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Majora's Mask Link - The Green Whizz


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I was just thinking, in Majora's Mask, when Link plays the Inverted Song of Time and slows the speed of time, Termina moves at half the speed. Everyone walks slower to still fit their schedules and the clocks move slower but no one seems to notice. No one ever comments on the slowed speed of time, so no one but Link must notice it. Now, Link still moves around at the normal speed but to the people of Termina, he must appear to move twice as fast as usual, since they're going half the speed without feeling a difference.

But then Link gets the Bunny Hood, which doubles his running speed. I (and I imagine most other people) wore the Bunny Hood for the majority of the game. It was very helpful. I also spent almost all of my time with the flow of time slowed. So in a world where everyone percieves Link to move twice as fast as usual, he now wears a hat which doubles his speed. So to the fair people of Termina, young Link runs at 4 times the speed of the average person. Can you imagine seeing a little boy whizz past you like a green blur?


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
i never actually considered that. they must just see a green blob with yellow on top whizzing all over the place. how come no-one says to him 'how did you get from over there to over here to speak to me so quickly?'


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
I actually never thought about that before, but that does make perfect sense. Perhaps, when Link wears the Bunny Hood, he moves so fast that no one can see him, and they can only interact with him when he is completely still.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
Hmmm...that is actually something I've never really thought of before, and I tip my hat to you for bringing it up.

Come to think of it, this whole thing sort of reminds me of those cartoons where when people hit that right amount of caffeine, the whole world just slows down, and they *walk* to their destination while the world slowly reacts. The logical question here, though, is asking does the world slow down, or does Link make much quicker movements as the Ocarina of Time increases his movement speed?
Jul 1, 2011
Lanayru Province
My theory-It doesn't make TERMINA move at half speed, only the sun and moon move at half speed. Why do the people walk around half as fast? I dunno. OCD about their schedules?

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