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Link, by You.


Sage of Tales
I'm pretty sure I've made a topic like this once upon a time...

I will contend that (at least in the latter games) that Link *does* have a personality - it just happens to be that of "Archetypical Hero." A given game will tell us a little about him (he's a bit of a lonely outcast in OoT, for instance, a well-loved villager in TP, a student and a sleepyhead in SS...) but a lot about him is intentionally "fill-in-the-blank."

As a fan fiction writer, I have got TONS of "head-canon" for the various Links. Sometimes they even contrast a bit.

I recently wrote a multipchaptered story that had OoT/MM adult Link transported to the Wind Waker era. The Hero of Time and the Hero of Winds, though similiar in being brave heroes, contrasted a bit in more varient personality traits. Wind Waker Link in that story was an energetic, goofy kid, sometimes rude (though he had hidden depths to his soul). In contrast, the Hero of Time was serious, obessed with honor and very polite to everyone. Neither of them liked being bowed to, though.

My TP Link tends to be a bit gritty, a bit serious, and with a strong connection to nature/animals. He also, strangely enough, tends to find peace when he dies in my stories, where as my OoT Link never dies easily, tends to becme a lingering spirit...

All kinds of little things like that. I play with lots of "Link personalities" in my stupid fandom writing.
Jan 1, 2012
I think of Link to be a little light hearted but serious when he needs to be. However, Twilight Princess Link can be kind,fun and friendly, but when danger presents himself he is nothing but epic and serious.
Dec 19, 2011
Vermont, USA
The canon personality that Link has, from what I've seen in the games (Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, especially) is that he wants to make the people around him happy, and that he treasures his friends and family.

Other than that, I assume that "my" Link is really just my reactions and experiences during playing. Which means that most of my "Links" are sweary, angry people who cuss out any monsters that hurt him, scream like a little girl when a scary boss comes out, and gets hot in the pants to the various attractive ladies in the game.

Also, my SS Link is dating Peatrice out of guilt. He likes Zelda but while trying to be nice with Peatrice, he realized he was leading her on and didn't have the stomach to make her like him and then break it off. So, awkward conversations with Zelda are in the future.
Seriously, I felt so bad that she ended up liking me, I was just trying to be nice. ;.;


Sage of Tales
Also, my SS Link is dating Peatrice out of guilt. He likes Zelda but while trying to be nice with Peatrice, he realized he was leading her on and didn't have the stomach to make her like him and then break it off. So, awkward conversations with Zelda are in the future.
Seriously, I felt so bad that she ended up liking me, I was just trying to be nice. ;.;

Hah hah hah. I'm almost at the end of the game and I thought I'd botched the Peatrice side-quest when she started talking to me excitedly again, so I strung along because it really might be nice to get all those gratitude crystals and 100% my file someday. In my mind, Link was being COMPLETELY SARCASTIC. "That's right, it must be love" was in a dull, snark-voice in my head, and Peatrice in her fluster misinterpreted it.

And all of that was "head-canon voices in the head as I'm playing."

I try to choose the snarkiest responses for SS Link during the dialogue-prompts, so I guess my SS Link is a deadpan snarker.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Link's personality, as said by most, is to be our imagination. That is (imo) very good. I love imaginative characters/ personalities and this is what the developers give us. It's great.
Link to me is the kind of brave and calm kind of person. Insecure in some ways, but this is good. He has courage to save the people he genuinely loves and never gives up.
So basically and sadly, a stereo-typical hero.


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
Link is clueless (that's why he doesn't have the triforce of wisdom)

I wouldn't say that he's clueless. Quite the opposite actually. I mean, he solves dozens of challenging puzzles on a daily basis. :)

He also, strangely enough, tends to find peace when he dies in my stories, where as my OoT Link never dies easily, tends to becme a lingering spirit...

You..you killed them!? *sad now* :(
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Superficies Rex
Sep 18, 2011
Well being me, I picture Link as strong, heroic, funny, and courageous. He does have the Triforce of Courage to his name. Although this is my dream man... lmbo


Sage of Tales
You..you killed them!? *sad now* :(

I am a sadistic fiction writer. Yep. More than once. I love Link, but like all characters I love, I love to make him suffer and use him as a vehicle for dark themes. (I'm actually worse to some of my original writing characters, though).

If you ever look up my stories, click links to my work, I'll caution you not to read a story called "Wolfhide" - I think it's one of my best horror pieces, but... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

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