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Least favorite parts of your favorite games


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
We all enjoy praising and gushing over how much we love certain games, but is there anything within those games that you really dislike any time you feel like playing through it? Of course if it's your favorite then the positives heavily outweigh it, but think to any particular point in that game that you know you won't look forward to doing again. Or heck, is there even a certain mechanic in the game that despite being able to overlook it, you know it could have been done better? I'll use my two of my favorite games of all time for this example: GTA Vice City and Metal Gear Solid 3.

I'll admit in Vice City, there's a few mission that can get pretty annoying to play through. But by far the mission I dislike the most is Messing with the Man. I hate this mission, I genuinely hate it. This is the 2nd Mitch Baker mission where the only thing you have to do is cause as much mayhem as possible to fill up a gauge bar...within 2 minutes. You have to do A LOT of killing and car exploding to get that meter to fill up, which means the spawn rate of the people and cars is one of the biggest things working against you. Sometimes you may get lucky and there'll be plenty of people or cars to bring down, other times you might just find yourself running around hoping to run into literally anything! And obviously the more mayhem you cause, the more stars you earn so the more cops and agents w/ better weapons start to come after you, so having full health and armor is flat out required. And of course if you fail, all the stars remain there so your best bet would be to reload your save since you undoubtedly would have taken damage from your last attempt. But by far what ruins this mission is the time limit. If you're literally given just an extra 30 seconds AT LEAST, there'd be enough time to fill out that gauge all the way. I can't tell you the amount of times I've failed that mission simply b/c I did not have enough freaking time! Why does that time limit even have to be there? WHY!? In fact the last time I played through Vice City, I kid you not, I took me over an hour of attempts to beat the mission. You wanna know how I beat it? Cheat codes. I used the cheat code to spawn the rhino [tank] so I can destroy everything on contact so that meter can fill up in a timely manner. There was actually moment where I actually beat it w/o cheating, but I died b/c the stupid FBI was on me and they carry sub-machine guns, so I went down pretty quick when I tried to run to a save point. And to top it off, this may sound weird, but I generally don't like causing senseless chaos in GTA. Sure I may start light and get carried away over time, but flat out mowing people and blowing up everything in sight right off the bat? Not my style, but that's exactly what this mission requires. This mission honestly embodies that stereotype parents and politicians have w/ GTA, a game where you mindlessly kill everyone and everything without rhyme or reason. That's honestly not how I personally played GTA as a kid but this mission is the only one in Vice City that demands you cause as much senseless chaos as possible. And it deadass would not be that big of a deal if it wasn't for that FREAKING TIME LIMIT! I still do genuinely love Vice City, that'll never change, but geez what an awful, awful mission.

....oh yeah and as for MGS3. I don't like the torture scene, and that's mainly it. Snake in this game is my favorite video game character and it actually does hurt to see this happen when I play the game. But aside that sequence [ which I'm at least able to skip those cutscenes mind you], I love everything else abut MGS3.

yeah I didn't mean this to become a Vice City rant, but there lies the point. Is there anything in your favorite games that you're not a big fan of or even can't stand like this?
Any dungeon in all my favourite Zeldas.

I'm not a fan of a few of the Colossi in SOTC

The Chozo Ghosts and the blackout in the Phendrana facility aren't much fun.

Playing as Jude during Milla's campaign in Tales of Xillia because she got her legs broke.

The stealth section with the Ustanak in Resi 6 during Sherry and Jake's campaign sucks too.
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Biggest Zelda fan this side of the South Pole
Oct 8, 2016
Stuttgart, Germany
- Podracing in the original Lego Star Wars was a nightmare

- Playing through "The Library" in Halo 1 for the first time

- TIME LIMITS (in any game)

- The Mystic Mansion level in Sonic Heroes

- Having to work your way through the boring beginning missions in Far Cry 3 before getting to the good stuff

There's definitely others, but I can't remember off the top of my head


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Resident Evil 6 is one of my favourite games ever, but I frankly despise the beginning of Leon's campaign. It's an unskippable forced walking section with nothing going on except some tension building. I appreciate the effort to create a genuine atmosphere, and it is rather effective the first time you play, but it makes subsequent playthroughs a chore, at least for those first ten minutes or so. I generally hate forced walking sections in any game, but this one feels particularly drawn out with nothing to break it up. Once you get to the car park, though, the game stops this and it becomes one of the best games of all time.

I don't like the jetpack levels in Crash Bandicoot 2. There, I said it. The jetpack was a huge part of the game's marketing and Crash is even using it in the game's start up animations, but those two levels are so slow and boring that I hate playing them. The controls on the jetpack are fiddly as well, and it's very easy to get caught on the scenery. These levels simply aren't fun and they make the final warp room the weakest in the game for me.

While I'm on the subject of Crash, I don't like the motorbike levels in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. There, I said that as well. Again, the motorbike levels were a big part of the game's marketing and Crash is on his bike on the game's cover, but the handling on the bike is so awful that these levels are frustrating rather than fun. Press left or right and basically nothing happens. Hold left or right and you'll turn, but the sharpness of your turn increases really suddenly, so you're either not turning enough or turning too much. Add the hairpin turns and wealth of obstacles and these levels become a slog and not a fun variety piece.

Not exactly in the same vein, but I really don't like that Chloe Grace Moretz is the voice of Emily Kaldwin in Dishonored. I don't think she's a good actress, in anything. She always seems so bored and lifeless, like she'd rather be doing anything else and everyone around her is beneath her. She's really bad, and it even comes through in her voice performance. An actually talented actress could have portrayed Emily really well, with her being playful and full of beans in the game's opening, and then selling her grief at her mother's death, as well as her development, based on the player's actions, into either a fair young lady with a strong sense of justice, or a tryrannical despot with a penchant for violent execution. Moretz can't do any of that, and Emily just sounds tired through the whole game.

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
In Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, there was this one level called the nest of evil. It was a bonus area, but it was still torture. There are several floors filled with the game's toughest enemies (for example, you had to fight 2 giant Frankensteins as a regular fight despite just 1 of them being a previous boss) and you can only save at the end of each floor (via warping to a place near a savepoint). What makes this even worse is that one of the enemies drops an item that you need to complete a certain side quest, so if the item doesn't drop (anyd it usually doesn't) you have to turn off the system, restart the floor, pray the item drops (because if it doesn't you have to turn off the game again), and if the item drops you have to pray that this will be your successful run.

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
In Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, there was this one level called the nest of evil. It was a bonus area, but it was still torture. There are several floors filled with the game's toughest enemies (for example, you had to fight 2 giant Frankensteins as a regular fight despite just 1 of them being a previous boss) and you can only save at the end of each floor (via warping to a place near a savepoint). What makes this even worse is that one of the enemies drops an item that you need to complete a certain side quest, so if the item doesn't drop (anyd it usually doesn't) you have to turn off the system, restart the floor, pray the item drops (because if it doesn't you have to turn off the game again), and if the item drops you have to pray that this will be your successful run.

Also in that game, if you want the good ending, there is one fight where you have to protect Charlotte's butt while she slowly charges up her purification spell. The thing is that the enemies use attacks that have a pretty far range and they do quite a bit of damage, and Charlotte getting hit once will cancel her spell. Yet killing the two enemies will trigger the bad ending. I really liked that game and it could have been my favorite Castlevania game, but annoying moments like that stop it from being a 10/10.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
The beginning of SS and the beginning of TP

the first 3 dungeons in OoT

The Korok and Medli temples in WW

Palace of Twilight, FOrest temple from TP

Loading screens in Skyrim and in Smash
Feb 7, 2014
Metropolis Zone in Sonic 2
The Great Maze in Smash Bros. Brawl
The Wolf Link/Injured Midna segment in Twilight Princess
Rock Tunnel in Pokemon Gen 1
The ladder in Metal Gear Solid 3
The Scouting the Port mission in Grand Theft Auto V
The Pirate World in Glover

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