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Link = Doom Guy?

Oct 31, 2018
Hyrule Castle
Obviously I am obsessed with LoZ, but I also really love the Doom games. Weeks ago I watched a video theorizing that Link and Doom guy are the same, as if to say the Doom games are Zelda games but very gory and in the future. I'm not saying I believe this theory, but I thought it'd be fun to post to see what you guys think.

Here are observations to support this theory:
- Link and Doom guy both wear green and have blonde hair
- The logo in Doom is a triangle with a circle, looks like the triforce
- Link and Doom Guy's purpose is similar, when evil arises, they're the people's last hope
- In the beginning of Doom 2016, Doom guy wakes up in a stone container, Link does the same in BoTW
- They're both left handed
- They're both silent characters, only expressing in grunts
- Some of the enemies are similar (flaming skulls, hinoxes in botw, redeads, etc.)
- Nintendo named Link after a literal link between periods of time, they intended to make games sci-fi and futuristic from the start, but obviously it hasn't happened yet (BoTW has futuristic components, but I'm talking Mass Effect sci-fi)

In the video, the commentator stated that maybe something happened to Ganon and Zelda, and that they were absent in Doom.

Here's the video:

I want to believe this theory just because I love Doom and it'd be so cool if Link was Doom Guy, but I dunno. What do you all think?

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
Never played Doom, so I can't really confirm whether it's true or false. But the only thing I can think of that would make this false is that the two games are made by different companies, and rarely do I hear of two companies making stories within the same continuity. Personally, I always believed that Link is actually Luke Skywalker. Again, licensing issues will not let these kinds of theories be confirmed or denied.
Jan 16, 2019
I’ve always liked to think he is related to the Belmont Clan in Castlevania. He does look similar to Leon Belmont, after all. But it’s like Hero of Pizza Time said, liscensing is a thing.

Jotaro Joestar

Jotaro Kujo
Jan 24, 2019
United States
This theory is not true. Doom was created by id Software and Bethesda. The LoZ games were created by different people. Their is no way that link being the Doom Marine could be possible.
Feb 6, 2019
This theory is not true. Doom was created by id Software and Bethesda. The LoZ games were created by different people. Their is no way that link being the Doom Marine could be possible.

I think it's pretty clear that he's not officially the Doom Marine, but it can be fun to see where coincidences build up...
Jul 1, 2018
I am more likely to postulate the theory that Link shares attribute with the Norse god Thor. The main attribute being that both possess a weapon that is unique to them and through which only they can wield that can vanquish any enemy. I am referring to Master Sword and Mjolnir. Other than that, I've got nothing else, except to say that both are fictional and both have blond hair or brown hair depending on the incarnation.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I am more likely to postulate the theory that Link shares attribute with the Norse god Thor. The main attribute being that both possess a weapon that is unique to them and through which only they can wield that can vanquish any enemy. I am referring to Master Sword and Mjolnir. Other than that, I've got nothing else, except to say that both are fictional and both have blond hair or brown hair depending on the incarnation.

I mean I get your point though, only Link has the skill to really use it. Although it isn't like Thor's hammer in the sense that nobody else can lift it.
Jul 1, 2018

I consider that PIS. In Ocarina of Time, only Link could wield Master Sword. I still think it adds to the canon, rather than subtracts if Link is the only person who can hold and properly use Master Sword. An attribute of this would be of course, that Link has the Triforce of Courage, and is thus also imbued with the qualities that the Blade of Evil's Bane considers to be worthy traits for a hero.
Jan 16, 2019
I think that Link is actually that elf from Rudolf, Hermy after seeing the LA trailer. Maybe it takes place before he wanted to become a dentist XD

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