mario takes 1 hit he loses his powerup while that doesn't happen with Link, so a battle could go either way, but I would go with Link(what did I just post and how did I get into this??? IM NOT SCREWATTACK!!!But I hope they make a death battle like that)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Link. Mario is just much simpler and more cliche on literally every level. He's a tenacious, courageous hero nonetheless, just a very simplistic one.

Link isn't any different in that regard. You want generic hero? I'd sooner direct you to Link than Mario; people point to Mario first, though, because he's much more known around the world. :P

Anywho, on the topic, I say Mario is the better character than whatever Link one might bring up.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Mario has never even been remotely fleshed out, whereas Link has had some mild, but solid characterization over the past few games. Is it even a contest?


Because Bowser lusts for her.

That was just Paper Mario being silly. The canonical reason, at least according to Super Mario RPG, is that Peach has the power to undo a spell that Bower has to change the Mushroom Kingdom.
Jan 2, 2012
Link isn't any different in that regard. You want generic hero? I'd sooner direct you to Link than Mario; people point to Mario first, though, because he's much more known around the world. :P

Anywho, on the topic, I say Mario is the better character than whatever Link one might bring up.

I don't think so. Just look at the sequences of the games. Link always has ever-changing motives, Mario is always just around when Peach gets captured and he saves her without a realistic motive (except for the fact that he wants her to make him cakes). Of course, that's not to say that Link is an overly-complex hero character, because he's not, but in comparison to Mario, all of his incarnations are diverse as can be, where Mario is just an unchanging Italian man who chases after the princess without any inhibition to speak of whatsoever.
Dec 11, 2012

Why is he not up there? Ahaha jk sonic is kinda boring on his own, it's the other characters that make the game.

I like Link better than Mario, he survives long, his attacks being that he has more and just generallly better attacks do more for him, and Link has the courage to wear what he wants no matter what others think yet the decentcy to at least put on some pantyhose when his balls drop.

Na but link does look pretty good, Mario just looks like a regular spanish guy, in a work outfit.

Also links boots are better.

Also good to note pretty much anything Mario can do Link can do and more.

Fire Balls - Link has many different types but I specifically remember one in ALttP.
Tanuki Suit - Link got a feather that let him jump, deku leaf for gliding and loftwing for regular flight.
Drugs to grow big - Link had it in a mask, didn't lose it when he got hit, and no side effects.
Ground pound - Goron Pound
I'm sure there is more but Mario doesn't even get much better through out the games, the best he ever got was when he got FLUDD, he got a much wider arsenal there but still didn't compare to Links.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
They're both good in different ways.

Link is a teenager from medieval times who sets on to save the land, relying on items and swordplay.

Mario is an Italian adult plumber who sets out to save the Princess, mostly relying on magic and hand to hand combat

Overall, they're both completely different, both awesome, and both shall not be compared to the other


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
That was just Paper Mario being silly. The canonical reason, at least according to Super Mario RPG, is that Peach has the power to undo a spell that Bower has to change the Mushroom Kingdom.

Is this anymore canon? I mean heck, at least PM is backed up with Bowser Jr. in Sunshine and Bowser saying he wanted to rule with Peach by his side in SMG.
Jul 7, 2012
ok here is what im gona do, im gonna pop in SSBB, just on on CPU control only and select link and Mario, and set them both on the toughest difficulty, no items and select a random stage and watch them go at it. best 2 out of 3 wins.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Link is the better character. Greater representation of a hero and not as laughably silly (in a good way).

In battle, Link would also win, surely. Greater attacks and the like...

ok here is what im gona do, im gonna pop in SSBB, just on on CPU control only and select link and Mario, and set them both on the toughest difficulty, no items and select a random stage and watch them go at it. best 2 out of 3 wins.

Random stage? Don't you dare. Best you go for a neutral stage with no hazards. You'll have actual valid results that way.
Do it for SSB64 and Melee, also...


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Mario is a platform game character, Link is an adventure game character. Mario isn't given much input in terms of characterization, personality, etc because the games for the most part do not require it. He mostly happens to be there, sometimes invited, sometimes not. Link, while his specific personality is kept blank so that the individual player can input their own personality into him, but his backstory generally tends to be more specific. He has a home, he has people he has personal ties to, the games generally give some sort of motivation to why he goes out on this quest to rescue Hyrule (or Termina). So I would say Link is the better character.

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