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Breath of the Wild Is Zelda U different enough (aesthetically)?

While we haven't seen the challenged conventions of the series showcased in Zelda U yet, I wonder if altered gameplay a few new extra features are really going to be enough to challenge the conventions fully...

So, rather than talk about gameplay features we've yet to see, I want to talk about the aesthetics.

Zelda U has already changed a little of what we know and love about previous installments of the series aesthetically such as Link's clothing and Epona's black mane... which are instantly striking to seasoned Zelda fans...

But i recall Aonuma responding to seeing the Master Cycle in Mario Kart 8 by saying he'd love to see it in a future Zelda game... This got me thinking, as well as changing up the gameplay mechanics, should Zelda U have made more of a push against its aesthetic style? The Wind Waker looked wildly different to what had come before it, but since then no Zelda game has had the shock (for lack of a better term) value upon its reveal...

So should Zelda U have looked different? Should it have more of a striking artstyle or have been set in a different era of time (some time frame where the Master Cycle wouldn't be out of place)?

Is game
Jul 25, 2012
I think it would be pretty jarring to see something like the Master Cycle in a true Zelda game, but I've always thought it would be interesting to see what Hyrule might look like in a more modern era. If Nintendo were to ever make that type of transition, even for one game, maybe they could do it in a way similar to the evolution from what we saw in Avatar: The Last Airbender to The Legend of Korra - which I thought seemed like a graceful, natural change that was still familiar but surprising in pleasant ways. On the other hand, and this would be doubtful, but what if we saw technology like the Master Cycle further in the past? The events of Skyward Sword suggest that the land that would become Hyrule was very technologically advanced at one point.

Anyway, to answer your question, I think what we've seen of Zelda Wii U looks gorgeous. I think Nintendo can continue to innovate in some cool ways that challenge the conventions without going for a completely new aesthetic, and I hope that they've figured out how to best to do that. I definitely like the idea of seeing Nintendo explore some of the ideas you described though, whether in this game or a future release.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Sometimes I wonder if the game is too different. Link looks so different, Hyrule is kinda different, Epona is different, Link is officially right-handed without the use of motion control swordplay. Everything in the game seems alternate universe or reboot like but with elements from previous games mixed in. It makes worry if this is a reboot.

Not to say that a reboot is bad or anything, I'm just afraid that if this is a reboot, it won't be like the past games in the original series and may not stay true to the same lore. Everything is just so different.

It's literally impossible to place Zelda U in the timeline that we know of cause whenever we try, this always evidence proving otherwise or that it could actually be in a different place in the timeline. I and other people went through like at least three, four, five, or more possible placements.

First, I thought it would be a Minish Cap prequel because of Link being hatless, however he doesn't resemble the Hero of Men at all, not to mention the Hero of Men wore green not blue, and he didn't have a ponytail. Then I tried the SS sequel theory because of Link's wooden shield being like the ones from SS and the Sailcloth (also from SS), that didn't work cause of the watchtowers like the ones that appeared in WW, which were not in OoT, so they can't exist before that, thus crushing that theory. Some have speculated that the game would take in the defeated timeline because of Link's hair, overworld design being like in the original TLoZ game, and the sunset scene in the Game Awards footage making people think of the artwork from TLoZ, however, that theory doesn't work because of Link's clothing being different with a short sleeved tunic (not sleeveless), the WW like watchtowers, the SS like wooden shield and sailcloth, and of course, the Great Bridge of Hylia from TP. Because of the Great Bridge of Hylia being present, people have speculated that the game could be a prequel to TP due to the bridge's condition, not to mention, there are also goats in the new game, which also appeared in TP. Some have also speculated that the game would take place before SS because of the ancient technology and Link looking different, which, this obviously doesn't work because the name Zelda didn't exist at all yet before SS. After looking back at the giant monster in the first teaser, I noticed how much it reminds me of the Big Octos from WW and with Link's attire being similar to the Hero's New Clothes found in WW, I thought and speculated that the game could set after WW somehow, either in New Hyrule or Old Hyrule Reborn, however, with the other things from other games from other timelines, that theory was also debunked.

With all these theories being easily debunked, it's safe to say that the game will likely set in some new timeline somehow. Which btw, brings up the big worry that this game could be a reboot. Again, I worry about that because I'm afraid that if it is a reboot, it may not be a good one.


Feb 16, 2015
I like the new art style, it feels like this is a good medium between WW and TP graphics. It seems like what they tried with SS, which just ended up being a step in the right direction.
As for different time periods, I'm not too sure, it'd have to be done very well because I really didn't enjoy the trains thing but the Lanayru Mines were pretty good. I didn't like the advanced technology aspect much, but I loved the time shift stones, they were brilliant.

Azure Sage

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Honestly I think the art style is perfect the way it is. It's extremely gorgeous and makes the world pop out. As for a change in aesthetics, I definitely want to see more redesigned characters like Link. Link's new look is so cool and is his coolest design by far. I'm hoping for a similar treatment with Zelda. I wouldn't mind a redesigned Master Sword, either. So far, they've been doing pretty well in challenging conventional aesthetics. I'm very pleased with what's been shown.
Jul 10, 2012
While I still think Skyward Sword is the ugliest Zelda yet, I DO like the artstyle of this game. I just hope the story is getting a bit more serious and surprising than the story of SS.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Making the style too different would upset half the fanbase again. And with Zelda U releasing on the console it is, they really cant afford to lose out on half the fans support.
I like what they have done with the graphics so far it is not really a deviation to what we have seen before. It is very anime like Zelda usually is. There is nothing to really complain about aesthetics wise apart from link looking like a girl.


Emancipated Wind Fish
May 11, 2014
United States

actually it looks a lot like what the original zelda was designed to be an abstraction of


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
While I still think Skyward Sword is the ugliest Zelda yet, I DO like the artstyle of this game. I just hope the story is getting a bit more serious and surprising than the story of SS.

How is this ugly?


You want to know want a real ugly Zelda looks like?

Look at this!


Now that's what an ugly Zelda looks like!


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I wouldn't say it's ugly because it looks like SS, aesthetically it looks pretty good. I just would have preferred a bit more creativity and variation. Zelda is a very interesting series, IMO, when it comes to art. The fact that both WW and TP (artstyles) can exist in a series is crazy, because they are very, very different. Looking back at the series, a games art direction sort of becomes that Link's art. WW/PH use the same art because that's their Link (ST does the same, which kinda annoys me, but because the three games are so closely related I can let is slide). I feel as though Nintendo could have gone farther to create this unique artstyle for Zelda U, but that isn't really what happened.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I love the art style for Zelda U. I'm a big fan of the really detailed cel-shading look.

As far as having a more steampunk or modern take on the game setting, I wouldn't mind a bit of a change. I know a lot of people would, but it could be done right and be fun. There's actually nothing I've seen from the very few trailers we've gotten that I didn't like.

As a side note, I don't like the "timelines" ... I haven't read Hyrule Historia (although it's something I am going to pick up eventually, just because it's a Zelda collector's item), but I feel that the timelines were shoe-horned in just to have some sort of timeline. I've read some of them, some theories behind the timelines, and they don't make sense. Personally, even though they're official canon, I don't take them into consideration. Unless specifically and obviously connected, each Zelda is a stand-alone title as far as I'm concerned, each in its own universe, and they have no connection to other Zelda games.
Jul 10, 2012
How is this ugly?


You want to know want a real ugly Zelda looks like?

Look at this!


Now that's what an ugly Zelda looks like!

Yah, well, I don't consider the Cd-i Zelda's as canon. As for Skyward Sword, I just don't like the artstyle. The picture you posted isn't really ugly when you look at it objectively, but personally I still don't think it's a pretty picture either.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Yah, well, I don't consider the Cd-i Zelda's as canon. As for Skyward Sword, I just don't like the artstyle. The picture you posted isn't really ugly when you look at it objectively, but personally I still don't think it's a pretty picture either.

1) I know that the Cd-i Zelda games aren't canon! I was just showing an example of what a ugly Zelda game really looks like!

2) I really don't understand why you don't like it. It looks fine to me.

3) I don't get it. Now you're really confusing me here.

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