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Oracle Of Seasons/Ages Is There One Oracle Game I Need to Play First or Do I Start Either?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
as the title says does it matter which game i start first?

also I've notice a lot of things by the end of the first dungeon ive never seen before, is there something i need to be aware of or will i learn it as i go?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
It don't matter hwich one they're both interconnected wit hthe same story.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
This. They're both interconnected wit hthe same story, so it don't matter hwich.

In addition to that, I have to say that the Oracles are both lacking in story - they have some interesting NPCs but the games are mostly fanfiction material, not the greatest Zelda stories to ever live. The connections you get from linked game are really only for the purpose of fighting Ganon.

So...start with Ages if you can. ;)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I assume they came the out the same day

Yeah I'm pretty sure they're both releasing at the same time on 3DS, so with that said I just recommend you shoot for Ages because it's more unique than Seasons. I personally like Seasons more and find it easier, but others tend to find Ages better.
Aug 4, 2012
How the Seasons/Ages link works, if I remember correctly, is that after you beat one of the games you get a code for the other game. When you input this code it creates a new save file except you start with an extra health container and the wooden sword.

There are some other changes with this save file, and here are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:
  • Whichever game you play second, you get some additional story that ties up both games and extra final bosses
  • If you play Seasons second, you get some additional story regarding one of the Ages characters which I thought was quite nice; and supposedly if you beat Ages second there's an additional minigame based off Donkey Kong.
  • You can transfer all of your rings from your first game to your second game
  • Various characters in the second game will give you passwords to give to people in the first game, and they proceed to give you passwords you can tell Farore in the second game for benefits in both games, e.g. sword upgrades, another heart container, ring box upgrade, etc.

As you can see this means that whichever game you play second will probably end up being easier combat-wise and has a bunch of additional content. I did Ages -> Seasons and I think this is the better order, considering that base Ages has a decent amount of story compared to base Seasons and also you're more equipped to deal with the combat-based game. However, I do think Ages is the better game (my second favourite 2D Zelda) which would be a good reason to pick that second. Moreover, I've not actually done Seasons -> Ages yet so who knows.

Now, when you beat the second game, you get a code that you can input into the second game which creates a new save file so you can start the process in the opposite direction. Why you can't just start a new file is beyond me, but you do get a snazzy image for your file on the file select menu. I won't spoil what it is, though.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Play in either order, but finish the same game you're on before starting the next. So you can get a code to start the other game with some additions, and alternate final boss.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
i forgot i created this thread, but thanks for all the help guys, from what i learned i started with the combat heavy on (seasons) when i should have started with ages so i would be powered up already for this combat heavy one. but oh well, im enjoying the game and puzzle wise i find this a much more difficult LoZ game than ive played since Zelda went 3D so im really enjoying myself, and hope that the new ALttP keep the difficulty from the original.!


If I remember correctly, there's a section of the map of Ages that you can only access in a linked game. If you plan on completing both games 100% and exploring every screen, play Seasons first. The area in question is the inside of the southern sea in the present, and on a linked game, a barricade is replaced with a Zora who grants you access if you've completed the 7th dungeon. It's been a few years, so I'm not entirely sure. I just remember being angry that I had to play the entire game again to fill the map.

EDIT: Found it on the ZD Wiki. I don't think there's anything inside the area, but if you want to explore the whole map, you'll need to play Seasons first. Here's the article.
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