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Least Favorite Boss/temple?


Party Pooper
Dec 28, 2011
Not sure if there's already a thread like this one. If so, sorry about that!
Anyway, I was wondering what your least favorite boss/temple is in SS.

Mine would have to be the Lanayru Mining Facility. I really hated the robots and the whole vibe of the temple. I also found it incredibly boring! Hopefully I'm not the only one.
As for the bosses, I'd have to go with the Impisioned, the first two phases of Ghirahim, and Moldarach. :I


Jun 22, 2011
United States
My least favorite boss is definitely the Imprisoned. Every other boss was fun for me. If you have to repeat a boss it should be: 1. Fun the first time around and 2. Fairly different each time. From my perspective the Imprisoned failed both tests and Ghirahim passed them.

As for dungeons I genuinely loved the Sandship, Sky Keep, and the Skyview Temple. I had mixed feelings about the rest but in general I liked them. Honestly I think my answer would fluctuate day to day on which one I liked least of the Earth Temple, Lanayru Mining Facility, Ancient Cistern, and Fire Sanctuary. On my first playthrough I felt like each dungeon was better than the last up until Fire Sanctuary so that was a let down and my least favorite.

On my second playthrough it was the Lanayru Mining Facility and the Ancient Cistern because I realized that each playthrough of them has you do the minimum required things in the exact same order every time (actually this might be true for Fire Sanctuary as well). I mean that relatively they were more linear than the rest of the dungeons. Sky Keep obviously is extremely nonlinear, but most of the rest have at least one instance of being able to do things that must be done to finish the dungeon in different orders.

On my third playthrough my least favorite dungeon was the Earth Temple because I realized just how short it is. I actually am not done with this playthrough yet, but I'm doing a speedrun and finished the dungeon in 19 minutes (and I don't think I did very well either). In contrast Lanayru Mining Facility took me 37.5 minutes or almost exactly double the amount of time.


Saranghaeyo Kevin Woo!
Jan 21, 2012
Seoul, South Korea
My least favorite boss is definitely the Imprisoned. Every other boss was fun for me. If you have to repeat a boss it should be: 1. Fun the first time around and 2. Fairly different each time. From my perspective the Imprisoned failed both tests and Ghirahim passed them.
Ur right on that ^^ !

My lease favorite dungeon from how far i've gotten has got to be the Earth Temple. The boss was a pain too >.< Highly dangerous with all that lava too. I'm not good with a wiimote most of the time when it comes to stuff like aim! D: Oh well XD. but yeah. Earth Temple. My favorite places in the game which u might see this coming its set on my favorite character in the game ^^ are - Skyview Temple - Fire Sanctuary - Sealed Grounds


Party Pooper
Dec 28, 2011
Ah. Thanks for the input!
I see where you're coming from with the dislike towards the Fire Sanctuary. It was quite dull, as I barely remember it.
I also share your love for the Sandship, as the boss was really fun to fight, and even funnier to look at. He looked as if he belonged in a Monsters Inc. movie. He also looked somewhat Jamaican. o_O

Demon Lord Link

The worst boss for me is Moldarach since its too easy to fight. . . I think that this boss made it easy because of the difficulty of Lanauru Mining Facility!!!The worst temple is Fire Sanctuary except Ghirahim where i enjoyed the e[ic battle....What do you thing guys??As the last temple of the game Fire Sanctuary is a little boring....1)Sandship 2)Ancient Cistern 3)Skykeep 4)Skyview Temple 5)Mining Facility 6)Earth Temple 7)Fire Sanctuary the order!!!!!
Jan 20, 2012
My least favorite dungeon is 100%, completely, and absolutely the Lanayru Mining Facility. I found this dungeon boring, dull, and lifeless, for lack of a better word. I wasn't too fond with all the timeshift stones either. My least favorite boss is Levias/Bilocyte. Bilocyte was much too easy and incredibly boring, and i could never get the eyeballs on Levias' head! Those are the only two dungeons / bosses i don't like.


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
My least favorite boss is the Imprisoned, just like most people on here... The first fight was nice; the other two were just plain torture. I go through the Lightning Round for fun (which means that I have to fight him over and over -_-;) and sometimes I'd be slicing off his toes like nobody's business... Other times, he keeps on squishing me like a little bug trying to bother him. >_<

My least favorite dungeon was the Skyview Temple. I loved all of the dungeons, but since this was the first one, it wasn't very interesting compared to the other six.


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I will agree with almost everyone here that my least favourite boss is The Imprisoned. Each fight feels the same, unlike the Ghirahim fights, which feel different each time and remain fresh and fun. Plus, The Imprisoned is nerve-racking because you have a time limit. Honestly, fighting The Imprisoned feels much more like work than fun; I should be paid to fight him!
My least favourite dungeon is the Skyview Temple, mainly because I think it is on the bland side. That, and you have to visit it again, which feels very artificial.
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Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
Best Dungeon: Has to be the Sand Ship. It was so diffrent from any dungeon from not only Skyward Sword but all of Zelda. I always loved dungeons like Forsaken Fortress simply for being unique. But it's not only the uniqueness that makes this dungeon. The design of the dungeon made it feel very real, when the ship was in ruins it really looked like it had been sitting for thousands of years. And then when you go back it made it look like a futuristic cruise ship. Also the puzzles were very challenging but were still fun, the ship was not too big so back tracking didn't bother me, and also the mini boss was great. The best part has to be for me going from the bottom of the ship while it is sinking and running to the top. It was just so epic. My only dissapointment was the boss. Sadly the boss was too easy and obvious that it might be my least favirote boss in all of Skyward Sword.

Worst Dungeon: The Ancient Cistern had a lot going for it but it fell very short for me. I loved the under ground and I loved the spider thread and other stories. But sadly the dungeon was easy, long, and had no real fun factor. The whole dungeon was based around the whip, and since the whip had a simple use of hitting levers that's pretty much all you do for the majority of the dungeon. And even though the under ground was creepy the puzzles were kind of pathetic and the underground contained mostly jumping on lily pads, swinging and pulling more levers. The Miniboss was a lot of fun and so was the boss. I would have preferred if the boss was harder but it's only a minor complaint since this boss was so much fun. The boss was the highlight of the dungeon for me, the design was amazing but gameplay wise it failed. Sorry Ancient Cistern but you are the worst dungeon.

Best Boss: The best has to be Demise. Even though many disliked this boss I loved it. I myself found it hard and it took a while for me to beat him. The background was great and the whole gameplay of the boss was great. Since we had to use Skyward Strike so many times in the game it seemed only fitting that you would use it against him.

Worst Boss: I have always been going bettween Tentalus and The Imprisoned. I had to pick Tentalus. The Imprisoned was very reptitive and slashing his toes felt silly the idea of having to get him before he reaches the temple. And even though he looked very weird the idea was good, maybe if you didn't have to fight him so many times people would like him better. But Tentalus was quick easy, and just plain boring. The tentacles through the the ship was ok but took too long too do. Then just aim shot and slash, BORING! Maybe if the Sandship was not as good of a dungeon maybe I wouldn't be as disappointing but I have to say he's the worst.

Hylian Sheild

I liked the puzzles in Lanaryu Mining Facility, but I couldn't stand the music. I went insane. It ruined it for me. Boss would be Imprisoned first and second times. Third time was fun. It's more fun with the air vent in the middle and skydive on his head though.


Major SS and Oot fan!
Nov 28, 2011
New York
I really hated lanayru mining facility. The music, quicksand, and timeshift zones really killed me. It just seemed like whenever I thought it would be over, there were just so many more problems

Arizona Link

i kinda HATE the clocktos guy! hes pisses me off to no end. the imprisoned was just too easy.

but really the only folks i hate a problem with was the clocktos guy and demise.

...that is until, quite by accident i realized i can throw lightning at him, which made me kill him without losing a heart, but did lose my shield.

Luke's Wife

peaked in 2015
Aug 15, 2011
the abyss
wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
I hate Lanayru Mining Facility. Hate, hate, HATE. It was incredibly dull, except when you used the timeshift stones (which I liked the concept of, but meh.) I generally don't like sand themed dungeons all that much to begin with, but this one was just...ugh. really boring. and the music drove me MENTAL. I could not stand that music.after about 10 minutes I had to mute my TV. It just wasn't fun. At all. plus, the boss was...lame.

robots are cool though.


Master Swordsman
Jan 9, 2012
My least favorite boss is The Imprisoned. It was pretty fun fighting him the first time and the second time was a bit annoying. The third time was really annoying because it hadn't been long since the last time you beat him. One thing I did enjoy about the second and third times was the Groosenator. When it would climb I'd hit it with a bomb then jump on its head to hit the sealing spike.

I can't really say I have a least favorite dungeon.

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