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Spoiler Kingdom Hearts Plot in Skyward Sword



While Skyward Sword looks amazing, I can't help but feel like I'd be replaying the first Kingdom Hearts with different characters.

Here is why...

Kingdom heart's main character Sora (Link) lives on destiny island (skyloft) and is a longtime friend to a girl named Kairi (Zelda). He and another kid on the island (Groose) compete for Kairi's (Zelda's) affection. One day Kairi(Zelda) goes missing following the events of a natural disaster (tornado). Sora (Link) sets out on an epic adventure to find her. After each world (dungeon) he realizes he is only steps behind her.

Now I understand the two games are very different, and both are worth playing. But the similarities in terms of the opening plot points are fundamentally the same.

Your thoughts...


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I've been suggesting that Skyward Sword was basically Nintendo's match to the KH series. From the upgrade system down to the very story of SS, I've seen it so many times it isn't even funny. I doubt Nintendo is purposefully trying to copy Kingdom Hearts, but certainly inspiration has been drawn from KH1 and many RPGs alike. That isn't hard to see whatsoever.

The gameplay of the two games are very different, so that is something to look forward to in case you are angered that SS is "copying" other games' stories.
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One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
Take into consideration, though, the danger Ghirahim is imposing, Link also trying to save the land below (Hyrule) from the demons, and the forging of the master sword. The beginning maybe the same, but Nintendo is pretty good in making a story grow into something a lot larger than the original plot.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Take into consideration, though, the danger Ghirahim is imposing, Link also trying to save the land below (Hyrule) from the demons, and the forging of the master sword. The beginning maybe the same, but Nintendo is pretty good in making a story grow into something a lot larger than the original plot.

That also ties into KH1's story:

Sora gets whisked off to Traverse Town (some events in SS), where he learns from Leon, Donald, Goofy and other significant figures in that world (all in essence: Phi) that the worlds are being threatened by darkness (Ghirahim + dark forces are ruling Hyrule/world below). Eventually, Sora decides to go off to other worlds and save them from the threat of darkness, all the while trying to find Kairi and, inadvertently, Riku (Link saves the world below while trying to rescue Zelda).

Now, I admit that I may be taking things a bit too far. However, I can see the similarities very clearly and it disturbs me ever so slightly. The driving force in each respective game may be marginally different, but the same aspect is there. It's almost as if Nintendo did a copypasta of the KH1 plot, and did a little bit of redecorating. Almost.
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Thanks for the replies.

I'll only start to really worry when a trailer shows Link upgrading his sword to a key blade. I think the best and biggest difference is that while the Kingdom Hearts series is very plot driven, Zelda is created around gameplay which is what I am looking forward to most in this installment anyway.

However that might be because I'm feeling somewhat "been there done that" with the plot as outlined thus far...
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One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
You really don't know the entire story yet, though. Nintendo does a lot of surprising, sometimes predictable twists :) Link's Awakening, anyone?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't know the entire story, though the ending is predictable. Are they really going to show the death of Link in Skyward Sword? I highly doubt it. There's only one other outcome: Link is triumphant. Any number of things could happen to Zelda, though there is a really predictable one that I can think of.

LA wasn't predictable at all, I was left dumbfounded at the ending! :lol:
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Despite the similarities, Skyward Sword will be a game in its own setting, with its own story. Nintendo draws inspiration from other games, the same way other games have imitated in homage the formula of the Legend of Zelda. Think Okami and Twilight Princess for one instance. Both game had some aspects which could be familiarized with each other, but were diverse in themselves. So Kingdom Hearts is purely a good source to pull ideas from, the exact same way Zelda is.


You really don't know the entire story yet, though. Nintendo does a lot of surprising, sometimes predictable twists :) Link's Awakening, anyone?

That is a very good point. I am very excited to see what is brought to the table. What has been shown so far just gets you interested, but there are probably going to be some very fun twists that will make this a memorable experience in its own right

I also think it is a good point that many many games have pulled from Zelda.
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One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
Also, I think Twilight Princess pulled ideas from the Twilight saga. Don't think I like Twilight, though. I like TP, I hate the book/movie


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
Just because it's name is similar means nothing really... Twilight was released in October 2005 and the E3 2005 trailer for Twilight Princess already had Link's wolf form... I can't think of anything else that would make them alike :P
Well, how about the mechanic about the warewolf?

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