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Link Holding Hylian Shield in Lanayru Mining Facility Cutscene

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Hi all,
Is the Hylian Shield is really an option to have or is it just being used in the cutscene? It's the scene at the end of the Lanayru Mining Facility where Zelda and Impa are at the Gate of Time when Ghirahim bursts in. Impa is defending but Ghirahim breaks through. Link jumps in and is holding a Hylian Shield.

In past Zelda games in the cutscenes, Link would be holding the shield that the player possessed at the time. Just checking if the Hylian Shield is really an option to have or if it's just being used in this cutscene. Thanks.


You can get the Hylian Shield from the Lightning Round boss battles later on in the game by defeating 8 bosses in a row. The shield itself is indestructible.
Feb 5, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I'm confused, when I played he was holding the Braced Shield as which was what I was carrying at the time. Are you sure he was holding the Hylian Shield? Cause even in the walkthrough video where he shows the cutscene as well, Link is holding the braced shield that he was using throughout the Lanayru region.
Jan 1, 2012
I don't know what you're talking about. Even in the trailer for the game that shows this scene, Link has one of the iron shields.

(It can be seen for a split second at about 1:29.)



My "bad" for the confusion. I saw the Hylian Shield while watching a YouTube posting of Lanayru Mining Facility (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzXlBgukaAw). I actually don't remember my own cutscene what shield I was holding (I currently have the top-level iron shield) even though I just did it recently (duh). Hence why I just wanted to watch the cutscene again and pulled one up on YouTube.

Is it possible that player got the Hylian Shield and then went back to the Mining Facility and played through and recorded that cutscene again?
Feb 21, 2012
^ I noticed that the video doesn't show the Hylian shield's "durability meter" so I thought cheat codes were used, and sure enough the uploader explained it all in the Description.
I saw the Hylian Shield while watching a YouTube posting of Lanayru Mining Facility (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzXlBgukaAw).

If you read the description of the video, the user who submitted the video wrote:
These videos are taking advantage of codes from the WiiRD Code Database to allow the following:
- Remove black borders during cutscenes and Z-Targetting
- Remove the Rupee display.
- Remove the Shield and Stamina Gauges.
- Disable the low-health warning tone.
- Disable Fi reminders about low batteries, low shield gauge, low health and dowsing prompts
- Have the Hylian Shield from the beginning (this is the only real cheat and the reason is simple. Link just looks so much better with that iconic shield.
Therefor, cheats/codes were used.

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